Getting to
Know Your

Assignment 1 | Assignment 2 | Assignment 3 | Assignment 4

Assignments should be completed in order. You will need to access Blackboard to complete the Discussion questions online. You should allow approximately 2 hours to complete each assignment.

After completing all assignments take the course quiz and complete the course evaluation. Both are available on the Blackboard site. You will then have completed the course and should see your credits posted in the Blackboard gradebook shortly thereafter. The instructor will email you when your credits are posted and she has notified your Human Resources manager of your class completion.

I hope you enjoy the course. Remember to use the Canteen discussion area in Blackboard to discuss any offline items with other staff. Thank you for participating.
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Assignment 1 : Getting to Know Each Other

Part 1
Your first assignment is to make a home page on Blackboard so we can get to know one another. Please include some information about yourself such as where you are located, your mailing and email address, what center you work at, and what kind of work you do. Include any other information that will help us get to know you better. Also attach a photo of yourself.

Once in Blackboard go to Course Tools, then My Home Page. Full directions on how to set up your home page are located there. (If you need more directions, click on Course Tools, User Manual, Chapter 6 Edit Your Homepage, and print the topic.) You may also get more Blackboard help by visiting this website:

Click on the Instructor tab to see your instructor’s home page. View the home pages of your peers.

Part 2
Click on the Discussion tab in Blackboard and respond to the following discussion:
Describe the student population at your center. Describe your experience with Marshallese students. Tell how they typically communicate with staff. Describe any problems you may be having communicating with Marshallese students. What do you hope to learn in this course?

Respond to at least two other discussion responses from your peers.
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Assignment 2 : Introduction to Marshallese Culture

Part 1
Click here to view the Marshallese Photostory. You need Windows Media Player to view this file. This may take a few minutes to load.

Read here about the Marshallese flag.
RMI Flag
Marshallese flagSignificance: The deep blue background represents the Pacific Ocean. The white and orange bands represent the Ratak (Sunrise) and Ralik (Sunset) chains, respectively. The customary symbolism of orange as the color of bravery and white as the color of peace are also recognized. The star represents the cross of Christianity, with each of the 24 points signifying a municipal district of the RMI. The four main points represent the major centers of Majuro, Ebeye, Jaluit and Wotje. The official flag is at an aspect ratio of 2:1.
Visit this website to listen to the RMI national anthem and read the lyrics.

Visit this website to learn about Marshallese culture.

Visit this website and learn some Marshallese words. Click on the audio to hear the words pronounced correctly. Try out a few words or phrases with your Marshallese students. Learn the following Marshallese words and their meanings: Yokwe, Kommol tata, Ej et am mour? Ebwe.

Part 2
Go to Blackboard and click on the Discussion tab and write a response to the Background question:
Does knowing something about a student’s particular background culture help a staff person relate better to that student? Why or why not? Using what you have just learned about Marshallese culture, how will this information be helpful to you when you speak to your Marshallese students?
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Assignment 3: Introduction to the Environment of the Marshall Islands

Part 1
View this PowerPoint presentation to learn about the location, geography, weather, and other environmental aspects of the Marshall Islands.

View this website to see some great photos of the Marshall Islands.   
Then click on photo gallery. There are 12 different photo galleries to choose from. Marshalls from the Air has some great photos of the atolls.

Part 2
Go to Blackboard and click on the Discussion tab and write a response to the Environmental question: How does a student’s home environment affect them today?
Respond to at least two of your peers.
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Assignment 4 : Introduction to the History, Economics, and Education of the RMI

Part 1
Visit the listed websites, and view the following photo stories.

These photos tell the story of how life in the Marshalls and Micronesia was lived between 1800 and 1900.  
Life 100 Years Ago

This photo story shows the devastation to the islands during World War II in the Pacific.
Campaign in the Marshalls

The U.S. explodes nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands during the 1950s and the aftermath continues today.
Nuclear Nomads

The U.S. military continues to rule the Marshalls after WWII until 1987 when the independent government of the Republic of Marshall Islands was formed.
The 70s:  The Revival of Towns

The women mainly kept to their traditional roles until U.S. aid provided educational opportunities in the 1970s. Many women today are more active in business and government than ever before.
Where Were the Women?

Although the educational system is in bad shape compared to American schools, more students than ever are staying in school in order to compete for the small number of jobs available in the islands.
A Brief history of Education in Micronesia

Part 2
Do you now have an idea of how the Marshallese people view Americans? The current students you have today have always been dependent on American aid for their schools, health care, and most of their government. The conditions in the Marshall Islands have not changed much since the 70s except, since the War in Iraq, U.S. funding has been significantly reduced. There is no farming or industry to replace the money. The Marshallese people are even more dependent on the U.S. today than they were before they declared their independence in 1987. As their population continues to rise, the number of people who live below the poverty level also continues to rise.

Go to Blackboard and click on the Discussion tab titled History and respond to the following questions. Describe the attitudes you have noticed in your Marshallese students. How do they communicate with one another compared to Americans? Do they treat the staff differently? What are some interesting items you discovered in your web photo investigation? Respond to at least two of your peers’ responses.
Ruby Butterworth | WWU | BlackBoard Login
Last update 05/20/06