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Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored: Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra is Way Out of Royal Line and Un-becoming of a Royalty in 21st Century Malaysia

My posting on this atrocious statement made by Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra is mild compared with what others have said, read on.

This is what Bernama our one and only true reporter of news in this country has to say:

Tengku Mahkota Of Kelantan Calls For Malay Unity

KUALA LUMPUR, APRIL 12 (Bernama) — The Tengku Mahkota of Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra today expressed the need for Malay unity, especially following the outcome of the last general election, to be enhanced.
He said this was needed to ensure Malay sovereignty and supremacy was preserved.
The prince said this at an assembly for Malay unity held in conjunction with the Maulidur Rasul celebration at the Putra World Trade Centre here today.
He added that only by being united would they be able face the many challenges that lay ahead.
Umno and the Barisan Nasional did not do very well in the election, losing five states to the opposition and not attaining two-thirds majority in Parliament.
The assembly was organised by the newly-formed Malay Unity Action Front (BBPM).

Tengku Mahkota Of Kelantan Calls For Malay Unity ::

The reporters and editors are a sorry lot, they must be condemned and condemned in strong terms, you have failed in your responsibilities to report truthfully, and therefore you can crown yourself as liars and a disgrace to professional journalism, nobody would do the crowning, you can do it yourself. Despicable.

For the royal prince, he has received enough criticism to make him to be awake at night with disturbed sleep, for some time to come, and insomnia will be his greatest enemy. He may even have night-mares.

For a crown Prince how easily can he be duped, by some 1000 people, and I feel the euphoria of seeing a crowd to listen to his idiotic mumbling, could have made him forget his role. But then he read a prepared speech, guess what, he is going to say somebody drafted the speech and he was totally ignorant of the contents. Kelantan people will have to bear with him when he becomes the Sultan. What a waste of respect for him as a Crown Prince.

Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra is Way Out of Royal Line and Un-becoming of a Royalty in 21st Century Malaysia

Saturday, April 12, 2008


We say,
It was, to say the least, a totally Disgraceful Royal Speech by Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, the Crown Prince of KELANTAN at the “Malay Unity is the Core of National Unity” forum organised by the Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu in Kuala Lumpur
With a speech laced with racial tones, the Crown Prince of Kelantan has presented himself as an EXACT OPPOSITE version of the more distinguished and highly admired Regent of Perak.
For making a royal speech with strong racial undertones, Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra CANNOT claim to be a Ruler for the NON-Malay Kelantanese, who had been proud to be called themselves “Anak Kelantan” for many generations .
Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra has made for himself to be a Malay Ruler ONLY for the Malays and NOT a Malay ruler for ALL Malaysians in a multi-racial Malaysia.
Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra should have used his acquired royal wisdom in his royal head BEFORE opening his royal mouth to make such racially divisive and politically charged comments.

Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra has entered into the quadmire of divisive racial politics of Malaysia. By doing so, as a Kelantan Crown Prince, he has deliberately bought into a position of NOT WANTING to endear himself to the Kelantanese NON-Malays, and to non-Malays in general.
The only conclusion we can reach is that Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra is NOT the kind of Royalty and the type of role model of a future Malay Ruler who we all Malaysians, Malays, Chinese, Indians and others can be truly proud of and who we can fully respect.

Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra should aim to the royal champion for ALL his subjects, that include the NON-Malays. As a future Malay ruler of a state, he should NOT try to be a narrow-minded racially-based champion of the Malays only.

Sadly, after this speech, it is now very hard for non-Malays in Kelantan and outside Kelantan to wish Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra “Daulat Tuanku“.

Or does he deserve it? We don’t think so.
We therefore appeal to the HRH Sultan of Kelantan to have a quiet pep talk to this Crown Prince before he does further damage to the social fabric of this country by engaging in racial politics and making speeches which are racially divisive.

