Thursday, March 27, 2008

AEPSi Child Reports for Children on Both Level 1 & 2

At times, it may be appropriate for a child to be on both level 1 and level 2 of the AEPS. For example, a child may be on level 2 for the Cognitive, Social, Adaptive and Fine Motor Domains and Level 1 for Gross Motor and Social Communication Domains.

As an AEPSi user, you have the capability to run a variety of child reports. It is necessary to pay attention to the AEPS level entered in the Child Profile. This level is dependent on generating the following reports: Graphed Scores, Child Progress Record, Provider Notes, IFSP/IEP Summary, Eligibility Cutoffs, and Present Level of Functioning. If the setting is not correct, the AEPSi user will receive the following message when trying to create a report: The AEPS level for this child's assessment and the level selected in the Child's Profile do not match. Please select the correct level in the child's profile. Therefore, the AEPSi user may change the setting for example, from level 1 to level 2 to create various child reports.

The Score Summary report is the only report that is not dependent on the level selected in the child’s profile.



K. Musick said...

What happens when we have to use both the AEPS 0-3 and 3-6 in order to determine strengths and needs…how do we use the cutoff scores when we have to use both assessment tools and we are NOT using AEPSi?

KPF said...

Your question is two fold.

First, in terms of identifying strengths and needs we've been working on a sorting process regardless of which level of the AEPS used. We've created a brief videocast series on how to interpret what children know and who needs to learn what. It isn't specific to the AEPS but may be useful.

Part I

Part II Tier 1

Part III Tier 2

Part IV Tier 3

Be watching for more in the coming months as we work on better examples of how to determine children's needs and plan instruction from the AEPS.

Second, when using the Area Goal Cutoff Scores you can only use them for the level that matches the child's chronological age. Therefore, if you are using Level I for a child who is 37 months or older you can't get numerical cutoffs but you know conceptually the child is not on target for their age.