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Faculty of Economics

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Recent Publications

Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions

"Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions"
Bhattacharya, D., Dupas, P. and Kanaya, S.
Review of Economic Studies [2023]

The Human Side of Structural Transformation

"The Human Side of Structural Transformation"
Porzio, T., Rossi, F. and Santangelo, G.
American Economic Review [2022]

Does Competition Increase Pass-Through?

"Does Competition Increase Pass-Through?"
Ritz, R.
Rand Journal of Economics [2024]

A Simple Joint Model for Returns, Volatility and Volatility of Volatility

"A Simple Joint Model for Returns, Volatility and Volatility of Volatility"
Ding, Y.
Journal of Econometrics [2023]

Capability Accumulation and Conglomeratization in the Information Age

"Capability Accumulation and Conglomeratization in the Information Age"
Chen, J., Elliott, M. and Koh, A.
Journal of Economic Theory [2023]

Media Mentions & Appearances

The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine will be very important.

A new column on VoxEU by the Faculty's Professor Sriya Iyer et al notes the potentially large welfare implications in a crisis between religion and

The Faculty's Assistant Professor of Economics Alexander Rodnyansky has discussed at the World Economic Forum the issue of whether Ukraine is still

Professor Chris Rauh has been interviewed by the video news channel Macro Hive, which provides global macroeconomic & financial market analysis

The Faculty's Assistant Professor of Economics Alexander Rodnyansky has been interviewed on Die Welt.


Cambridge Economics Alumni Webinar Series

In this webinar, Professor Tiago Cavalcanti outlined the importance of understanding the economic impact of climate change mitigation policies for adoption of such policies that reduce emissions and transition a country towards a low-carbon future. Then, Professor Chryssi Giannitsarou discussed the link between the rise in cross-country stock market correlations and the increase in foreign direct investments across the world.


Today's Seminars

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Faculty Events & Meetings

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Job Market and Placements

Job Market and Placements

2023-2024 Job Market Candidates



Student & Staff Behaviour

Athena Swan - Student and Staff Behaviour

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Women in Economics

This video highlights why women should study economics at Cambridge

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Online Giving

Our donors make a real difference to the wellbeing and education of our undergraduates and postgraduates. They provide bursaries and prizes for our graduate students, books for our library and much more. It is easy to make an online donation via the University’s Online Giving Site



Please consider contributing to the Economics Postgraduate Fund by donating online, which would have an enormous impact on both the students and their ability to make a contribution to the wider world