Malaysian Unplug

Read here article in Malaysiakini

Excerpts: Read here for more
Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra said today that Malays had been COERCED into giving non-Malays citizenship and NON Malays should therefore not seek equality or special treatment.
He said this during his keynote speech at a forum titled “Malay unity is the core of national unity” organised by the newly formed Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu in Kuala Lumpur today.
Speaking to a crowd of about 1,000 people, Tengku Faris said the Malay rulers would be an umbrella to foster unity among all Malaysians, based on the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara.
Reading from a 11-page prepared text, he said,

“… The rakyat must unite and never raise issues regarding Malay rights and special privileges because it is a quid pro quo in gratitude for the giving in of citizenship (beri-paksa kerakyatan) to 2.7 million non-Malays into the Tanah Melayu federation.
“Thus, it is not appropriate for these other ethnic groups to have citizenship, only (later) to seek equality and privileges.
The Malay rulers are the head of the Islamic religion and Malaysia is a Islamic country (negara Islam), NOT secular. We have our own formula (as a country) which is different from others.
In fact, if Malay rights and special privileges are taken care of and is not disturbed, it would ensure national harmony. It does not just benefit the Malays but all ethnic groups.
The election results have shown that the Malays are disunited and facing other ethnic groups who are more dominant politically and economically.
Discussing about polemics such as Islamic state, secular state, welfare state… confuses the people… Resulting from this confusion, Malays are becoming more disillusioned.
We have to make an effort to unite.

Don’t split up. Avoid polemics that can distance us. Ideology (and) having different interpretations does not contribute to Malay unity.”

Tengku Faris said non-Malays are allowed to practice their respective religions in peace. They must however do so in accordance with the law and “not be provocative towards Islam.”
In his speech, Tengku Faris said the 12th General Election results have shown that the Malays are being “challenged and thus Malays unity is of the outmost priority.
As the constitution provides that the Malays are the natives (penduduk asal) of Malaysia, Tengku Faris said every Malay must defend the constitution and Islam and this can only be achieved through Malay unity.

  • From The Aisehman Blog: Read here

    “..As a Malay, I apologise to all non-Malays that there are among my fellow Malays who hold such views.
    It is disgusting, even if these people have a right to their opinions and a right to express them.
    But don’t worry. Come the next elections, we shall make sure that those who hold similar views will not even come close to forming the federal government.
    That’s the only lesson they can understand….”

  • From Ktemoc Konsider Blog: Read here for more

    “… I could not believe my eyes. Yes, HRH (Crown Prince of Kelantan) was telling Malaysians of Chinese, Indians, Eurasian, Thai and other non-Melayu ancestries that there is to be no ‘equality’ for them vis-à-vis Melayu’s.
    Personally I don’t care so much about ‘special treatment’, but ‘equality’ …?
    WTF, aren’t WE Malaysian citizens?

    Does HRH understand what is a citizen? … unless of course he has in mind ‘second’ and ‘third’ etc classes of citizenships?

    Then he added, getting his royal self involved with POLITICS: “The election results have shown that the Malays are disunited and facing other ethnic groups who are more dominant politically and economically.”
    Alas, the future Sultan of Kelantan has not only failed to understand what is democracy but has committed a royal faux pas by making an unacceptable political statement, as well as coo-ing such ‘sweet’ music at a forum organized by Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu, a group of conservative Malay NGOs – in the old days they would be called ‘ultras’.
    The theme of the forum was ‘Malay unity is the core of national unity’.
    The issue of ‘national unity’ is total bullshit after HRH has slapped non-Malay Malaysians in their faces.
    Either the bigots are exploiting the Royalties to project a more extreme ethno-centric positioning. Or the royalties themselves feel they need to exert their ethnic muscles.
    What does the PAS MB of Kelantan say about this?
    How the hell has he allowed the Crown Prince of his State to be hijacked by Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu into making such a hurtful racist political statement?…”

