Black Hills' High School Homecoming Pt. 1 | Portraits

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 | |

Here I go, attempting to individually blog the sessions I had this past weekend. I was just so pumped about these Homecoming images so I wanted to blog this first group of Black Hills' dancers. Ha. Anyway, I'm sure you'll recognize Bailey and her boyfriend Isaiah. If you've been following my blog for awhile now, you'll also recognize Dixon, who I took senior pictures for awhile ago.

Anyway, these kids were a lot of fun to photograph and it definitely helped that I am pretty good friends with all of them. I was on a time constraint but I took approximately 200 frames within 20 minutes. (The final image count was 56, but I'm getting better at shooting, shooting, shooting).

I love this first location. It's kind of my own secret place but since I've taken so many photos there now, it's not so secret anymore. I was driving past it a few weeks ago and I noticed all the piles of yellow leaves and I thought to myself, 'I have to shoot there!' Gorgeous, is it not?

Dixon, Lexy, Bailey and Isaiah- I hope you guys had a blast at Homecoming. The rest of your images will be up on my Flickr within the next few days. Thanks for having me take these photos. I adore them.

They are so cute together! I love it.
They're kinda happy.

Funny story about this image- State Patrol pulled up and told me that I could get run over. I realize the risk- thanks for informing me officer. :)
I had to do it
Love this
Bailey pulled off the Grecian goddess look real well ;)


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