Universal Expansion

Copyright © 2003 by Sam Sade, all rights reserved. This text may be freely redistributed among individuals in any medium so long as it remains unedited and appears with this notice Any commercial or republication requires the written permission of the author.
Expansion---Cosmological Constant -- Does Earth have Headway Momentum ?


What is Expansion

Let me begin with; the cosmological constant theory suggests that the greater universe always WAS and always will BE and exists without expansion. While this theory presents conceptual as well as philosophical difficulties; logic suggests that it must be so.

The current theories using "expansion" isn't really the best word to describe what is happening to our local universe, although that is the word most often used - a word choice which I think leads to a lot of unnecessary confusion regarding what is already a difficult concept; a more accurate description is “matter decay” or “quantum unit dispersion”.

The term expansion of a Mini universe is a determinant that must be interpreted as the decaying process of a configuration.

A General Theory of Relativity should predict that a Mini Universe (MU) as an open system is subject, to expansion as observations confirm. We must keep in mind that the Big Bang represents the creation of a Mini Universe and suggests that a MU must have been much smaller in volume at its inception. One way to explain what drives the observable expansion of a MU into the Greater Universe (GU) is the process of decay. The Second Law of Thermodynamics infers that expansion is achieved by the means of a cooling process (decay) of galaxies, stars and lesser matter in all Mini Universes (open systems).

The physical reality is, when configurations decay they do not have a causal effect on density, contraction or expansion of the Greater Universe itself.

This would suggest that observable expansion is simply a decline in the size of the baryon mass and its volume structure. This process of dissipating dark matter and specific units that form baryon matter, fuels the separation between the observable galaxies, stars etc. Hence as long as baryon matter exists in a MU, the MU will experience a continual increase in volume as newly dispersed fundamental particles push / nudge the presently occupying quantum units; a logical consequence would infer a condition pushing configurations further apart from each other. This physical process inflates the bubble but does NOT affect the density of the MU or the Greater Universe; the GU remains constant.

Space does not expand, open systems decay disperse Alpha* units and fundamental particles into a pre- existing quantum unit filled space, while GU itself does not expand. The volume of a configuration is directly proportional to the sum of its quantum heat unit content; therefore whether it is in a configuration or in a dispersed form it maintains the same space volume. This process of dispersing Alpha and beta units that form clump matter, fuel the separation of observable galaxies and stars etc. Hence as long as clump matter exists in our local universe, it will experience a continual increase its periphery / volume.

One way to explain expansion of our Mini Universe is that it is expanding into a Greater Universe; expansion is a decaying process of galaxies and stars as they expel quantum heat units into the pre- existing quantum unit filled space; one unit adjacent to the next adjacent unit infinitely. This process creates a push effect, pushing configurations further apart and increasing the distances between galaxies, stars and so on. This expansion does not alter the density in any part of space; it simply represents a redistribution of quantum units.

By observing the increase in distances between galaxies in our local universe, logically there must have been a condition when all the galaxies were closer together or even in one place. One then can argue, the evolution of a Mini Universe from the Bing Bang to present times is a logical extrapolation. Accordingly the increase of distance between galaxies is proportional to the decrease in unit volume of these same galaxies that are embedded in these slow spinning plasmas (Alpha and Dark Matter).

When considering the fundamental mechanics of expansion, clump matter is at one end of the spectrum and quantum heat units are at the other, the 2nd law describes the process that takes place between them. The configuration is changing in the direction of the quantum value, in other words clump matter is decaying reverting to a fundamental quantum state. The newly dispersed dark matter and Alpha units need new space; hence they push the existing particles in the pre-filled quantum space; the result is an increase in the distances between the celestial objects. Therefore we may extrapolate the expansion of the mini universe is the cooling of galaxies and stars etc.
Logically it would appear that all Mini Universes are structured in the same circular cycle.

In consequence of the fact that baryon matter can continue to decay, a state of expansion in our local Universe will continue, as newly disperse particles merge into a pre- existing quantum unit filled space and create an ever larger sea of fundamental particles? We may ask, if the 1st L o T states, that matter can not be created or destroyed, then why would density in a Mini Universe have reason to change?