  • From Readers of Malaysia-Today: Read here for more
    1. “…. This kelantan prince needs someone to translate the constitution for him. How can you blame the rakyat for saying he is not intelligent and do not seem to understand the constitution. Clearly the constitution says we are a secular country but islam is the religion of the federation. Seems that the only royalty that seem to be really intelligent and a non-racist is Raja Nazrin. At least he is one person ALL the rakyat has respect for….”
    2. “… You have obviously been grossly misinformed or……being used. We don’t need a racist prince. Certainly! …”
    3. “…This is surprising given that they have been under PAS for so many years, and certainly PAS does not promote Ketuanan Melayu. Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu is the bigger problem. They only invite extremists to talk at their seminars. Soon you will hear of these ultras calling for a repeat of May 13. …”
    4. “…Dear Tengku, You have obviously been grossly misinformed or you are living in the 14th century. If what you say is right that Malays have been coerced into giving non-malays citizenship then I proposed you tell that to the Malaysian Govt to allow Penang to rejoin back the British Empire. That also goes for Sarawak and Sabah. I also suggest you take up history lessons that Kelantan was once part of the Siamese empire and you can go back to them….”
    5. “… our Federal Constitution clearly states that, Islam is the religion of the Federation & it does not mean that we are an Islamic country! As such, when the Crown Prince says that, Malaysia is an Islamic country, either our Federal Constitution is wrong or the Crown prince is lying. Am I right? …”
    6. “…My first reaction is one of a shock – my ignorance of how such a prince thinks the world revolves around melayu centric, or how ignorant such a prince can be! My!! …”
    7. “…Dumb prince makes dumb statement and calling himself a prince , must be the dumb kids on the block . Just to enlightened the history of Kelantan; Under the terms of the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, the Thais surrendered its claims over Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis to Great Britain, and Kelantan thus became one of the Unfederated Malay States with a British Adviser.
      Kelantan was the first place in Malaya to be occupied by the Japanese, who invaded on December 8, 1941. During the Japanese occupation, Kelantan came again under control of Siam, but after the defeat of Japan in August 1945, Kelantan reverted to British rule.
      Kelantan became part of the Federation of Malaya on February 1, 1948 and together with other states attained independence on August 31, 1957. On September 16, 1963, Kelantan became one of the component states of Malaysia.
      The Non Malays and the Malays should thus have equal status in Kelantan and in Malaysia by virtue of the fact that Kelantan was also under British at some time .
      If you think you want to pull wool over our eyes, I think you have been USED by the Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu .
  • Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored: Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra is Way Out of Royal Line and Un-becoming of a Royalty in 21st Century Malaysia


    1. I cannot believe a member of the Royal Family which is most respect in Malaysia utters such a degrading and racist comment about us non malays. Being a Royalty, all Malaysians will automatically humble themselves to but this does not mean we will take such comment bowing down. It is such blantant disregard to your non malays subject. Should you become the next Yang DiPertuan Agong, I would certainly fear for the outcome of our much racial harmony. My most respect to all the Royal families in Malaysia and hope that what Tuanku has said was a slipped of tongue or was coerced by fanatics.

    2. Hi Richard Yap:

      He still thinks he is another royalty, where people bow down as if he is a demi-god. Gone are the days when royalty was ruling small serf-doms where they could do as they like. He must be reading a lot of these old stories. Some one give him some new books on reality, maybe a bit late, but worth making an effort.

    3. Just ignore him. He was reading a prepared speech. As a Malay, I don’t share his “VIEW”.

    4. Hi Dzeal,

      Thanks let us think Malaysians first.

    5. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan untuk Putera Mahkota Kelantan, Tengku Fariz Petra atas ucapan di PWTC semalam penuh bermakna dan mungkin dapat memberikan kesedaran dan pemahaman kepada ahli-ahli Umno yang selalunya pendek akal.

      Antara isi kandungan ucapannya yg menarik perhatian saya;

      1) Hak2 istimewa orang melayu dan kedudukan agama Islam memang telah dijamin oleh perlembagaan persekutuan, justeru timbul sebarang persoalan bahawa kedudukan mereka tergugat.

      Maknanya, Umno tak payah ribut-ribut kerana tak ada satu partipun yang bercita2 untuk mengubah peruntukan2 ini. Rakyat mengundi PR kerana bimbangkan Umno dan juak2nya menghakis kehebatan kontrak sosial ini dan menggunakannya utk kepentingan taliperut mereka.

      2) Raja2 Melayu dan institusi Istana akan menjadi benteng terakhir dan akan terus mempertahankan kedudukan istimewa ini.

      Maknanya, putera raja yang bijaksana ini beritahu ahli2 Umno, dalam sejarah Umno sejak merdeka, setiap kali Umno merosakkan hak2 ini dan membuat negara dalam keadaan kucar-kacir, Tuanku-tuanku Sultan telah memainkan peranan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.

