Maine Monday: Wood Island

Wood Island Lighthouse

You’ve seen this one before. We were fortunate enough to rent a house next door to a very generous person who offered us a boat ride out to Wood Island and the lighthouse. He was going anyway and invited us along. We were considering a kayak trip across the bay but this was much easier.


The Friends of Wood Island Lighthouse offer boat trips out to the island for a suggested donation but they fill up fast and they were full the week of our vacation.


We had an absolutely gorgeous day for our trip. The colors were so vibrant.

Wood Island as viewed from Negro Island

In this previously posted photo you can see, in the distance, where the boat docks.


We followed this beautifully maintained path across the island to the lighthouse.


Pre Rollip


There were spectacular views all along the 1/2 mile elevated boardwalk.

hip flutterby

A butterfly landed on my hip while traveling on the boardwalk. The island is also home to a 30-acre bird sanctuary maintained by the Audubon Society.


The lighthouse is very photogenic and there are many vantage points to take photos of the lighthouse.  This one can be seen at the top, in my header.






Oh, the irony…

Ship Faced

A few boats litter the island. I suppose they are boating in the dark while ship faced.

You can find out more about the lighthouse on the Friends of Wood Island Lighthouse website.  You can also view live webcams of the bay (from the vantage point of our neighbor who piloted our boat) and the lighthouse.

9 thoughts on “Maine Monday: Wood Island

  1. You were so lucky to be able to do this! I tried to get on the tour but it didn’t happen. They didn’t even call me back ( I called at 11:00 am on Tuesday) so I’m guessing they must have been full before they ever got to my call. I love all your shots – they are definitely the closest I’ve ever seen Wood Island.

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