UPDATE 4/15: PASSED: H.R.4851 – Continuing Extension Act of 2010

UPDATE 6/29/10: New hope? S.3520: Extension may come in stand-alone bill


UPDATE 6/23/10: H.R. 4213: Keeping an eye on the senate. A cloture vote may occur by end of day Thursday, June 24.

UPDATE 6/7/10: Please note that H.R. 4851 extended benefits into May; the new debate, H.R. 4213, is whether the eligibility for extensions and other provisions can continue through November. H.R. 4213 discussion this week; no fifth tier before year’s end


RELATED POST On hold: H.R.4213: Hope for UI deadline extension, relief from ‘temping penalty’
H.R.4213 would extend benefits through the end of 2010 but does not add a fifth tier. It is tabled until the House and Senate return the second week of June.

RELATED SUMMARY 4/17/10: California EDD and H.R. 4851 filing extension (NOT Tier 5)

Deatils on H.R. 4851 below:

UPDATE 4/15/10 OpenCongress.org is providing updated info on the status of H.R.4851 – Continuing Extension Act of 2010, which would extend the now-expired filing deadline to apply for continued unemployment insurance.

Per the Senate Floor Log “If action is not completed on the bill during Thursday’s session, a cloture vote on the Baucus substitute amendment will occur on Friday morning.”

UPDATE 4/15/10 3:39 p.m. PST: “Under a previous unanimous consent agreement, the Cloture Motion on H.R. 4851 (Continuing Extension Act of 2010) is withdrawn.

H.R. 4851 (Continuing Extension Act of 2010) as amended. Yeas and nays ordered. The bill as amended passed by a vote of 59-38.”

Here’s the Senate Page roll call list and results.

The above should be your best links to keep abreast of the updates.


UPDATE 4/12/10 via New York Times: by Carl Hulse: Senate Agrees to Temporary Jobless Benefits Extension

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Monday agreed to consider a temporary extension of unemployment benefits after four Republicans joined Democrats in voting to debate the proposal, which has become the focus of an intensifying fight over deficit spending.

Despite objections from conservative Republicans, the Senate voted 60 to 34 to move ahead with a measure that would keep checks flowing to jobless Americans who are exhausting their benefits and maintain federal subsidies for health insurance for the unemployed. The measure must clear other procedural hurdles, but Democrats hope to win its approval this week.

The article points out that the bill could still be challenged. Still, with the addition of four Republican supporters, things are looking a bit more hopeful for the newest extension to be activated.

According to the NY Times, the bill would extend benefits through early May, affecting up to 400,000 whose benefits had been cut off or for whom deadlines are looming this week.


There are so many subjunctives in use on the California Employment Development Department’s Web site these days that it’s hard to get beyond “possibly.”

According to the California EDD page regarding the extension of Federal Extended Duration (or FED-ED) benefits, anyone exhausting benefits after Monday, April 5 is ineligible for further federal unemployment insurance, at least for now.

For Californians, that means anyone laid off or whose claim began after the end of September is unable to claim a federal extension because the deadline to file was Monday. If your 26-week claim ends after that, there is currently no further (Tier 5, it would be if it existed) extension, though you might qualify for a separate federal claim.

The EDD has addressed these concerns on their site but does not offer a great deal of optimism. It is strongly recommended that you read this page to see where you may fall in terms of deadline and extension dates. Some excerpts:

The U.S. Congress is on recess and is not scheduled to return until April 12, 2010 to address the filing deadlines for federal extensions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.That means the upcoming filing deadlines on extensions remain unchanged for now. While the immediate effect on the 1.5 million people currently claiming UI benefits in California is limited due to some continuation of benefits in most cases, the impact could become much greater if Congress does not act as soon as it returns.

For the More Recently Unemployed
Someone who receives their last payment on their regular UI claim for a week that ends after Saturday, March 27, 2010 will not be eligible to start one of the four federal extensions currently available because the filing deadline for the first extension in the chain is Sunday, March 28, 2010. Such a situation would apply to someone who started a typical 26-week regular state claim any time after September 20, 2009.