      Contohnya, Raja Perlis dan Terengganu tidak menerima calon MB yang rasuah dan menindas rakyat, sebaliknya memilih mereka yang berkredibiti dan berjiwa rakyat untuk memimpin Perlis dan Trengganu masing2. Saya percaya, jika kedua2 MB ini bertukar perangai dalam penggal ini, baginda Sultan tidak teragak2 menolak mereka.

      Apabila tiada parti yg mendominasi kerusi2 Dun di Perak, Sultan Perak telah menggunakan kebijaksanaan baginda dalam memperkenankan kerajaan campuran PR di Perak. Baginda Sultan tidak pedulikan provokasi perkauman BN dan huru-hara Umno Perak serta propaganda KJ di media arus perdana.

      Makna ke-2, Umno memang tak boleh harap, sehinggakan Istana terpaksa mainkan peranan. Tak faham2 ker.

      3) Banyak maklumat yang salah diterima sebagai benar, contohnya sms dan email.

      Maknanya, baginda mengingatkan Umno supaya jangan jadi bodoh semua benda nak percaya bulat-bulat, periksa dahulu kebenarannya jangan telan bulat2. Untuk maklumat lanjut eloklah rujuk kenyataan Ku Li dalam EGM Umno Gua Musang baru2 ni.

      Baginda mungkin juga merujuk akan kedangkalan puak2 BBPM yang menyangka perpecahan dalam Umno adalah perpecahan bangsa Melayu. Tidakkah mereka sedar walaupun bernama melayu, Umno turut dianggotai pendatang2 haram Filifina di Sabah dan orang2 Thailand di Kelantan, malah Umno bahagian Bukit Bintang turut dianggotai oleh Bangla dan nepal yang dapat IC ekspress.

      Tak semena2 muncul pulak Aziz Tapa bercerita pasal gerabak keretapi yang tergelincir sebab kepala lokomotifnya rosak. Tak pelikpun, Subky Latif dah sebulan cerita pasal tukar kepala gerabak Umno supaya gerabak-gerabak yang tergelincir dapat berfungsi semula.

      Kisah keretapi masuk sungai kat Tenom, Sabah bolehlah dijadikan panduan untuk puak2 BBPM yang payah nak faham.

      Ampun tengku, patik merafak sembah mengucapkan terima kasih tidak terhingga atas nasihat2 tuanku ini. Patik akan sebarkan titah tuanku ke seluruh pelosok negara di bawah batu jemala patik ini.


    6. The Crown Prince is Right. Malays are accorded special rights like a) The King of Malaysia and Sultans are all of Malay descendants b) There is such thing as Malay Reserved Land while there are no such thing as Chinese or Indian Reserved Land.Thus the non Malays , being a citizen have to oblige the fact that this special previllages are embedded in our Constitution. I think The Crown Prince is entitled to his opinion. There’s nothing racial about it.He is also entitled to his opinion. Its his claim on Basic Human Rights as per UN Charter. Hindraf is about human right and its not racial . Comparably the Crown Prince speech is milder than Hindraf Memorandum and why are we being double standards? Such a mild statement by the Crown Prince is dubbed as racist. Dont we read his other part of speech where he said that he would not tolerate any acts of depriving the non Malays off their special rights to religion, etc such as language , culture and others ? ( I managed to read it cause a friend gave me a copy to read) We Malaysian are thinkers. Lets argue with facts and figures. Lets debate scientifically. The term rascist should be non existence in this country. It takes a rascist to accuse another person rascist.As a Malay I have no apology to make. Our Constitution has preserved peace, harmony and unity amongst all races . It spells out Malay Rights but so does it protects every citizens in this country of their respective rights . My Sister married a Chinese and another one married an Indian. We live in harmony. No problem with that because we trust and respect each other. I am so impressed with my Chinese brother in Law and his chinese values that my son and daughter are sent to Chinese School now. So lets stop alleging one another a rascist. Have respect on our Sultans and Crown Prince. They are custodians of our Constitutional Rights. I repeat – It takes a rascist to allege another rascist.

    7. Hi Radzi Abdul

      Thank you for your comments.

