Frequently Asked Question

We are here to answer all your needs

FAQ Section

Q] How do I create a supplier code for a new supplier?

A]Follow the following procedures :

1] You must first create a ledger code in Chart of Account [COA] Setup module (must be

unique for each supplier)

2] Create supplier profile in Creditor Setup module (assign the newly created ledger code)

3] Assign Supplier type (LOCAL for local supplier, and FOREIGN for oversea supplier)

Caution : You are not allowed to amend or delete supplier profile, if there is transaction

posted in this supplier code.Do not post journal entry from GL Module Journal Entry Screen

into this supplier account code.

Q] How do i issue a GRN when i receive stock from supplier?

A] You must create your inventory profile in the inventory setup module first, before you can

issue GRN.

Follow the following procedures :

1] Create your stock item profile in the inventory setup module

2] You must assign a costing mechanism, a shipping, payable, sales and cost of sales code

for each stock Item.

3] After creating your inventory profile, you can start issuing GRN from GRN module.

4] Select supplier code from the GRN module, next, select the required stock item to perform

GRN,by drag and drop the stock item from the 1st listbox into the 2nd listbox.

5] Specify quantity to receive and purchase price for each stock item (pricing is rounded to 2


6] Specify date (by default current date is specified) received, currency rate (if creditor is an

oversea supplier) and name of the user who will issue the GRN form.

7] Post GRN and system will assign a GRN number for each GRN issued.

8] Print preview stock movement report and stock balance report to view your GRN details.


Q] How do i issue a purchase order to my supplier?

A] Currently, DES accounting software do not contain purchase order module. You may issue

your purchase order manually or from a third-party application.

Q] How do i process a purchase invoice received from a supplier?

A] If the purchase invoice received is for stock item:

1] Go to purchase invoice module, select the supplier name

2] Drag and drop each stock item from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox (for items invoiced by your


3] Specify quantity to be invoiced and description for each stock item.

4] Specify date (by default current date is specified) and name of the user who will process

the invoice

5] Post purchase invoice and system will assign a posting number for each

processed invoice.

6] Print preview TB or Balance Sheet (from GL Module) to view the new balance posted in



A] If the purchase invoice received is for purchase of items, not for resale purpose:

1] Go to JE Screen, under AP module,select the supplier name

2] Drag and drop account code (to capture the purchase expenses) from the chart of account

listbox to the 2nd listbox.

3] Specify amount to debit or credit (negative) and description for each account code dragged

into the 2nd Listbox.

4] Specify date of processing the purchase invoice and name of the user who will process the

purchase invoice.

5] Specify currency rate (for overseas supplier) for each transactional posting

6] Post purchase invoice and system will assign a posting number for each processed


7] Print preview GL Listing (from GL Module) to view the double-entry posted in database.


Q] How do i process a purchase credit note issued by my supplier?

A] If the purchase credit note issued is for stock item that already been GRN and invoiced by


1] Go to purchase credit note module, select the supplier name

2] Drag and drop the invoiced stock item to be CN, from 1st listbox to the 2nd listbox

3] Specify quantity to credit note for each dragged stock items

4] Specify date of processing the purchase credit note, credit note number and name of the

user who will process the Purchase credit note.

5] Post purchase credit note and system will update the inventory and accounts payable


6] Print preview stock movement,stock balance, AP ageing report to validate your posted

credit note.


If the purchase credit note issued is for stock item that already been GRN but not invoiced yet:

1] Go to Stock Adjustment module, display the stock items by selecting the costing


2] Drag and drop stock items from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox, to reverse your GRN transaction

3] Specify quantity (negative) to return to supplier and original purchase price for each stock

item dragged into 2nd listbox.

4] Specify the account code to debit out from your payable account code (normally defined in

the inventory setup module).

5] Specify date of processing the stock adjustment and name of the user who will process the

stock adjustment.

6] Post stock adjustment and system will update the inventory balance and GL balance.

7] Print preview stock movement and stock balance report to validate your posted credit note.


If the purchase credit note issued is for purchase of expenses/item (not for resale purpose) :

1] Go to JE screen, under AP module, select supplier name

2] Drag and drop account code from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

3] Specify debit/credit amount and description for each account code

dragged into 2nd listbox

4] Specify date of processing the purchase credit note and name of the user who will process

the transaction

5] Post the transaction and system will update the accounts payable balance and GL balance.