However, even after that date, someone could still possibly qualify for the separate FED-ED extension of benefits if they haven’t already collected on this special extension. Learn more about the FED-ED extension program which provides up to 20 weeks of additional benefits. A FED-ED extension on top of a regular state UI claim (up to 26 weeks) brings the maximum total of benefits available to 46 weeks if the individual is prevented from qualifying for the other federal extensions. [Here’s Why felt a soaring hope at this point, which was shot down in the excerpt below under “For Those Already on a Federal Extension”.]

It is possible though that if federal filing deadlines and 100% federal financing are not extended, rules governing the FED-ED extension program will reduce the total benefits available from 20 weeks to 13 weeks. That could occur after Saturday, April 17, 2010. Because of this rapidly developing situation, you are encouraged to closely monitor this EDD Web site for the latest updates.

For Those Already on a Federal Extension
Since no revision on the filing deadlines for the federal extensions is expected at least for a few more weeks, the filing deadline for beginning a second, third, or fourth federal extension remains Sunday, April 4, 2010. On that day, whatever extension an unemployed worker is on, they will be able to continue to collect the benefit weeks associated with that extension. However, they will not be able to file for any further extension of benefits unless Congress is able to quickly extend the filing deadlines. That in essence would limit the total number of benefit weeks available to unemployed workers.

There’s much more, so please do check the entire page to see where you might fall.

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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. This is all just bull####. Oooh, let’s extend the EUC program yet again by a few weeks. Then maybe in another month, the job market will have miraculously taken a turn around for the better.

    Cheese and crackers, people – the job market isn’t gonna be doing anything of the miraculous sort for years (unless there are some real policy changes) so the very least these corporate a##-kissing folks in congress should do is extend the EUC program through 2010 and add another Tier of benefits for the long-term unemployed.

    Why there isn’t a national outrage over this, I haven’t a clue. But obviously the banks can receive BILLIONS but for the millions who lost their jobs (all due TO the congress and corporate america) it’s too bad for you. How these crooks sleep at night, I haven’t a clue. Oh wait – they have no conscience.

    • Nina, thanks for your comment.

      I have to add that what’s bothering me just as much is the increasing noise that the unemployed have to get off the “free” money and find work.

      I’ve actually said to these grumblers, “Great! When do I start!” at which point they back off, blushing if they have the grace to see the point, and say, “Well, I wish I could, but I can’t hire you right now.”

      Yes. Exactly.

  2. I just received my last check on my fourth extension. I am confused about the separate FED ED extension. Is there anything after the fourth extension. What is the Extended FED ED DURATION extension?

  3. Hi Linda,

    It couldn’t be any less clear, could it, nor is it very hopeful.

    From what I understand from the EDD explanation, the FED-ED awards are granted based on the unemployment rate of the state in which an applicant is living. It looks to me as if FED-ED (see link below) is granted only to those who have not qualified for the regular Federal Extended Benefits.

    Here’s the info from the EDD page:

    Learn more about the FED-ED extension program which provides up to 20 weeks of additional benefits. A FED-ED extension on top of a regular state UI claim (up to 26 weeks) brings the maximum total of benefits available to 46 weeks if the individual is prevented from qualifying for the other federal extensions.”

    I’m probably reading the same things you are, in which case you know that there is a very faint hope that Congress will address the establishment of a Tier Five sometime near the end of May (about May 23, last I heard), but I have not yet seen that officially on the agenda. My source is the tracking page on OpenCongress.org, which states that there are currently no new bills pending (as of 5/2/10). So for now, after Tier Four there are no extensions.

    As always, I recommend that readers check the updates on your state’s unemployment office website, and contact your senators and representatives to see what their stand is, and if any action is pending.

    I wish you luck, Linda. Please check back and let us know how things are going.


