
How to install an autoresponder form on your facebook fan page.


Found this excellent video on YouTube that demonstrates just how easy it is to add an autoresponder to your Facebook Fan Page or Wall.

Categories : Facebook


  1. Ian Brown says:

    It is easy to add a page to your Facebook wall and to put an Optin form on the new page isn’t it? Thanks for showing us this.

  2. Lisa Saline says:

    Carla, thanks for sharing this tip. I’ll bet many people will find it a useful tool and it will definitely help them to grow their list too.

  3. anika says:

    Looks great – only problem is the FBML page has expired. Do you have any other suggestions or links i can use to allow the same function?

  4. Carla McNeil says:

    Yes I know Anika, I am working on replacing all those old solutions. Facebook changes recently have been keeping me busy. 🙂

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