6] Print preview AP ageing report and GL Listing to validate your posted credit note.


Q] How do I create a stock item profile for my inventory?

A] Go to Inventory Setup module :

1] Create category name for each stock item (e.g. Hardware/Software/Network)

2] Define costing mechanism (FIFO/AVEG), default posting code for shipping, payable, sales

and cost of sales account code.

3] Create product code, name and description for each stock item.

4] Assign the newly created category code, costing mechanism and default posting account

code to each stock item.

(Caution : Close and reopen inventory setup, if new category or account setting code is

newly created)


Q] How do I adjust my inventory balance, if there is variance between physical and system quantity?

A] Go to stock adjustment module, select the costing mechanism to display stock items balance

1] Drag and drop stock item subject to adjustment into 2nd listbox.

2] Adjust quantity (negative-to reduce) or unit cost for each stock item selected

[to adjust quantity only : specify 0 for unit cost]

[to adjust unit cost only : specify 0 for quantity]

[to adjust both quantity and unit cost : specify quantity and unit cost to

reduce or increase only]

Note : Example A, to reduce quantity by 2 and unit cost by 3 (specify -2 and -3)

Example B,to increase quantity by 2 and unit cost by 3 (specify 2 and 3)

3] Specify date and name of the user who will process the stock adjustment.

4] Post stock adjustment and system will update the inventory balance and GL balance.

5] Print preview stock movement,stock balance to validate your stock adjustment posting.


Q] How do I issue a delivery order to my customer?

A] You need to create a customer profile in the Customer Setup module, before you can begin

to issue delivery order to a customer

1] Go to delivery order module, select customer name

2] Drag and drop the stock items to be delivered from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

3] Specify quantity to deliver, selling price and description for each stock item dragged into the

2nd listbox (selling price rounded to 2 decimal places).

4] Specify date, customer's PO number and name of the user who will process the delivery


5) Post delivery order and system will update the inventory balance and GL balance.

6] Print preview stock movement and stock balance to validate your delivery order posting.


Q] How do I issue an invoice to my customer?

A] Go to sales invoice module, select the customer name :

1] Drag and drop the stock items to be invoiced from 1st listbox into the 2nd listbox

2] Specify quantity to be invoiced, selling price and description for each stock item dragged

into the 2nd Listbox.

3] Specify date,currency rate (for oversea customer) and name of user who will process the

sales invoice

4) Post sales invoice and system will assign a sales invoice number.

5] Print preview INVOICE, AR Ageing, SOA,Profit/(Loss) Report to validate your invoice



Q] How do I issue a credit note to my customer?

A] If credit note is for stock items that has been delivered and invoiced to customer:

1] Go to sales credit note module, select customer name

2] Drag and drop stock items subject to credit note, from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

3] Specify quantity to credit note, and description for each stock item

4] Specify date and name of the user who will process the sales Credit Note transaction

5] Post sales credit note and system will assign a sales credit note number

6] Print preview stock movement and stock balance to validate your credit note posting


If credit note is for stock items that has been delivered, but not invoiced yet to customer :

1] Go to Stock Adjustment module, display the stock items by selecting the costing


2] Drag and drop stock items from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

3] Specify quantity returned from customer and original selling price for each stock item

dragged into 2nd listbox

4] Specify the account code to credit out from your shipping account code (normally defined in

the inventory setup module)

5] Specify date and name of the user who will process the stock adjustment transaction

6] Post stock adjustment and system will update the inventory balance and

GL balance

7] Print preview stock movement and stock balance report to validate your stock adjustment


Q] How do I process collection from customer?

A] Follow the procedure below :

1] Go to Cash receipt module, select bank name

2] Select customer name of the payee

3] Drag and drop invoice line items from 1st listbox into 2nd listbox

4] Specify amount collectible from customer

5] Specify cheque number and date of processing the receipt and user name

6] Specify currency rate (for oversea customer)

7] Post receipt and system will update the accounts receivable and GL balance

8] Print Preview for Actual Cash Flow Statement, and Statement of Account to view your



Q] How do I process payment to supplier?