      It is very simple, the royalty is there for all people. He can’t come blazing his guns differentiating races, as if he is there for one race. The people look up to the royalty to protect all, and here he comes saying the unity of Malays is effected. Malays voted for the opposition not based on skin colour but to tell the Government their ruling is defective and a change is better. How on earth the non-Malays affected the unity of Malays. In fact they are more united in not wanting a corrupted Government to carry on without any hindrance.

      The quarrel is not NEP but how it is manipulated to serve the needs of only a certain group of UMNOputras. Are you happy with that. If you give it some thought the idea of NEP makes the Malays have a mind of inferiority so much so, they are made to sound the alarm every time anything happens to the Government. NEP is tied up to raise the anger of some Malays who do not understand that some of the ills suffered by them goes back to this special privilege. They lose the will to compete, and conveniently blame others. When will they be self-reliant. The Government can’t help them for ever.

      You say the constitution has protected the non-Malays from religious problems. The spate of conversions, some of them forced, does not indicate this.

      Hindraf made one group realise how they had been short changed by MIC and BN. If not for it, There will be no Pakatan Rakyat. The people are hoping for some good future.

      A certain amount of re-thinking is essential. Get back to me if you feel what I have said is wrong. The reply was done in haste – perhaps it could have been worded better.

    8. What a difference between Perak’s prince and this royalty.

      With all respect due to him- I believe he must have just woken up from his slumber far back from the 15th century.

      Some one need to pass him a copy of the Intl Charter on Human Rights.

      It was this kind of thought patterns that phased out the royalty.

      So, continue and expedite your extinction.

    9. The crown prince is a human being, and just like any human being, he is capable of doing good things and bad things; saying clever thoughts or utter idiotic slurs.

      So the guy says something that many think is disgusting.

      So what?

      I’m a Malaysian. I always regard myself as a Malaysian, even when I’m abroad. Believe it or not, I treat a Malay Malaysian better than I treat a Chinese Singaporean when I was out there, even when I’m a Chinese by ethnicity.

      As such, whatever that crown prince says, let him say it to the fullest. It will never affect me one way or the other because I *STEADFASTLY REFUSED* to be affected by stupid things done by others.

      I have my own life to live. I don’t want to waste even a minute of my short life on earth on stupid things done by stupid people.

      So what if he’s a crown prince? So what if there are still people in my country who still believe that they are “superior” than others?

      Let them drown in their own stupid drooling. Let them wasting their stupid lives away in their idiotic “superior” daydreams.

      While they are wasting their time away, I am making myself richer, more knowledgeable, much more powerful.

      By the time they want to use their “superiority” on me, they would be way far behind.

      Words are cheap. Time, on the other hand, is precious.

      Remember that !

    10. Hi Penang

      You have the luxury of being elsewhere, and that perhaps gives you the comfort that what happens here in Malaysia does not concern you. But for people who are trapped in the rat-trap, my beloved country Malaysia, every word every sentence, that is uttered contrary to what is really happening, turns out to be a debatable matter. The people were lulled into a sense of well being for the last 50 years and slowly but surely whatever liberties and benefits as befits a citizen was slowly eroded and then bang, people woke up and realised they are at the tail end of existence, befitting only as second class citizens. Nobody, whether royalty or not, is going to get away with blue murder, protest we must, and if nothing comes out of it, be satisfied you voiced what has got to be said. That is the dilemma of people leaving here.

    11. Hi Kolaar

      Read Anwar in Malaysiakini today. I have dismissed this prince as one wet behind the ears – inexperienced and naive. We don’t have to take him seriously.

    12. Being elsewhere isn’t all comfort & luxury, not for many of us.

      If you really need to know, the reason I ended up abroad because the local U are too good for me. So I turn a lemon into lemonade — if they force me to go out of the country to further my education, I might as well made the best of it…. as I say, my life here on earth is too short to be wasted on petty things.

      This is what you sez — “But for people who are trapped in the rat-trap, my beloved country Malaysia, every word every sentence, that is uttered contrary to what is really happening, turns out to be a debatable matter.”

      Look, man. The “Trap” thing you mention above is, in much of a sense, a SELF-TRAP. It isn’t that they can’t get out of here, it’s that they are JUST TO SCARE to get out of their comfort zone.

      And as I have mentioned in the first sentence of this message, out there isn’t comfortable at all, please trust me on that.

