The biggest mall in Canada in West Edmonton mall . West Edmonton Mall is 3,800,000 sq.ft. , these 3,800,000 sq.ft. are spread on three flours. The mall has over 20,000 parking lots and is in Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta. the mall was opened on September 15, 1981,and is still standing.It was the world’s largest mall for a 23 year period from 1981 until 2004. More than 23,000 people are employed at the property. The mall receives 28.2 million visitors per year; it also attracts between 60,000 and 150,000 shoppers daily, depending on the day and season. The mall was valued at C$926 million in January 2007.

west ed

Some info about the mall:

The Stores: West Edmonton mall has over 800 stores. Some are Sears, The Bay, Zellers, DeSerres, London Drugs.


Galaxyland: Galaxyland is an indoor amusement park located on the north side of the mall. It is the largest indoor amusement park in the world and features 24 rides and attractions. There are 8 beginner rides, 9 intermediate rides, 7 thrill rides, including the triple loop Mindbender roller coaster, and 5 other “pay at site” rides/games.Galaxyland was originally known as Fantasyland, however, during a court battle with Disney, West Edmonton Mall changed the park’s name to Galaxyland in July 1995 after completing some minor renovations.

World Waterpark:The World Waterpark is the world’s largest indoor waterpark, built in 1985, with a size of over 20,000 square metres. The park has the world’s largest indoor wave pool and is known for its high-speed water slide called the Sky Screamer, it is 24 metres . The highest slide in the park is the Twister, which is 25.3 metres  high. The water park also has a kids section, it was newly renovated. The new version of this play park is called Caribbean Cove and contains a 1200 litre bucket that drops water on the whole play park on regular 2 minute intervals. A small dolphin themed child’s park was open during the renovations and is still open to this date.

Sea Life/Deep Sea Adventure:sea life is smaller attraction. It is a sea lione show, before the sea lions where there, thre where Dolfins. Deep Sea Adventure is also home to the mall’s aquatic life, most of which are housed beneath the main floor in the “Sea Life Caverns”.

Movie theatres:In the movie theatres you can watch movies. In the entering rooom of the theatres there is a big dragon that spits real fire.

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