Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Loadrunner Siebel-Web Scripts

After a lifetime doing Loadrunner Siebel scripts I have come across with this blog to share and receive comments from people around the globe that have struggle with the same technologies I have used.

I am trying this blog as my first blog in life because I really want to share and get other people experiences in this area and I want to check if I am the only one that really wants to understand the secrets of the SISNAPI protocol and most important thing the format of the responses so I can better understand how to automate it.

This blog is intended for people that is interested in share experiences and techniques for Siebel Automated Test scripts with LoadRunner Technology.

If you are a Performance Test Specialist and you are looking for the best tips and tricks that are not available in all the documentation from HP Loadrunner and Siebel Bookshelfs consider this area the approapiate framework to review and go through.

Ok, so now the first things which refer of what are the first steps in the script development for Siebel-Web scripts:

1. Multiple Recordings
One of the first approaches for correlating Siebel-Web scripts is the fact of finding the differences between multiple recordings with different users and different data sets. This approach will help to find different row id positions in the responses comming from SISNAPI

Questions that I have in this area are:
1. Does anyone know what are the values:
- Siebel_SWEVLC
- Siebel_ACn10
As they are automatically correlated but never know what they correlate to in the application

Multiple recordings also help you to find the enigmatic Siebel_SWECount values that Loadrunner since version 8 automatically calculate and adds into your script, instead of adding the correlation of the value directly from the server response as it used to do in the past.

One of my recomendations to go through the correlation process is to record always 2 iterations of the script, one in Action.c and the second iteration in Action1.c (new action created during recording) try also to record without using any correlation, and remember that you don't need to record again with correlation, just use the Generate Script... function with the correlation checks enabled and that will create the script with the appropiate correlations.

2. The Value Arrays
Siebe responses with the Row Ids that you need to create records or drilldown into records are called Row Ids and those are the key for the Siebel-Web scripts.
You will find that value arrays in Siebel come as responses with the following formar `v`and `ValueArray`
Next to that you will find the common StarArray format used in SISNAPI which is

1. A number with the length of the next field
2. Field with previously described length
3. A number of the next field length

`ValueArray`10*Text with.2*102*221*1*a1*g1*22*Si3*Yes8*1-345678`i`1-345678`

Some of the comments around the correlation of this values is that in LoadRunner regularly it looks for only the value arrays, and in Siebel commonly between iterations this values change a lot in positions, and therefore you have to change the Ord parameter in the web_reg_save_param function, and it make your scripts weak as you run with multiple data sets or with multiple iterations.

My solution is to include more values from the left of the value array to complete the correlation, this regularly includes the number of the Business Component in Siebel rendered for that view, for instance, S_BC11
Try to find something like that in the responses and you will see that the position of the business component never change in the view so there your correlation is more strong and therefore your scripts are also better prepared for various data sets and iterations.

The problem with this approach is always the trade off the new release of new SRFs in the test environment as every time a new SRF file is compiles the fields in the web_submit_data forms change, for instance what use to be

"Name=s_1_1_10_2" change to something like "Name=s_1_2_10_2" because a BusComp is now compiled and positioned in the next value available in the view, and eventually that makes your script to fail, so you need to find out which fields are different between the old SRF and the new SRF.

I think this will be for the first post.
If you have any comments or experiences in this area, are welcomed.



  1. Hey!
    Thanks for the informative post. I have'nt been working with LR that much yet.. and especially not with the siebel-web protocol but i was asked to just recently and have knocked my head on a few walls since then...

    I'll be following this blog and hopefully, i can give some info as well some day.


  2. Hey...

    I've been working in the performance area for several years now. This is my first time with Siebel. I'm using LR9.1 with protocol Siebel - Web. I have two errors from a couple of update scripts. I can't figure out why I'm receiving them. 9.1 appears to be handling SWEC, Siebel Time Stamps, SWERowids, etc... Thus, I don't see anything that needs correlating. Errors are:

    • “ErrMsg`Wrong field values or value types detected in field Service Line. Please re-enter your field values. If you need additional assistance, please refer to the documentation.(SBL-UIF-00299)`ErrCode`11338027`2`0`Level1`0`ErrMsg`The value entered in field DT Service Line of buscomp Opportunity does not match any value in the bounded pick list PickList DT Service Line.(SBL-DAT-00225)`ErrCode

    • `1`Status`Error`SWEC`10`0`1`Errors`0`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`An end of file error has occurred. \n\n Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DAT-00393)`ErrCode`7668105`0`8`Notifications`0`2`0``0`OP`bn`b

    Any ideas?

  3. Hi Jeff,
    You said that you got error in the Service Line due to Wrong Field Value.It is seen that sometime the correct field is not submitted through Web_Submit_Data() during replaying.So you need to check from the Replay log that actually whta is submitted.May be some different field is getting submitted.In that casee you need to change the field position.

