All prospective students should observe a class. Children should be accompanied by a parent. The observation will then be followed by an opportunity to
consult with an instructor. If a student enrolls, a release of liability form and one month payment must be submitted. No contracts are issued. Initially, a student is
not required to purchase a uniform. Instead, a work out suit is sufficient. We want beginning students to feel free to enjoy training without concern for contracts or uniform investment. Only those that truly love training should be a participant.
Class Options
 Women's Self Defense

A student may elect to make an advanced payment for three months, six months, or one year, all of which are non-refundable. The advantage of this type of payment is the savings incurred.

The following is the savings based upon advanced

 3 Months
Enrollment-10% savings on Monthly Dues
 6 Months
Enrollment-15% savings on Monthly Dues
 1 Year
Enrollment-20% savings on Monthly Dues

*Advanced Contract Payments are Non Refundable.
Are there special rates?
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How do I enroll ?