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Can we solve the healthcare crisis – Bluetooth 3M™ Littmann® Electronic Stethoscope Model 3200

November 27, 2009

 The healthcare debate rages on and yet pragmatic solutions to resolve the issue are scarce.  I believe that scientific innovation and creative thought will pave the way to providing faster, betther and cost effective healthcare.  Do you believe that we manage healthcare costs.

In light of this philosophy, the 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 3200 with Zargis Cardioscan receives special mention; it is the step in the right direction.  This electronic Stethoscope transmits the patients heart beats (lub, dub) via bluetooth technology to a Physician’s Notebook, which in conjuction with a proprietary software decodes the information for abnormalities.  This little device may save or eliminate the need for 8 million electrocardiograms and cardiologist vists each year. 

This is value creation for under $400.  Imagine the cost saving, imagine the higher effeciency, imagine the reduction in wasted man hours.  These are the kind of healthcare initiative that will provide us with the greatest benefits as opposed to a Government run health program.  It is innovation, thinking out of the box that will change the healthcare in this country and around the world.


Popular Science:

Dr. Vijay and Dr. Daxa Vaishnav are MDs in homeopathy. They are the founders and chief physicians of “Dr. Vaishnav’s Homeopathic Family Practice” in Mumbai (Bombay), India, where they have been healing and counseling patients for over 24 years.