We may then assume, that the expansion of a mini universe (open system) can go unchecked to the point where all matter acquires “minimum sized particle state” (quantum units), in contrast the greater universe (closed system) complies to the 1st L o T. and is not affected by decay, as such the system remains constant, both in density and in its quantum unit content.

If we were dealing with simple expansion, then it may be straightforward, but this process is directly relative to the baryon matter shrinking, and only the local region where decay is active, will space undergo expansion as these configurations continue to be pushed apart by these freshly expelled particles into the pre filled unit space. To an observing eye we can clearly witness expansion of the observable regions.

Why must the GU be a closed system?

The belief that the universe can expand as an "Infinite Expansions Theory" is simply based on a false premise. The infinite theory of expansions reveals a model whereby the 2nd Law of T would at some point be faced with zero thermal space values. Theoretically it could equilibrate (not really) and eventually assume a zero temperature (not really) or the units would be dispersed beyond the point whereby they could reverse and coalesce. This is totally inconsistent with the 1st L o T that expansion can bring about heat death when the property of matter is heat. It is highly probable that “Nature” will NOT manifest conditions for its own destruction.

The Big Bang should be pictured as a big explosion somewhere in space with fragments being cast out Omni directional from an exploding Critical Mass Core; otherwise known as the Black Hole,
This does not mean that the galaxies and lesser objects are flying out into space infinitum, the fact is, relatively very few bodies do, eventually galaxies lose all velocity. As temperatures decrease, planets, stars, galaxies evolve, acquire spin, orbit and adopt a buoyancy state, and ultimately surrender all independent motion.

How does this effect man?

We are living in the most intriguing time, in a universe like nothing we imagined just a few short years ago. A hypothetical such as, is man expanding or contracting by some mysterious force were curiosities of fiction. Living organisms are not noticeably subject to this phenomenon of universal expansion; the dark matter (DM) permeating our body is more or less in equilibrium with our immediate surroundings: albeit our thermal value is higher in comparison to DM in space.(ok so!). Our planet is continuously and simultaneously supplied and depleted of heat, If and when our planet accretes less heat from our sun than it disperses into space: the cause and effect a contraction of the planets' thermal content and translate as a decrease in the construct of the baryon matter content / volume. (not good for us)

Here we may apply the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

This law claims that "heat spontaneously tends to flow only from being concentrated in one place to becoming diffused or dispersed and spread out".
As long as our planet compensates our thermal value, we will not feel any noticeable effect, and dark matter in space will absorb heat from the higher thermal emitting matter (E.g. galaxies, stars, earth etc.).

When considering universal expansion we can only observe what we can see. Suppose we observe the stars in the outlying universe, and suppose we observe idiosyncratic mannerism of everyday matter, can we structure common inherent properties.

Assuming the universe, galaxies and all the matter on earth are permeated * by dark matter particles, can these idiosyncratic phenomenon in possession of these structural and behavioral characteristics apply a logical postulate?

There is a consensus in the astronomical community that most of the mass in most (all) galaxies is dark matter and that celestial objects in space and matter on earth are analogous.
I refer here to Dark matter as a generic term for these fundamental particles in the universe though not directly observable, they do permeate and embed all matter and fill the entire space in a MU as inferred by the motion of galaxies.

Dark Matter particles absorb contactually and Omni - directional thermal information from higher heat sources (e.g. stars).
Hypothetically one may extrapolate an increase in thermal content will increase the structure of the fundamental particles (DM) likewise increase the content of specific particles in the region and interpret this as an increase in the local universal volume.

If this assumption is valid than our Sun's heat lose, should express a constant increase to earth's orbit.

fmp * = fundamental particles (The term "fundamental particle" is used here to avoid having to invent new terminology)
permeate* = 1) The dark matter particles - form a 3 dimensional geometrical lattice, isometric, homogeneous, permeate and embed all matter and assist to define the magnitude of mini universe with their unit volume.
Permeate* = 2) Dark matter is instrumental in the construction of a plasma; these particles must rest in an adjacent formation. Sequentially vast quantities of contactual DM particles are needed to simply fill the volume and implement a route for thermal transfer in a mini universe.
Alpha* one of three quantum units (Alpha, Beta and Gamma)

Cosmological Constant

Einstein's original and imaginative term denotes a static model but not a completely permeating Greater Universe (cosmos) with the stuff between the stuff we can not see. He may have sensed it but fudged it might be. Ironically may turn out to be his greatest prediction.