      I’ve had to mail back ashes of Malaysians who have perished there, one reason or another. If life out there is so rosy, I wouldn’t have to mail back the ashes of a young lady who died of stomach cancer cause by eating instant noodle for 3 years. It’s a long story, but the essence is that she wouldn’t had to eat instant noodle for 3 years if she got the money to eat regular food.

      This is what you sez — “The people were lulled into a sense of well being for the last 50 years and slowly but surely whatever liberties and benefits as befits a citizen was slowly eroded and then bang, people woke up and realised they are at the tail end of existence, befitting only as second class citizens.”

      The second the local U declared that they were too good for me, I already understood that I’m a no-class nobody. If those people had to take 50 years to realize that simple fact, I can only pity them.

      I’m a no-class nobody that is determined to change the rule of the game. Unfortunately, too many of my fellow countrymen/women are too timid (or too foolish) to understand that they too can do that.

      Who can they blame but themselves?

    13. Dear Penang

      I am going out for dinner, will definitely get back to you later. Thanks for commenting.

    14. Dear Penang
      My concern with the crown prince’s comments is not for today – but he is the next Sultan of Kelantan, and will likely be our Agung with the rotation practiced here. So if this speech is his own opinion, and not him being lulled into reading some speech prepared by someone else…then YES I’m concerned, and other Malaysians should be, too.

    15. Hi Penang

      Back again. I have a friend overseas who migrated some years back, and now he is as he assures me is successful in life, good income, a good pension to look forward to, a house, children in U, yearly holidays and all the trappings a good income allows. But over the years the yearning to come home gets stronger and stronger, but here again he is worried that this country may not be the right choice. By the way he migrated when he was in his twenties when the world was at his feet and it was a matter of stepping into something good. But age takes its toll, the yearnings for home land disturbs him.

      When young you are adventurous, but when you have aged a bit, other considerations come to your mind. It is not Utopia for everybody who migrated, you have said so, people like me, settled in life, must react to the conditions in this country and make use of whatever resources I have and get.

    16. assalamualaikum. terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan tahniah kepada BBPM kerana telah membongkar identiti sebenar rakyat malaysia terutamanya yang menolak bai”ah ketika tanah melayu menuntut kemerdekaan. ternyata masih lagi terdapat golongan yang tidak lagi menghormati ketuanan Melayu ini. cadangan saya kepada golongan tersebut, sila tinggalkan Malaysia dan cari negara lain yang boleh menjanjikan keamanan dan keharmonian saudara. Tanah Melayu ini tidak layak untuk menerima saudara yang menjadi pembelot negara. sauadar kena belajar menjadi rakyat yang taat dan sayangkan negara. nasihat itu wajib tetapi kena beradap.

    17. I am really sorry. Feel so sad and dejected.

      Dear Arvidi,

      The royal prince is not at fault.

      Some politicians apparently had prepared the script, but HRH had reworked it the previous night. The original text were distributed to the newsmen.

      The prince is not to be faulted, as his speech was decent.

      Your Royal Highness, I profusely seek your forgiveness.

      What politicians had done to this country and continue to mislead us is a test for all right minded Malaysians.

      Arvidi, please highlight this as your top post next. It takes great conscience not to deliver the speech written by some mischievous introvert.

      Daulat Tuanku.

    18. Hi Kolaar

      Don’t feel bad. There was no intention to report anything that was not said. Let’s be humble to admit mistakes and say sorry. It was never expected.

    19. Saudara Muhammad Azian,

      Terima kasih atas komen-komen yang diberi. Biasanya, saya tidak menggalakkan komen yang biadap. Tetapi, sekiranya saya tidak meluluskan apa yang ditulis, mungkin kita tidak mengamalkan kebebasan bersuara. Sejarah membuktikan bahawa semua bangsa di negara ini bersama-sama memajukan Malaysia sehingga ke tahap ini. Oleh itu, sesiapapun tidak boleh menuntut keistimewaan dengan menyatakan bahawa satu bangsa adalah lebih penting daripada bangsa yang lain. Sila teruskan usaha anda untuk memberi sebarang komen yang bermanafaat pada masa yang hadapan

    20. I frankly said I agree with Tengku Mahkota’s speech. This is for the sake of the unity.
      Its not a prepared speech, it was rewritten by Tengku Mahkota personally. He knows what he said.. and I salute him.

