Help > "Remember Me" Service |  Close  


Each time you visit this site, you are required to enter your email address and password. We do this to keep the site and your information secure.
If you don't want to type in this information each time you frequent this site, your browser can "remember" your email address and password for you.

If you sign in from more than one computer, you will need to enable the "Remember Me" service on each computer.

You can disable this feature at any time by selecting the "My Info" option located on the main calendar screen.

    How do you "Remember Me"?  

The only way for us to "Remember" you between visits to this site is to use a cookie. A cookie is a small text file stored on your hard drive within your browser settings. When you enable the "Remember Me" service, we store a small, harmless cookie on your computer that contains only your sign in information.

This cookie can do no harm to your computer. Only our site can view this cookie. Also, we cannot view any other site's cookies or any another information on your hard drive.
We encrypt all passwords before storing them on your computer.
Therefore, no casual computer user can search your computer and
discover your passwords.