What does the term Cosmological Constant theoretically signify?

There are a number of extrapolations that are suggestive of a need of a cosmological constant supposition ;

For example:
1) Is the Greater Universe infinite or finite?
2) Is it open or must it be closed?
3) Does the Greater universe maintain a constant density?
4 )How does a "cosmological constant" affect the evolution of a Mini Universe within the Greater Universe?
5) Is the GU 3 dimensional and must it be completely filled with Quantum units resting one unit adjacent to the next adjacent unit and so on.
6) Must the density equal omega = one?

The term Cosmological Constant Theory implies that the Greater Universe exists without any expansion: while there is evidence to support that expansion is a physical reality as in our observable Mini Universe.

A devolving open system (Mini Universe) can create countless possibilities; the emergence of highly complex open systems by chance is highly inevitable. Therefore the Greater Universe (closed system), can create open systems as complex as man, this can be considered as an evolutionary chemical probability in a devolving Mini universe.

Cosmological constant is a term referring to a smooth cosmic fluid like Alpha plasma that pervades homogeneously (0 + -) space all inclusive. This term should produce a field equation in responds to a general relativity theory that describes how Alpha and Dark matter fields affect celestial objects and why do they not exercise avulse conduct in a static cosmologically constant Greater Universe.

The Cosmological Constant (CC) conventionally denotes a parameter describing the Alpha density of space as an important contributor to the dynamical history of a static Greater Universe. Unlike baryon particles*, which can bind or disperse as they evolve, the Alpha units*without a mate are a non - binding contiguous basic constituent and under THESE circumstances are homogenous and isotropic throughout the Greater Universe.

Now may we posit a fundamental particle structure hypothesis: -Quantum thermal units form bonds as independent units of which particles are composed.
So when we split matter apart than split molecules apart then atoms, then their nuclei in continuum and then even the fundamental particles themselves. Should we be able to! We would have something like this "Quantum heat units". The stuff that the Greater Universe is made of.

Unlike ordinary matter a major percentage of Alpha units can not bind or decay, they denote the density in the CC and under normal circumstance they appear as a smooth fluid like quantum Alpha plasma permeating all space homogeneously and consequently along with Beta and Gamma units denote a constant density of omega = 1( + - 0)*.

With the introduction of Quantum units and the progress in symmetries have opened new conceptual possibilities into discrete sub particle theories.
It seems this imaginative term C.C. describes a Greater Universe with implications of simplicity, logic and should describe how matter, heat, density and volume as relative factors of the G. U.
On a theoretical plain, explains by a logical sequence how the "Mini Universe" can contract and expand and still not violate this term "Cosmological Constant":

Logical and philosophical observations provide physical evidence that the Greater Universe is not completely homogenous and suggests that quantum units differ in thermal values.
1)-- 78 % are Alpha units at "x" value
2)-- 12 % are Beta units at “y” value. These quantum units (Beta + Alpha) when combined form Dark Matter.
3)-- While the remaining 2- 4% are Gamma units at “z” value. When (Alpha + Beta + Gamma) are combined they form baryon particles of which clump matter is formed.
The remaining 4% is one third Alpha one third Beta and one third Gamma form the unseen baryon matter, as for one reason or another is not visible to us for observations. Decidedly this is just a guestimate but I believe from recorded observations of clump matter in space, it is reasonably close.

Now imagine a three dimensional region of space, filled randomly with these contiguous points (Quantum thermal units).

What is "Quantum Thermal Unit Rearrangement" (QTUR)?

The first law of quantum thermal unit rearrangement states ; No two quantum thermal units can share the same point in space.

