Aero-Space Tooling and Machining has been successfully delivering products since 1979

We are located in a 20,000 SQ FT facility in Salt Lake City near the Salt Lake City International airport: In addition to the main building where we transact business, storage facilities are available onsite for a monthly fee.

AST Facility

Aero-Space Tooling & Machining is a family owned corporation. Our executives are:

Rolf Salm

Rolf Salm
Founder & President

Rolf has brought his innovation to the tooling and machining industry since 1955. His ability to adapt to new technologies has allowed us to grow and address the stringent requirements of the high technology firms we service.

Perry Salm

Perry Salm
VP Operations and Sales

Perry brings over 25 years of Machining and sales experience to Aero-Space Tooling & Machining.

Peter Salm

Peter Salm
VP Administration and Business Development

Peter brings over 30 years of machining and administration experience to Aero-Space Tooling & Machining.

Awards & Recognitions

We have received numbers awards and recognitions over the years, following are a sample of them:

2008 USLBA Award

ATK Recognition

EvansAndSutherland HerculesAward
