Book Review, IIM Kolkata, Leadership Education, Spirituality

The Immortals of Meluha – A Review

A marvelous creation with craftily arranged pieces of philosophy, history, mythology, spirituality, emotion, love, dedication, passion, events, negatives and positives of social life. I can go on and on but it would be better to have evidences here directly from the book.

Let us look at some references I have tried to gather through my own understanding, evidences to prove the greatness of the work by Amish Tripathi.

We believe that everything in the world is a carrier of shakti or energy… For anything that you do, you need energy. The energy comes from people, from objects, from Mother Earth itself. You have to ask for that energy respectfully…. I am just a medium of that boundless Natraj energy. Anyone can be the medium….” – Page 76

One has to ask for the energy respectfully and it comes – the condition. One is nothing but a channel of energy hence one should never think to hold it, Let it go on – the fact. Understanding this takes one to the next level of existence. If the reader is truly receptive and sensitive, he or she can feel tremendous gratitude when one goes through this phrase in the book.

Transactions are threads that when woven together make up a society, its culture. Or in the case of a person, weaves together their character…. Transactions are interactions between two individuals….”Page 210

Transactions as exchanges of energy. We read it in chemistry, physics, quantum physics, business education and spiritual texts as well. Reiki practitioners understand this basic concept very well. Brought so well in the book at right place when one is immersed in reading the story and suddenly gets exposed to one of the fundamental truths of the universe – everything is a transaction.

The devas and asuras,… , represent two balancing life forces – duality. … The masculine and the feminine…. They will always exist…. – Page 384

Duality, appears beautifully in the flow of Meluhan Epic. Duality will always exist and has existed from the beginning anyway. Atom is divided into cations and anions – the negatives and the positive. Polar magnetism is built upon it. The combination of these two dualities leads to electromagnetic forces. Heisenberg’s principle converts duality into a scientific equation accepting the fact that nothing is absolute in this world. That’s the overall foundation of materialistic universe. Similarly life energy is represented by two parts. This also brings another fact to our notice – each aspect of duality is equally powerful and important.

You don’t earn a title after you have done the work. You do your deeds because of and only after you believe that you already are the Mahadev.” – Page 292

True in every context – for leaders, entrepreneurs, fighters and innovators. One needs to first commit to the cause through visualization, self realization and internalization. Leaders own the cause themselves and don’t wait the tasks to be assigned by someone else. The best quote from the book, I feel.

The moment he became the sun, his calling became higher. He does not exist for himself. He exists for the greater good of everyone.” – Page 231

Expansion of responsibilities through enlargement of aura and consciousness. One does not remain confined by one’s own physical, emotional, mental & spiritual requirements as one moves beyond a certain level. Sun does not live for himself. Leader lives for many. Those who live for their own limited self can never be true leader.

Har ek hai Mahadev…. Har Har Mahadev – Page 337

Kalki, the final avatar of Vishnu, is supposed to be enlightenment of many awakened souls after a certain period. That’s when everyone will be realized. Or, everyone will be Mahadev. Shiva has tried to live future in present. That’s how innovations have taken place. Prototypes have to be experimented well in advance. This part is a prototype of a bright future.

You are required for the most crucial task: To answer that most important question… What is evil?” – Page 387

The most important question for the mankind anyway in the current period – what is evil that’s to be eradicated? People are merely carriers. But where does the real evil exist in the developmental status of human being from present point of view? What’s that which is blocking us from moving ahead? Where are the real blocks? Unless we identify the problem, how can we uproot it? How can we bring and pull the solutions down unless we know where the darkness is? Questions that would start bothering many human beings soon. Questions the current civilizations will be forced to face, very soon if not already.

There are many realities… What appears as the unshakeable truth, the exact opposite may also be true in another context.” – Page 290

Getting addicted to smoking and getting addicted to non-smoking, both are same essentially – addiction, one simple example. If someone needs negative in order to explain positive, both are same realities from different context. Depends upon which side you see it from! Kuran says believers will rule so does Bible or Gita or many other texts. All are right from their context. Constrained vision may force people of one faith to think and believe as if the rest are on the wrong side. Right are those who see both the sides integrally. Wrong are those who see factions, from either side.

The mudra or kriyas were technically correct but the bhav was missing…. – Page 72

Bhav – the key aspect of being if one has to excel in whatever one is doing. Are you connected with your profession through bhav? If not, its all mechanical performance. Be where your bhav is. Bring bhav to where you are. Connect your thoughts and actions with your bhav. Only then you can see the real performance, representing Natraj.

The best society is when a person’s caste is decided only by his abilities and karma. Not by any other factor…. All children that are born in Meluha are compulsorily adopted by the empire. To ensure that this is one methodically, a great hospital city Maika was built deep in the south, just north of the Narmada river. All pregnant women have to travel there for their delivery. Only pregnant women are allowed in this city, no body else.” – Page 93

A different version may be implementable perhaps if not the exact one. But it is this which has potential to start a debate on how to address the problem of different potential levels existing in a single society harmoniously. As the current version is ineffective, is there any different way? Innovative concept.

“Some people are predisposed towards certain diseases. When somras enters the body it triggers immediate occurrence of these diseases which when cured never recur. Hence the body remains healthy till death.” – Page 115

Diseases occur before their expected time of appearance. So if I am susceptible to say liver malfunction, when somras is consumed the disease would manifest much earlier over a small period and get healed as well. Pointing to dilution of fate isn’t it? Excellent!


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