A] Follow the steps below :

1] Go to Cash Payment module, select bank name

2) Select Supplier name

3) Drag and drop invoice line items from 1st listbox into 2nd listbox

4) Specify amount payable to supplier

5) Specify cheque number, date of processing the payment and user name


6] Specify currency rate (for oversea supplier)

7] Post payment and system will update the accounts payable and GL balance

8] Print Preview for Actual Cash Flow Statement, and Statement of Account to view your



Q] How do I perform fund transfer between two banker?


A] Perform the following procedures :

For Transferor :

1] Go to Cash Adjustment module, select bank name for the transferer

2] Drag and drop a suspense account into 2nd listbox, to temporary place the transferring


3] Specify amount to transfer into the suspense account, and post the entry

4] Click new button to refresh the Cash Adjustment screen

For Transferee :

5] Select bank name for the transferee

6] Drag and drop the earlier suspense account into 2nd listbox

7] Specify amount to transfer out from the suspense account, and post the entry

8] Print Preview for GL Listing to view your cash adjustment posting


Q] How do I process bank charges?

A] Perform the following procedures :

1] Go to Cash Adjustment module, select bank name

2] Select bank charges account code from the chart of account listbox and drag into 2nd


3] Specify date, user name, description and amount to book into the bank charges

4] Print Preview for GL Listing and Profit/(Loss) Report to view your bank

charges posting


Q] How do I process interest received from bank deposit?

A] Perform the following procedures :

1] Go to Cash Adjustment module, select bank name

2] Select interest income account code from the chart of account listbox and

drag into 2nd listbox

3] Specify date, user name, description and amount to book into the

interest income account code

4] Print Preview for GL Listing and Profit/(Loss) Report to view your interest

income posting.


Q] How do I close my current year accounts?

A] Go to close account module to transfer your current year earnings to retained earnings :

1] Change the date to your last closing date

2] Drag the amount displayed in 1st listbox and drop the amount into the 2nd listbox

3] If the amount to transfer into retained earnings does not equal to the current year earnings,

as reflected in your Profit/(Loss) report, change the amount to the amount displayed in your

Profit/(Loss) report

4] Specify a description (E.g. : CLOSE YR2010) for the amount and select user name for this


5] Post the entry and the system will assign a journal number


6] Print Preview Trial Balance and Balance Sheet report to validate your current year closing



Q] How do I post journal entry into DES accounting software?

A] Before you can begin posting entry into DES accounting software, you must first :

1] Create the required account code in the Chart of Account [COA] setup module

2] Account code created in COA setup module can not be amended or deleted, if there is

transaction posted in the account code

3) Go to journal entry module, select account code from the 1st listbox and drag the selected

account code and drop into the 2nd listbox

4) Specify posting date, debit/credit (negative) amount and description for each line of account

code selected

5) Post your entry and system will assign a journal entry number

6] Print Preview GL Listing, Profit/(Loss) and Balance Sheet Report to view your journals


(Caution : Do not post to sub-ledger code in Journal Entry module. Sub-Ledger code are

account code already assigned to customer/supplier/cash or inventory code)


Q] How do I create a new set of database for my Company?

A] Log on to DES accounting software, start deleting the Sample raw data,by deleting the

account code created in the sample database under Chart of Account, Inventory, AR, AP

and Cash module

(Caution : New company : create chart of account based on current sample, for existing

company,follow your current system chart of account for consistency)


Q] Does DES accounting software support fixed asset management?

A] Currently, DES accounting software does not support fixed asset management.However,

this features may be developed as an additional feature in the future

Q] Does DES accounting software includes bill of material assembly module?


A] Currently, DES accounting software is created for trading and services

industry, and is not supporting manufacturing module

Q] Does DES accounting software include features for VAT, sales tax and service tax?

A] Yes, VAT Support is included under Version 1.2.


Q] I have posted a journal to an earlier year than the current year, but when I run a Trial

Balance in current year, the debit and credit balance is out?

A] For every posting of journal to a profit and loss account code, the net profit/(loss) amount would need to be transferred to the retained earnings (balance sheet item). If you post a journal that consist a mixture of debit or credit amount that goes into a profit and loss account

code, you will have to re-close the book, by transferring the net amount (debit/credit balance) to the retained earnings account code, in the year the journal is posted. Example, if you are in year 2010, and you have posted a 2009 transaction, you need to go to CLOSE A/C module to

transfer the net profit/(loss) amount to your retained earnings. Your transferring date should be in 2009.


