Incarnation: the Solution to God’s Dilemma

God longs for a companion comparable to Himself. His purpose in Creation, therefore, was to make man just like Him in all respects save the Godhead. Before God could realize His good pleasure, however, the object of His love and target of His dispensing (man) became alienated from Him, constituted with sin, and destined to die. Thus, God was in a dilemma—to dispense Himself with His eternal life into the polluted vessel of man would propagate the fallen nature in perpetuity. Moreover, such an act would absolutely contradict God’s righteousness and holiness. But the incarnation of Christ displays the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God in that He initiated the process whereby He would both redeem man and destroy the devil. In his classic apologetical treatise, Athanasius (4th century A.D.) expounds on the Divine Dilemma and its solution found in the incarnation:

On the Incarnation

by St. Athanasius