Saturday, December 5, 2009

Looking back on My blog...

I perceive that I have been rather hard on Barrack Obama. Let Me get this strait, I do not hate The President. We might have done far worse, we might have elected that hair guy, the one that may have paid the most money for a haircut in Iowa history. In some ways there are many positive aspects to Obama having been elected. I can see young black men and women everywhere taking his election as an inspiration. They no longer just assume that they can go no place in life due to skin color. Further, I have not had to endure people referring to Bill Clinton as "our first black president" since that election. Something that to My ears is an insult to black people everywhere. Bill Clinton was/is in many ways a "perfect horror of a man", the only thing that kept him from being a "perfect horror of a president" is that he did not have things all his own way.
Even though I abhor the socialist tendencies of the past year or so, it is as much due the fact that Obama has it all his own way, with a Congress that quite frankly has socialist, even fascist tendencies, certainly elitist and oligarchic.
From the first time I heard barrack Obama speak I knew He would be a force to recon with and I know you will re-elect him. I know how hard it is for the American People to admit they made a mistake, after all they elected Clinton again, even seem to like him. I say because they remember things as "being good" economically during that period, the tail end of the Reagan boom.
The mistake the American voter made was not that they elected Barrack Obama, but that they gave Him everything his own way. The danger to The President is that He has no particular opposition. That we are getting what We are getting and getting it "good and hard", as Mencken might say, should surprise no one as these folks plainly told us what they would do.
Let us set it right a year from now at the mid terms. Now that there is no "gridlock" to protect us from excess we can all see how fast our electing a good man can have unintended consequences and let this be a lesson to us. Your Grandchildren will Rue the day We gave one side too much power and spent everything in a few short months.

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress. Mark Twain