Be Well - Naturally!

Alternative medicine, supplements, herbs, diet, exercise - everything you need to maintain good health!
Copyright Ā©2006 by Edith Gaylord

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Location: Texas, United States


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Soothanol X2 makes pain evaporate

Ever believe in something so much that you can't wait to tell others about it? That's how I feel about Soothanol X2.

It's a liquid that you apply to any area that's painful. I've used it on a stiff neck, sprained ankle, sore knee, aching back, tender wrist, black-and-blue spot, pulled muscle...and the list goes on. And, that's not even the best part! Soothanol X2 also has the unique ability to help your body ignore the pain even when you don't apply it anymore. This is great for people suffering from chronic pain.

Pain evaporates
My husband was the first to use Soothanol. He hurt his lower back and couldn't stand up straight. I applied a small amount to his back, and he immediately felt the heat, which is caused by the cayenne pepper ingredient. The pain-relieving ingredients started to penetrate his back and the pain stopped. This happened within a minute or so. Other than anesthesia or drugs administered by IV, I cannot think of any supplement or prescription drug that relieves pain so fast.

I first used Soothanol for a stiff neck. Ever wake up with a neck so sore that you couldn't lift your head off the pillow? That's what hit me one morning. After applying Soothanol to my neck and upper back, I was back to normal. I wish the word miracle wasn't so overused, because it certainly applies to Soothanol!

It's all natural & non-addictive
Soothanol's oils work together to make pain nothing more than...well, a painful memory. Arnica oil, calendula oil, emu oil and even St. John's wort oil have been used historically as naturopathic analgesics. They use different methods to penetrate the body and relieve pain. Modern scientists continue to research the pain-relieving properties of these oils.

Arnica oil is used to relieve post-operative pain, osteoarthritis and muscle pain from physical exertion and has been used by Brazilian, Norwegian and German doctors in clinical trials. British doctors discovered that calendula oil, which is derived from a flower, was more effective than a prescription painkiller. You've probably seen the infomercial ads for "blue" products that are almost pure emu oil, which is rich in linoleic acid. This is serious painkilling medication. It "teaches" your body to turn off the pain receptor. It "dulls" the perception of pain to your nervous system, even when the oil isn't being applied anymore!

DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide), MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and limonene oil (extracted from orange peel) send the pain-relieving oils down into your body, right to the source of pain - whether it be muscle, tendon or joint. In fact, these ingredients are also heavy-hitting painkillers, adding to the overall response of Soothanol.

Easy to buy, easy to use
The amount of Soothanol you use is VERY small. In fact, you'll be surprised how long a bottle lasts! Just a couple drops on a spot is all that it takes. For larger areas, such as your back, you'll use a bit more.

Visit the Soothanol X2 site and lay in a supply for your family. We keep two bottles on hand. You never know when you might sprain or injure something!

Additional sources:
J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):545-9. Epub 2004 Nov 2
Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2003 Oct;10(5):242-7
Homeopathy. 2003 Oct;92(4):187-9
Adv Ther. 2002 Sep-Oct;19(5):209-18
Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Mar-Apr;8(2):66-8
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2001 Jul;155(7):796-9
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Nov 1;90(21):1034

* * * * * * * *
I am not a doctor and have no medical training.
The information in this blog is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Statements made on this blog
have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Consult a healthcare professional before using any products,
treatments or exercises mentioned on this blog.


Blogger Edith Gaylord said...

A postscript to this posting...I hurt my food while doing some heavy yard work yesterday. It didn't get any better overnight, and I was limping this morning. I rubbed some Soothanol on it; by the time I got my sock and shoe back on, the pain was gone. I cannot say enough about the glorious powers of this product!

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have crhonic pain in my arm from a accident when i was farming. surgery didnot help so i have to take pian meds evey day. maybe this stuff can hlep me. thanks for hlep. LEV

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a muscle prolem in my shoulder. I tried it. While the heat sensation feels good in my case it actually did very little to actually help relive the pain in the knotted muscle.

4:44 AM  
Blogger Edith Gaylord said...

I'm surprised that it didn't work. It could be that you didn't use enough Soothanol or it isn't a muscle problem. Perhaps there is another issue. If the pain doesn't go away within a short period of time, you should have it checked out, or at the very least, you should get a massage to relieve the knot.

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People have short memories. When WD-40 first came out, 40-50 years ago, someone discovered that when squirted or sprayed on aching ankle or knee it brought relief. Ingredients were proprietary, but someone found out main ingredient is a solvent called DMSO. This made all the newspapers then.

It has been used to give animals topical pain relief for forty years. I buy mine at a feed store. It is marked "Not for human use." I put it in a spray bottle and use it to get relief from terrible gout pains in left ankle and foot. WARNING: It gives you garlic breath--within just a few minutes. Strong enough you can taste it. The stuff is actually a byproduct of paper making and it costs me $6.50 for 16 oz. It is from Solvent Sales, Inc., Bensenville, Ill. So adding other known pain relievers can only make it better, although I am unwilling to pay the exhorbitant price being asked for this fancied up version. Oh, yes, I do put calundula oil in my DMSO, at the suggestion of my holistic medicine daughter. But I can't tell any difference.

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much does it cost and where can you get it?

8:35 PM  
Blogger Edith Gaylord said...

The link for Soothanol is in the last paragraph of my blog entry (It says "Visit the Soothanol X2 site...." and is underlined to show that it's a link), which is

4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that the only place to get it? Do they sell it in healthfood stores? or supermarkets?

From Canada

11:46 AM  
Blogger Edith Gaylord said...

From Canada,

Yes, that's the only place that sells it. They ship all over the world. If you click on the ORDER NOW button at the bottom of the page, you'll see that you can select Canada as a shipping option on the next page.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my family we have used DMSO for YEARS. After using it on our livestock for minor traumas, my Grandfather used it on me....and it took the pain of a sprained ankle away within minutes. That was 45 years ago. No problems at all and we use it a LOT on the Farm...seem to have a strong desire for oats and corn though...

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to bad they wont sell it in a store,I wont buy over the internet!

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to bad they wont sell it in a store,I wont buy over the internet!Too much bother when shipping to Canada....Thanks for one way Free Trade

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one commentator said, it is in WD-40. I would like to know where I can see the studies done on this product. I can see both sides but I do not see the side of the one doing the research of the product in a documented study. Thank you who ever can point me in that direction.

10:30 AM  

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