To thoroughly digest the quantum thermal unit rearrangement concept, we should first start with a proposition; What is the mechanism to explain the function and extrapolate a theory of a quantum thermal unit rearrangement? Like sound or water for QTUR propagation, a contactual fluid like medium, to fill the total volume is required. Sequentially vast quantities of quantum units are needed to simply fill this space.

Let us posit a novel argument for general behavior and causation of these basic constituents.
These varying Quantum unit values (alpha, beta and gamma) eventually form baryonic particles and advance to more complex matter but do not increase their unit value* in respect to their thermal contemt or volume.
Unit value* to define the term is to say. The unit cannot accrete more heat or increase its respective volume albeit through the coalescence of specific units will increase a configured mass. These new binding units simply displace none binding Alpha units and resultantly claim that space. These specific particles can now initiate motion and thermal transference but their respective unit value or volume remains a constant.
What we are witnessing is a local coalescence of binding particles or formation of baryonic matter, an increase of quantities of specific units in an expanding local region only.

Hypothetically we may extrapolate; that the WEIGHT of one cubic inch of quantum alpha units will equal the WEIGHT of one cubic inch of beta quantum units and will equal the WIEGHT of one cubic inch of baryon matter or any combination of units thereof. In other words the weight is constant. Therefore density = omega one = and explains the buoyancy of matter in space. Hypothetically we may extrapolate; one cubic inch of space will contain a constant density of binding or non - binding units. Likewise one cubic inch of space will contain a constant weight inconsequential as to the type of matter and only the number of Quantum Heat Units subject to their value will change.

Mini Universe (bubble)

The Mini Universe (bubble) is a constituent of the Greater Universe; it contains a density of omega = one (+ -) also an Alpha plasma permeating all space that is not presently occupied by baryon and or dark matter particles.
The volume of a non - homogenous Mini Universe can be effected by its baryon matter and express expansion and contractile phenomenon.

This would suggest that observable expansion is simply a decline in the size of the baryon mass and its volume structure. This process of dissipating dark matter and specific units that form clump matter, fuel the separation of the observable galaxies, stars etc. Hence as long as clump matter exists in a Mini Universe, the MU will experience a continual increase in volume as newly dispersed fundamental particles push / nudge the presently occupying quantum units; in turn pushing the configurations further apart from each other. This physical process inflates the bubble but does NOT affect the density of the MU or the Greater Universe; the GU remains constant.

Space does not expand, open systems decay disperse fundamental particles into a pre- existing quantum unit filled space, while GU itself does not expand. The volume of a configuration is directly proportional to the sum of its quantum heat unit content; therefore whether it is in a “configuration” or in a “dispersed form” it maintains the same space volume. This process of dispersing fundamental particles that form clump matter, fuel the separation of observable galaxies stars etc. Hence as long as clump matter exists in our Mini universe, it will experience a continual increase in volume. One way to explain expansion of our Mini Universe is that it is expanding into a Greater Universe; expansion is a decaying process of galaxies and stars as they expel quantum heat units into the pre- existing quantum unit filled space; one unit adjacent to the next adjacent unit infinitely. This process creates a push effect, pushing configurations further apart and increasing the distances between galaxies, stars and so on. This expansion does not alter the density in any part of space; it simply represents a redistribution of fundamental particles.

Does Earth have Headway Momentum ?

Why Orbits are Elliptical.

Our solar system presents us a wondrous adventure into the unfolding secrets of a star, its planets, comets, asteroids, planetesimals, meteors, dark matter and Alpha quantum plasmas as an oasis of motion.
It is understood from the standpoint of our observations that no object in the universe is at rest. Every object is in a state of motion.
The question is what is the functioning agent that initiates an object a process for changing a position in space?

Motion in the universe is comprehensively interrelated through an internet of Quantum Alpha heat units and Dark Matter particle fields.*
Objects with independent momentum are those that the First law of motion applies too.

"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it". (Newton)

What is this force?

Hypothetically let us consider this unconfirmed force consists of three constituents :
One basic constituent is the Alpha unit that pervades the "greater universe" or the entire space. These Alpha units fill all space that is not presently occupied by Beta or Gamma Quantum units. Sequentially vast quantities of Alpha units are needed to simply fill the volume and determine the density of the Greater Universe.