    Here’s Why is working on a list of contacts for free medical, dental and mental stress care across the country. We’ll post that later this week.

    Anyone up for a live chat about this situation? Leave a comment below and if there is enough interest, we’ll schedule one and trade survival tips.

  4. What the heck are you people doing in congress? You bail out the banks, car companies and expect us to except this and we do. Now I get a letter saying my federal government is not willing to extend the FED-ED program and as of June 12th I am no longer able to receive unemployment benefits along with however many millions of other people that have not been able to find work.

    I spend up to six hours a day looking for work, sending my resume to any firm I can. I am no slacker I would rather be working but my industry has not rebounded. You have spent all this time, money and energy with this health care reform and environmental issues that you are ignoring the hear and now.

    At the end of this month I will no longer be able to pay my rent so I have someplace to live. Then I will be in default on my car loan, so I wouldn’t be able to live in it. I have sold off anything of value to stay afloat so no back-up there.

    Congress needs to do something now!

    • Hello Raymond,

      This has gone on so long that Congress seems helpless to deal with it.

      I’d suggest at this point you get in touch with your congressional representatives and your senator. Below are the contact lists for United States senators and representatives so that you can let them know what is happening to you.

      From the official United States Senate website, here is the contact information for state senators. Please note that each state handles unemployment insurance benefits slightly differently.

      From the official United States House of Representatives website, here is the contact list for representatives from all states.

      Good luck!

      ~~ Anne

  5. Hello Anne,

    Thanks for the advice, that was the first thing I did. As I suspected I have not recieved a response from either of them. I also emailed my Governer and my local state representative.

    I sure they are overwhelmed with the situation but they were quick to act when it came to big business and the banking industry.

    I am sure if you ask any person that has been laid off if they would like to get back to working, you would get 100% of them saying yes.

    Thank you for your help and your reply.


  6. You are most welcome, Raymond. Thank you very much for staying in touch.

    At this point HR 4213 is nearly unrecognizable, but they are still slowly chewing on it in the Senate.

    Anyone in immediate need should check in with your local food banks and contact county health for referals to free or low-cost dental and medical assistance. This will at least get you through until they sort out COBRA subsidies.

    I wish you well, Raymond, and thanks again!

    ~~ Anne

  7. The emotional turmoil which you have put me through inhumane!! I am unemployed, just receive an evition notice, I just lost my COBRA MEDICAL INSURANCE bcause my former employer cancelled it. I take medications which are crucial for me to sustain daily life!!!!

    I cant get medications, am homeless, I cant see a doctor without insurance, nor could I afford the meds I require, even if I could. They are over 2k per month!!! I have worked for Fortune 500 Companies my whole life!!! You cant leave me in the middle of a claim just kicked out in the street.

    The emotional and physical damage this is causing to my body is LIFE-THREATENING!!!!


    I need your help!! please respond to my e.mail

    [Editor’s note: This email address was deleted for privacy reasons]

    • Hello Kathryn,

      I must repeat that I am not affiliated with any government organization, including EDD.

      To get in touch with your representatives, please see comments above for links to the House and Senate. I’d also recommend checking with San Diego County Department of Health for a list of places offering free and low-cost health and dental care.

      I share your frustration, having lost my own job nearly a year ago. The best we can do is let our politicians know that we have not disappeared.

      Wishing you good luck!

      ~~ Anne

  8. Why is the EDD system so [Edited for language by Here’s Why], the phones are always busy, when you finally get thru after 1000 redials, you can get someone you can understand because of an accent, sometimes different people have different answers, EDD only notifies your status to you “after “you run out of money (stupid), why cant the State setup a system where you can go in with your SSN and a pin and check the status of where you are at (1, 2nd or 5th tier), and what they mean- I guess that would cost too m uch! The State NEEDS to fix this crap, its the most stupid system I have ever dealt with, and frustrating to leave people wondering what the crap means they post on their website.

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