Carla Fernandez Blog

Razzle V11 No9
September 11, 2007, 11:42 am
Filed under: Razzle | Tags:

Carla Fernandez Razzle

Carla Fernandez Cover Insert.

You’re never going to be disappointed when you purchase a copy of Razzle magazine from this era. You can see this magazine come into its own from volume 9 and lose its way mid way through volume 15.

Here volume 11 which is from 1993 has a small picture of Carla on the cover in a yellow tutu but inside you’ve not only got the ‘romp’ photoshoot you’ve got another set too of Miss Fernandez!

Carla appears with her friends in the Razzle Romp for this month entitled, Tu Tu Horny!

Five girls are in the Romp and they are: Tracy Gibb, Shanine Linton, Carla Fernandez, Emma Ceasari and busty Diana Wynn.

All the girls are wearing ballet tutu’s Tracy’s is blue, Shanine’s Green, Carla’s yellow, Emma’s red and Diana’s pink.

The romp takes place over six pages with 15 different pages all the shots show the girls frolicking and Shanine actually does the splits!

Further on inside the magazine we’ve got Dirty Deidre’s diary which once again has Carla who this time dressed in black pvc puts her back to the camera and gives a lucky bloke head. Unfortunately for Carla, George the lucky bloke she’s just sucked off as a girlfriend in the shape of Samantha Jane Homden who enters the scene and both girls start fighting.

Returning now to the front of the magazine we’ve got Lizzie’s diary which was a regular Razzle feature throughout this time period. Lizzie being Nicky Berry who might I add is no stranger to hardcore, ends up with a new job as a sex toy tester so you can sort of figure out from that the theme of this months diary entry.

Every now and then Razzle surprised you by slotting a pictorial in the mag that was not their normal genre. Here they’ve given over 4 pages to big tit star Letha Weapons who looks super with blonde hair, purple bra and multi coloured panties that contrast against her shocking pink suspender belt. If you like Letha then you’re going to have to look hard to find some sexier shots AND bear in mind these shots are soft only.

Near the back we’ve got a second helping of Shanine described as being 21 years old and hailing from Colchester. Although Razzle don’t give to many pages over to each girl, in this case its four, they do get the shots bang off. Shanine in this set is wearing a gray body which comes of to reveal a very nicely preened pussy.

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