Thank you for taking interest in QChain!

This web page should answer most of your questions about this software. Click on the » symbols to see more, and on the « symbols to hide the explanation. You can also show or hide all explanations at once.

What is QChain?
QChain is a graphic modeling tool. It allows you to quickly (hence the Q in QChain) represent a production chain as a network of linked activities and products. »
What can QChain be used for?
QChain will help you assess and improve production processes on the three sustainability indicators People, Planet and Profit»
How to use QChain?
The first step in analyzing a multi-actor production chain is drawing it as a kind of flowchart. »
The second step is specifying for each activity the quantities of input products needed to produce certain quantities of output products. »
The third step is specifying for each product its People, Planet and/or Profit values per scale unit. »
At this point, QChain can already show the value added by activities. »
The fourth step is specifying for one or more products how much of that product should be produced. »
The final step is specifying the weights for the People, Planet and Profit values. »
Once you have specified all these parameters of the production chain, you can click on the Seek Targets button. »
QChain may of course also be used simply as a drawing tool. »
Who can use QChain?
QChain, especially its limited edition, is easy to use. Potential users include students, researchers, consultants, an other professionals with an inclination towards modeling. »
How to obtain QChain?
The QChain software is licensed, not sold. Individuals may obtain a personal license for the limited edition of QChain free of charge via this web site. »
Who is developing QChain?
QChain is being developed by Pieter Bots, a professor of policy analysis at Delft University of Technology»
When will new versions of QChain be made available?
New versions – even simple bug fixes – are likely to come out slowly and irregularly. »

Hopefully this information has given you a good impression of what QChain is about. You are encouraged to download and evaluate the QChain Limited edition. If your user experience gives rise to questions, you are welcome to submit them. To contact Pieter Bots by mail, just click .