Using the System Tray to show progress in Windows Phone 7 Mango

Before Mango it was a little difficult to put a generic status message at the top of your page. The Mango tools have made this a bit easier by giving developers (more) access to the System Tray. That’s this part:

You are still a bit limited in what you can do (i.e. you can’t actually add or remove icons), but there’s a lot more flexibility than before.

You can access the system tray either in code or XAML using the Microsoft.Shell.SystemTray class. This class has the following dependency properties:

  • IsVisible
  • Opacity
  • BackgroundColor
  • ForegroundColor
  • ProgressIndicator

While it’s quite exciting to be able to style the status bar, I cried out of joy when I saw the ProgressIndicator property. Why…? Because now I can add progress information to the top of my pages quickly and easily! J

So, I want to add a downloading message and progress bar to the top of my page (above the application title) as follows:

Using XAML, I can add text and a progress bar to a page by dropping the following into the page:

    <shell:ProgressIndicator IsIndeterminate="true" IsVisible="True" Text="Click me..." />

Or, using code, I can accomplish the same thing by dropping this into my code:

ProgressIndicator progress = new ProgressIndicator
    IsVisible = true,
    IsIndeterminate = true,
    Text = "Downloading details..."
SystemTray.SetProgressIndicator(this, progress);

Feel free to download my sample application showing how to manipulate the System Tray:


Posted on 8 October, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Nice, good job. Exactly what I was looking for.

  1. Pingback: Using the system tray to show progress bar in wp7 mango »

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