Row 60 of 400

The urge to knit finally hit today. I realized that what I needed was: (after the fact) to get good and ticked off. I should have known, I mean knitting and crochet soothe me when I’m angry, hurt or upset. They are my therapy when I can’t make it to a meeting, or when I can’t see my therapist.
Today, I blew my stack. I had a screaming and slamming fit. I almost broke several things in the refrigerator, and I almost… Well, my mate almost wore a pot of cooking water with miscellaneous foodstuffs within.
I certainly could not interfere with the safety of another human being, well not in this case. So I grabbed Dad’s long johns and knit. 50 rows later, I’m taking a break. I need some relaxing time, because my pain level is rising yet again.
So, lesson learned. I need to be ticked, when the urge to knit leaves. Who would have known?
I have 340 rows to go, so I’m going to take a couple of tylenol, and get busy again.

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