MDG-F Secretariat – Worldwide – 62 mid-term evaluations during 2011/2012

The MDG-F Secretariat is seeking a pool of high-qualified evaluation and thematic consultants to carry out 62 mid-term evaluations during 2011 /2012, as prescribed by the MDG-F M&E strategy. The end result of the process will be an approved roster to which MDG-F Secretariat will select the appropriate consultant for specific assignments.

MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) is a United Nations facility that seeks to accelerate progress towards attainment of the MDGs, Paris declaration objectives and the Delivering as One initiative in participating countries by supporting policies that promise high impact, scaling-up of successful models, and innovations in development practice. The Fund operates through 49 UN Country Teams and actively strives to strengthen inter-agency coherence and effectiveness by implementing 128 joint programme in 8 thematic windows.

We thought this opportunity might be of you interest and we trust you will help us disseminate this announcement to as many relevant partners as possible. Please find enclosed the link below where you can read the TOR and start the application process (deadline to submit applications is march 6th).