    21. terima kasih diatas komen saudara aarvidi. saya bersetuju dengan pendapat awak bahawa kemajuan negara ini hasil daripada kesepakatan dan usaha pelbagai kaum. cumanya saya benar-benar terkilan dengan kenyataan: Dumb prince makes dumb statement and calling himself a prince. adakah tengku mahkota bukan dikategorikan sebagai rakyat Malaysia? kalau dia rakyat Malaysia maka dia berhak untuk menyatakan pendapatnya seperti mana rakyat yang lain. kemudiannya saya orang melayu menghormati hak semua kaum tetapi adakah kaum yang lain menghormati kami sebagai TUAN TANAH NEGARA ini? kami mahu hak kami jangan diganggu terutamanya agama islam dan institusi raja-raja Melayu.apa lagi yang dimahukan dalam negara ini selain keharmonian dan kemanan. cukuplah dengan peristiwa-peristiwa lalu yang telah menjadi sejarah hitam negara. ok tq.

    22. Malaysia doesn’t need Tengku’s, Raja’s and Sultan’s. They do not represent the people. In a small counry like Malaysia with 9 families claiming Royal heritage, its an international joke. Democracy is for the people and by the people. Not for Sultan’s and by the Sultan’s. Sultan’s should exist solely for entertainment and tourism purpose like those in England. They should yield no political power and more importantly they should be paying taxes!. Nobody is above the law and everybody including the Sultan’s should be paying taxes.

    23. Dear Agung,

      It is a pity that we can’t equate our royalty or for that matter Asiatic and Arabic royalty, India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia etc, to the monarchs of European countries. There is a vast difference between them: one group loved and admired and the other thought of as oppressive. Indian has done away with Kings and the next will be Nepal. In the present context, royalty is superfluous.

    24. Hi Mizzy,

      Unity can only come when all people are treated the same. Of course not all fingers of the hand are the same size, there is difference, but I think he could have expressed his sentiments in a more politic way and not so blunt. After all the people look up to him and expect him to be different from the ordinary rakyat.

    25. Hi All,

      Do you know that beneath our skin we all shed the same blood( though different blood type). We all have the same bone structure with two eyes, two ears and a nose? Basically we are also called Human.

      Why do we allow race and skin colours overide our humanity and most of all our ego?

      To read that some agrees to what the crown prince have said… is actually telling everyone: For the sake of Unity, let Malays suppressed all other other races. We keep hearing the government telling us to work together, to live in harmony and we are a race of tolerance. What tolerance is there when someone or when a crown prince utters that “statement”? Oh, I am sorry. You meant that when I the mighty malay asked you to …. you have to tolerate. That is called racial tolerance? Again I apologize for my puny understanding.

      For those who agrees with that statement, have never put themselves in the shoes of others(races). Such a pity to come in terms with being a malaysian, the malays are the superior race and the rest are not.

      When BN loses, they blame who? The non malays for voting for the oppositions… what a farce. Don’t they know that the percentage of malays are already way above the rest added together?

      This time, some BN top guns have already understood their defeat or why they are defeated but there are a lot more who are trying to point fingers. Sad. I do hope that Public servants will remains public servants and not make public their servants.

    26. To Mohd Azian,

      I read your comments with such shocked that you still consider Ketuanan Melayu. Yes, I would have to agree with you that the ancestors of the non malays are not from “Tanah Melayu” but are you very sure you as a malay are from here? Look up your ancestry please.

      Malays are not stupid people or a race that cannot achieve something great. They can. Malays in fact are “EQUAL” with any races on earth be it the Mat Salleh or any race anywhere on earth. But surely, you would not consider yourself or the malay race to be “the supreme race”.

      No matter how great we think we are, there are always someone much better than us as the saying goes: There are skies with a sky and People among people. If you can’t understand this concept…. you call your self supreme?

    27. Nice one! need i say more on this? sigh.. it just shows how stupid and ignorant one can be..
      someone should kick his ass on our behalf~ haha.

    28. kepada saudara RBY

      terima kasih diatas komen anda. elok saudara mengkaji semula buku sejarah Melayu. saya tidak membincangkan sejarah dalam komen saya, yang saya mahu bincangkan ialah kesetiaan rakyat untuk menerima dan menghormati perlembagaan.

