IBM DeveloperWorks Features Appoxy’s SimpleJPA

In keeping with Appoxy open source week (not nearly as cool as Shark Week but still), it makes sense to mention another Appoxy open source “win.” This time its with Appoxy’s SimpleJPA, a Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation for connecting to…

Minimum Viable Product = Measure Once, Cut Many Times

Developing with RoR + AWS provides incredible agility — making it possible to quickly develop products that people can react to. This combines well with “minimum viable product” theory — an approach which is rapidly moving from web 2.0…

The Importance of Workers

At Appoxy, every single one of our developers uses our new service IronWorker (formerly SimpleWorker). Some of them weren’t sure of the value at first, but from the first time they queued a nightly report builder worker, or scheduled the delivery of SMS’s through Twilio, they were…