Q] I have posted a sales journal that goes into a customer account code in the GL Module

Journal Entry screen, but when I run ageing report, I do not see the sales amount being

reflected in the ageing report?

A] All journal posting from GL Module Journal Entry screen is only allowed for those account

code not assigned as a sub-ledger code in the Cash/AR/AP/Inventory sub-module. If you

have created a customer code from your GL Setup screen, and have assigned this code as

a debtor code in your customer setup module, you must not post any journal directly into

this code from GL Module Journal Entry screen. All adjustment (debit/credit entry) must be

performed from AR Adjustment screen or AR JE screen. This ruling applies to Cash/AP and

Inventory module.


Q] I have a freight and cargo insurance charges, Can I include these cost in my customer



A] In order to bill customer for service charges (example: insurance,freight, tax), go to AR JE

Screen and perform a journal entry for the above charges. These service charges will be

reflected in your ageing report and statement of account, appearing as an adjustment type

journal (ADJ). However, you may need to raise a separate invoice/debit note manually for

these charges.There are plans, in the future, to include services charges as a line item or to

capture as sub-total in the Sales invoice screen.


Q] I have received an advance payment from a customer, how do I record this receipt?

A] If no billing is raised to customer yet,we suggest such advance payment,to be recorded as

a prepayment in your company book. The following is the suggested journal entry

procedures :

Inventory Related Advance Payment :

Step 1 : Cash Adjustment Screen :

Dr Bank (BS) XX

Cr Customer Advance-Prepayment (BS) XX

(Recording of customer advance payment as liability)

Step 2 : Sales Invoice Screen :

Dr Customer (BS) XX

Cr Revenue (PL) XX

(Recording of invoice raised to customer)

Step 3 : AR Adjustment Screen :

Dr Customer Advance-Prepayment (BS) XX

Cr Customer (BS) XX

(Recording of set-off prepayment against invoiced amount)


Service Related Advance Payment :

Step 1 : Cash Adjustment Screen :

Dr Bank (BS) XX

Cr Customer Advance-Prepayment (BS) XX

(Recording of customer advance payment as liability)

Step 2 : AR Journal Entry Screen :

Dr Customer (BS) XX

Cr Revenue (PL) XX

(Recording of invoice raised to customer)

Step 3 : AR Journal Entry Screen :

Dr Customer Advance-Prepayment (BS) XX

Cr Customer (BS) XX

(Recording of set-off prepayment against invoiced amount)


Q] I have a customer, who is also our supplier of goods. How can I perform a contra of

amount owing from this customer against the amount owing to this same customer?

A] You must maintain two separate account code, one as customer and the other as supplier

code, if a customer also supply goods to your company.To peform contra between payable

and receivable balance, perform the following journal entry procedure :


Inventory Related Contra :

Step 1 : AR Adjustment Screen

Dr Clearing (BS) XX

Cr Customer (BS) XX

(Recording of transferring of receivable to a suspense account)

Step 2 : AP Adjustment Screen

Dr Creditor (BS) XX

Cr Clearing (BS) XX

(Recording of transferring of payable to a suspense account)

Service Related Contra :

Step 1 : AR Journal Entry Screen

Dr Clearing (BS) XX

Cr Customer (BS) XX

(Recording of transferring of receivable to a suspense account)

Step 2 : AP Journal Entry Screen

Dr Creditor (BS) XX

Cr Clearing (BS) XX

(Recording of transferring of payable to a suspense account)


Q] How can a user perform a year-end foreign currency translation for balance sheet items ?

A] DES currently support foreign currency translation for AP and AR balance. User has the

flexibility to perform month-end foreign currency translation for AP and AR balance, below

is the following procedures :

1] Click FOREX button to call up the forex master table.

2] Select a currency type

3] Select a row from the 1st listbox and drop to the 2nd listbox


4] Specify the closing rate and the closing period

5] Click Post button

6] Click on Forex Translation (AP or AR)

7] Select a closing month

8] Drag all unpaid/uncollected invoice from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

9] Post the foreign currency translation difference

10] Print Preview Trial Balance or Profit/(Loss) Report to view your posted month-end

currency translation


Q] What is the function of Forex Reversal ?