While #2 is a more complex constituents found in Mini universes ( sectors of the greater universe) e.g. for this exercise, let's use our solar system.

#2- Is a Dark matter particle a constituent comprised of one Alpha + one Beta, they form a 3 dimensional geometrical lattices, isometric, homogeneous which permeate and embed all clump matter and is instrumental in the construction of plasma. These dark matter particles must rest one particle adjacent to the next adjacent particle and fill all the space in a Mini Universe that is not presently occupied by Alpha or Baryon matter. Sequentially vast quantities of contactual dark matter particles are needed to simply fill the volume and implement a route for thermal transference.

Why are orbits elliptical?

A rotating orbital star embedded in “Alpha" and "dark matter" establishes elliptical fields entrapping all orbiting planets, comets, asteroids, meteors, planetesimals and including all space dust. One force is a mild Alpha* field and a second sharing conjointly this space is a more dynamic DM field. Their rotation in concert influence the fields to adopt a whirl-like motion, unlike a whirlpool the Sun does not initiate a centrifugal or centripetal influence to the whirling or orbiting matter

I believe the planets permeated and embedded in these plasmas are static buoyant bodies in elliptical whirl pool matrixes.
Following logic we may assume a rotating planet embedded in Alpha & DM fields will likewise establish a whirl pool and initiate local drag.
In general planets do not possess forward momentum but rather express a static state.
We may extrapolate that the interaction by the two fields (the suns’ and the planets’) will retard the planet's orbital "FLOW" and impart the impression of independent motion. In reality due to varying mass and local drag values, the planets project only an illusion of headway momentum.

The illusion of motion in which two or more planets orbiting the sun with identical physical velocities but have different mass value, impose different drag values as they spin and float embedded in the plasmas around the sun. The drag imposed by the planets onto the plasmas indicates an effect that smaller planets’ perceived velocity maybe greater than the larger planet as it appears to lag behind. The results to this hypothesis are inconsideration with that the environment is relatively static, constant and proportately subject to normal decay and expansion of the solar system.

This may beg a question; Our Sun as a member of the Milky Way is considerably the most dominant whirl pool in our solar system. Commands at least one motion as it spins and orbits around the Milky Way. Assuming the Sun does NOT command independent headway momentum, hence we may extrapolate the same laws that govern the orbits of planets around the Sun, must also govern the motion of stars around the galaxies.

As the Sun orbits', its solar matrixes** advance exert pressure onto the "galactic" MATRIX* fields, the consequential result once again is resistance and or pressure to the solar matrixes** creating a "minor axis"; compressing the solar matrixes** thusly forming elliptical fields.
While the Sun's apogee of the semi - major axis will maintain facing the galactic center (or the higher thermal value) as the Sun advances in its orbit around the Milky Way.
Assuming these same laws that govern the orbits of planets around the Sun also must govern the motion of stars. Based on this hypothesis, we may extrapolate the Sun to be buoyant and static is logical. The Sun must adopt the galactic orbit.

To postulate that a planet commands orbital independent headway motion implies the planets’ speed is variable as it continuously orbits the sun. We than may presume in the process of its orbital progress it will encounter the need at least once to increase velocity as it tries to catch up to the sun's orbit.
This hypothesis is stressing logic and begs for a myriad of gravitational and mathematical inferences. I believe that nature works with pure and simple laws.

The origin of some of our (if not all) planets might be fragments hurling through space with just enough velocity to enter the sun's elliptical QTU fields and not sufficient velocity to Escape and are captured in this eccentrically elliptical field
The fragments crashing into the sun may extrapolate any number of theories as to the origins of “planets and other matter".
If a fragment with sufficient velocity can pass through the elliptical QTU field it will continue into space never to return. (Never an infallible term but close)

QTU *---quantum thermal units
MATRIX----Alpha & DM galactic fields.
Matrix** ----Alpha & DM solar fields
Matrix * ----Alpha & DM earth fields.

Work in progress

more on "dark matter" by sam sade

created by Sam Sade,
last modified: june 10, 2003