Open Doors for Multicultural Families Needs Your Help

By David Woodward, A.C.E. President–I’m going to take the important step of endorsing a local cause, Open Doors to Multicultural Families. This new non-profit is lead by a team of people that we worked with in the past to launch our Access for People with Disabilities initiative in the period from 2000 to 2004. You can learn about the exciting projects which we successfully launched on our website.

During this period the people who would come to form Open Doors approached A.C.E. about helping to coordinate outreach to multicultural families in the Western Washington region so as to empower trusted leaders in diverse communities to help families adapt to life in the U.S. and get access to support services. For families dealing with disabilities like autism, it’s incredibly difficult to manage day to day life, and for parents with limited education, funding, and English language capacity it can be almost impossible. I am pleased to see that Ginger Kwan and her colleagues have taken the step of forming a new non-profit focused on this need and am happy to recommend it to you. The people in charge are among the most respected in our region in the field of support services for people with disabilities from diverse backgrounds.

Learn how to help by reading this letter, which has more details on Open Doors for Multicultural Families and the necessary contact information. Happy Holidays.

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