      BAHAWASANYA NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA mendukung cita-cita hendak :

      mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya ;
      memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik ;
      mencipta satu masyarakat adil di mana kemakmuran Negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama ;
      menjamin satu cara liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai corak ; dan
      membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden.
      MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut :


    29. Hi Mohd Azian.

      Assalamulaikum saudara. I do agree with what you say NOW. Kita sebagai Rakyat Malaysia dan bukan dibawah Ketuanan Melayu. As a citizen, we all should work towards strengthening our country to see that all races are treated equally and properly. We should all close our differences to ensure racial and political stability.

      KAMI, juga, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut. Also Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata.

      This time, Pakatan Rakyat gave the BN government a good show, indirectly telling them we can change anything if we put our minds and hearts to it. After half century of BN rule with more than 2/3 majority, now everyone must toe the line. Should the Pakatan Rakyat become like the BN, I am very sure, we as the citizen will not stand by with our arms closed. I wish especailly to thank this blog’s moderator AARVIDI for this opportunity to voice out and share our thoughts. Without your blog, we would be in constant fear of what or who is manipulating our society. You actually made a way for our voices to be heard. To all bloggers,you guys really makes a difference. You guys did what no others avenues/media has done. Long live the Bloggers.

    30. assalamualaikum saudara RBY, terima kasih kerana memahami apa yang saya tulis. setakat itu saja komen saya untuk blog ini. saya tidak berminat untuk berbincang tentang parti yang tidak adil. sila baca puisi ini. pabila selesai sedekahkan al fatiha kepada sasterawan negara yang berjiwa rakyat ini. al fatihah.

      Melayu – Allahyarham Dato’ Usman Awang

      Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
      Nakalnya bersulam jenaka
      Budi bahasanya tidak terkira
      Kurang ajarnya tetap santun
      Jika menipu pun masih bersopan
      Bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan.

      Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
      Kecut takut kerana benar,
      Janji simpan di perut
      Selalu pecah di mulut,
      Biar mati adat
      Jangan mati anak.

      Melayu di tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya:
      Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu
      Banjar juga disebut Melayu, Minangkabau memang Melayu,
      Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu,
      Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu,
      Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu
      Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu
      Malah mua’alaf bertakrif Melayu
      (Setelah disunat anunya itu)

      Dalam sejarahnya
      Melayu itu pengembara lautan
      Melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
      Begitu luas daerah sempadan
      Sayangnya kini segala kehilangan

      Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
      Kias kata bidal pusaka
      Akar budi bersulamkan daya
      Gedung akal laut bicara

      Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
      Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
      Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
      Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
      tanah sebidang mudah terjual

      Meski telah memiliki telaga
      Tangan masih memegang tali
      Sedang orang mencapai timba.
      Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
      Melayu itu masih bermimpi

      Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
      Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
      Berkelahi cara Melayu
      Menikam dengan pantun
      Menyanggah dengan senyum
      Marahnya dengan diam
      Merendah bukan menyembah
      Meninggi bukan melonjak.

      Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan
      Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan
      Tapi jika marah tak nampak telinga
      Musuh dicari ke lubang cacing
      Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing
      Maruah dan agama dihina jangan
      Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan

      Berdamai cara Melayu indah sekali
      Silaturrahim hati yang murni
      Maaf diungkap senantiasa bersahut
      Tangan diulur sentiasa bersambut
      Luka pun tidak lagi berparut

      Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
      Selaga yang ada sanggup diberikan
      Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:
      “Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
      Suami pulang lapar tak makan
      Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
      Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran”

      Bagaimanakah Melayu abad dua puluh satu
      Masihkan tunduk tersipu-sipu?
      Jangan takut melanggar pantang
      Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
      Jangan segan menentang larangan
      Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
      Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
      Jika percaya kepada keadilan.

      Jadilah bangsa yang bijaksana
      Memegang tali memegang timba
      Memiliki ekonomi mencipta budaya
      Menjadi tuan di negara Merdeka “

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    1. […] 14, 2008 at 4:58 pm · Filed under Uncategorized Remember this. This was the Royal address given by the Crown Prince Tengku Faris which caused a furore in the blog […]

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