A] Forex Reversal allows user to perform reversal of previously posted foreign currency

translation differences

1] Click on Forex Reversal button

2] Select a period

3] Drag all translated difference for unpaid/uncollected invoice from 1st listbox to 2nd listbox

4] Post the reversal of foreign currency translation differences

5] Print Preview Trial Balance or Profit/(Loss) Report to view your posted reversal


Q] Does DES accounting software support auto-computation of realised gain/(loss) on

payment or collection ?

A] Yes. Realised Gain/(Loss) would be auto-calculated and posted to journal, when a user

perform a payment or collection for a foreign account code. Print preview Profit/(Loss)

report to view your realised gain/(loss) posting.


Q] I have issued a Sales Invoice to a customer, and would like to give a discount to the

customer, for their prompt payment. How do I capture the discount in the system?

A] You may reduce the original invoice amount by performing an AR Adjustment entry for the

discount given to your customer. Follow the following procedure :

1] Click on ADJUST button, under AR module

2] Select the Customer name

3] Drag the relevant invoice records from the first listbox into the second listbox

4] Specify discount amount under allocate column and description

5] If customer type is FOREIGN, specify the applicable currency rate

6] POST the transaction

7] Print preview Statement of Account and Profit/(Loss) report to view your posted transaction


Q] What is the method of inventory system adopted by DES accounting software?

A] DES accounting software is adopting the Perpetual System for its inventory system. Below is the respective double-entry sequence :

Perpetual System Double-Entries

Dr Inventory

Cr Payable

(purchase of stock from supplier)


Dr Payable

Cr Creditor

(receive of invoice from supplier)


Delivery of Goods:

Dr Shipping

Cr Inventory

(transfer of goods to customer)

Sale of Goods:


Cr Revenue

(issue of invoice to customer)

Dr cost of sales

Cr Shipping

(cost of good sold recognised)


Q] How to construct a Chart of Accounts in DES accounting software?

A] To ensure that related accounts are grouped together under the same group, and to allow DES accounting software to print the accounts in the right order on Trial Balance, Profit/(Loss) and Balance Sheet, apply the following account numbering format.


Asset accounts 1000 to 1999

Liability accounts 2000 to 2999

Equity accounts 3000 to 3999

Revenue accounts 4000 to 4999

Expense accounts 5000 to 5999

When you assign account numbers, make sure there are gaps between them.(For example, leave a gap of 10 or 20 numbers.) This is to allow future addition of new account code later in the same group.


Q] How do I create and categorise each newly created account code for my company?

A] Follow the following Steps :

1) Create an account code in Chart of Account screen

2) Assign code as BS (balance sheet) or PL (Profit/(Loss) item

3) Assign Category based on the following acronym :

FA_Cost => Fixed Asset

FA => Accumulated Depreciation

CA => Current Asset

CL => Current Liability

SF => Shareholder Fund

Rev => Revenue

Cos => Cost of Sales

Otc => Other Cost / Expense

Oic => Other Income

Tax => Income Tax / Deferred Tax

4) Next, assign the sub category for each account category based on below grouping :

1 Fixed Asset

2 Acc_Deprn

3 Stock

4 Debtor

5 Cash

6 Bank

7 Creditor

8 Accrual

9 Share Capital

10 RE B/F

11 Revenue

12 Cost of Sales

13 General Admin

14 Other Expense

15 Marketing

16 Other Income

17 Income Tax

18 Loan



Q] I am currently using another accounting system, how do I migrate my current accounting

information into DES accounting software?

A] You need is to follow the below procedure in order to ensure a smooth migration into DES

accounting software system.

1) Determine a cut-off date.

2) Run and print out a copy of the Trial Balance at the cut-off date.

3) Make sure the Debit and Credit balance ties for the Trial Balance

4) Close your account up to cut-off date

5) Your Trial Balance should have the following items, after closing your current year

accounts :

Items Dr Cr


Acc_Deprn XX

Stock XX

Debtors XX

Creditors XX

Accruals XX

Bank XX

RE b/f XX

Revenue XX

Expenses XX

------ ------


==== ====


6) Your trial balance should generally consist of the above sample of balance sheet and

profit/(loss) items.Total Debit and Total Credit should be 0 after setting off each other.

