“Horses of the Night”

“Horses of the Night” Margaret Laurence

The short story “Horses of the Night” by Margaret Laurence is told in a young girl named Vanessa’s point of view. Vanessa first met Chris when he came to live with her family so he could enroll in high school. Chris played a huge role in the story and was a very dynamic character. He went to live with Vanessa’s family to do something with his life, to escape from his fathers footsteps and just being a basic, simpleton farmer.Chris was a very different kid. Vanessa would talk about how suprised she was that he talked to her, she was 7 years younger than him and kids that are 13 don’t waste time talking to 6 year olds. But that’s how Chris was, almost childish in the way that he could relate to Vanessa and chose to talk to young kids instead of the others. Chris had big hopes when he came to live with Vanessa’s family. He wanted to go off to College, even though this was unlikely seeing his family wasn’t well off enough to send him to college, and they were also living in the depression. But as most kids that age are like, Chris thought that anything is possible, as long as you want it enough.

Chris went for the get rich quick scheme to get some money for college and that failed, as they usually do. Then when Chris realized he wasn’t going to be able to go to College, he enrolled in the army. He then after that, got discharged from the army because of a mental breakdown. I only realized after the second time reading throught this story that Chris showed signs of being depressed throughout his stay with Vanessa. He covered it up well. He seemed hopeful, but also very passive and withdrawn.

When I finished this story I was kind of sad at how it turned out for Chris.

Not done.


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