Bill's Accuracy Shop
Bill Truitt -
Custom Rifles

photo of rifle
Remington XP 100 bolt-action pistol, converted to a rifle, in caliber 6x47 (a case based on the 222 Mag) with a 22-inch Hart barrel and a Shilen 2-ounce-pull benchrest trigger. Stock has an automotive finish.
  Bill's Accuracy Shop specializes in custom building guns for shooters who want the best accuracy available. We make both benchrest and hunting rifles, in a wide range of configurations. Please talk to us if you think you might like one built for you.

We can't give you prices here -- custom rifles are different for each individual. One person's "deluxe" rifle may be another's "showy, gaudy, flashy" rifle, and one person's "ugly but it shoots well" may be another's "too ugly to hold, no matter how it shoots." You'll need to figure out what you want in a rifle and work up a plan. First, what purpose will your rifle serve? What action do you prefer? Do you want it to fire a factory cartridge, a common Wildcat, or a custom cartridge? What do you want it to look like (or do you care)?

When you have your plan roughed out, let us give you an estimate. Just e-mail us your requirements, or phone or write -- see Contact Us for our address and a form you can fill out if you want. If you ask, we'll also be glad to send you references and testimonials about our work.

Want to see some of the choices others have made? Check out Examples of our guns for a look at some of the many guns we've made in our shop over the years.

Here are the typical steps we follow in constructing a custom rifle:
down arrow

Action1. Start with the action

Polished action2. Clean and polish the receiver, true the lugs, polish the bolt raceway ...

Barreled action3. Chamber and thread the barrel to the action; install and headspace the barrel on the action ...
Milling stock for barrel
4. Prepare the stock for the action and barrel (here, a lightweight beech stock is being milled for a larger barrel) ...

5. Finish the stock. A wealth of different finishes are availabled .

6. Other ways of personalizing the gun are available too, such as engraving for most metal parts. See Prices and Services for a list of options.

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