7) Begin to create account code for the above balance sheet and profit/(loss) items (refer

Answer given for Question on How to construct a Chart of Account in DES?) in the Chart

of Account. Next, assign your debtor, creditor, stock and bank account code as a sub-

ledger code in AR Setup, AP Setup, Inventory Setup and Bank Setup screens

8) For PPE and Acc_Deprn, go to Journal Entry screen under GL module, and capture the

asset and accumulated depreciation figures as one opening balance, or by individual

asset. The corresponding entry for PPE and Acc_Deprn should be as follows :


Dr PPE XXX Cr Clearing XXX

Dr Clearing XXX Cr Acc_Deprn


9) As for stock, go to GRN and capture each stock item records individually by entering the

unit and unit cost for each stock items, the value of these stock would be credited to your

recently assigned payable account (created in Inventory Setup) after you have posted the

GRN. Next, do a journal entry to reverse the amount out from payable account to Clearing



10) As for Debtors balance, go to JE screen under AR module, select Clearing account code

from the COA list in the first listbox and drag to bottom listbox. Enter the debtors invoices

records individually for each of your existing debtor.


11) As for Creditors balance, go to JE screen under AP module,select Clearing account code

from the COA list in the first listbox and drag to bottom listbox. Enter the creditors

invoices records individually for each of your existing creditor.

12) For Accruals, Provision and other journal entries, go to Journal Entry screen under GL

module, and post the corresponding entry to Clearing account.


13) As for Bank balance, go to Adjustment screen under Cash module, select Clearing

account code from the COA list in the first listbox and drag to bottom listbox. Enter the

receipt and payment records individually for each of your existing bank account code.


14) For Retained earnings figures, go to Journal Entry screen under GL module, and post the

corresponding entry to Clearing account.


(Caution : You must firstly create retained earnings account code as 4001, with an

account name as RE b/f, in the Chart of Account)


15) As for profit/(loss) items, example Revenue and Expenses items, you may enter these

items as one line items or as individual records in the Journal Entry screen. The double-

entry for revenue and expense items should be as follows :

Dr Clearing XXX Cr Revenue XXX

Dr Expense XXX Cr Clearing XXX

16) After transferring and posted the above items appearing in the Trial Balance, you would

have zerorised the Clearing account (0 balance), confirm this by running the Trial Balance

report from DES. The figures for each individual items appearing in the Trial Balance

should be the same as the figure appearing in the previous Trial Balance printed from

your old accounting system. You may now begin to use DES as your new accounting



Q] How do I process payment for Value Added Tax (VAT) ?

A] Follow the following procedures :

1] Click on Payment screen from Cash Module and select your VAT Clearing account code

from the 1st listbox (VAT Clearing account is the temporary account interfacing the Cash

Payment module and VAT Adjustment module)


2] Drag the VAT Clearing account code from the 1st listbox into the 2nd listbox.

3] Specify amount to pay for VAT (Amount should equals to VAT Payable reflected in VAT


4] Click post button to effect the posting to the VAT clearing account


5] Go to VAT Adjustment screen, select VAT Input / Output records (which are paid) from the

1st listbox and drag into 2nd listbox.


6] Specify the VAT Clearing account (account code should be same as the one selected

during Payment)

7] Click POST button to post your VAT Adjustment (Print preview VAT report to view your

VAT Balance with or without Matching Status)

8] If you are entitled to a VAT refund, you would repeat the similar steps above. You would

utilise the Collection module to process a refund in this case.


Q] How do i perform VAT Reconciliation?

A] VAT Reconciliation should be carried out, once the user has made payment or refund for

each quarterly period.

Follow the following procedures :

1] Select VAT Type with status = 0 from the dropdown Combo box on your VAT Reconciliation


2] Drag the VAT Input / Output records to be Matched for Payment/refund from the 1st listbox into the 2nd listbox.

3] Specify Posting date and Employee (user) Name

4] Click post button to effect the matching of the VAT Input/ Output

which has already been paid or refunded.


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0 (16) 604 1336
