
The Ultimate EU Test Book EPSO Assistant (AST) 2012: Edition 2012

Autor András BANETH, Gábor MIKES, Benjamin WILLIAMS, Thomas Williams
en Limba Engleză Paperback – 27 oct 2011
400 AST-level verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests 190 Professional skills tests with 3 different type of exams, Situational judgement tests, Assessment Centre, In-tray. What’s new in the 2012 edition: 2 brand new chapters added on Organising & Prioritising and Accuracy tests with icons to reflect the latest types required in the EPSO system. We have also replaced 30% of the abstract reasoning tests and updated the exam procedure and Assessment Centre chapters.

The Ultimate EU Test Book – ASSISTANT edition 2012 is designed to help candidates prepare and practise for the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) AST-level recruitment competitions for jobs in the EU institutions. Packed with guidance, useful tips and practical exercises and fully comprehensive in coverage, it is the essential all-in-one toolkit for EPSO exam preparation for Assistant exams. The book provides a complete range of materials to assist candidates from start to finish, as well as a full description of how the EU recruitment process works. There are individual chapters on how to succeed in verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests, plus full practice exercises with 150 sample verbal reasoning test questions, 150 numerical reasoning questions and 100 abstract reasoning questions – all with explanations of what the correct answer is and why. Other features of the book include 190 questions-with-answers in the professional skills tested by EPSO – organising and prioritising, computer literacy and accuracy, plus situational judgement tests and the tests to be faced at the Assessment Centre, including the structured interview and a full in-tray exercise, together with explanations of how your performance in these will be assessed.

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ISBN-13: 9780956450883
ISBN-10: 0956450881
Pagini: 400
Dimensiuni: 186 x 246 x 22 mm
Editura: John Harper Publishing
Colecția John Harper Publishing