
Are you an accredited program?

DCDAL is accredited through Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

How old do I have to be to enroll at DCDAL?

All interested candidates must be at least 16 years of age AND officially withdrawn from traditional high school.

When can I start classes?

DCDAL offers four terms per year.  Semesters typically begin in January, March, June, and September.  Each semester is 10 weeks in duration.  To see the next available orientation dates, check the registration tab on home page of this website.

How many credits can I earn in each term? (high school diploma students)

A student may earn an average of 2 credits per semester.

Where do I take my exams/assessments?

You can take your exams/assessments at an approved DCDAL testing location. There are testing locations in each of the three counties in Delaware.

How do I complete assignments?

Students complete assignments online through DCDAL’s online learning system-MyDCDAL.

Will the credits from my previous high school transfer to DCDAL?

Yes.  Generally, most credits earned at your previous high school(s) will transfer to DCDAL.

How long will it take me to get my diploma or GED® ?

For the James H. Groves diploma program, it will depend on how many credits you still need to achieve Delaware’s 24 required credits. Currently, Delaware requires 4 credits in English (one credit in a senior level English), 4 credits in Mathematics (one credit in Algebra 1, one credit in Algebra 2, and one credit in Geometry), 3 credits in Social Studies (one credit in U.S. History), 3 credits in Science (one credit in Biology), 1/2 of a credit in Health, 3 Career Pathway credits, 2 World Language credits and 4.5 elective credits.  A counselor will review your previous high school transcript and determine exactly how many you need.

For the GED® program, it will depend on your skill levels in reading, writing, and math.

How do I enroll?

To enroll, fill out the online registration form to schedule to attend an upcoming placement test and orientation. After you successfully complete the initial reading, math, and writing assessments , you will learn how to access and complete classes using our online learning system.

What are the costs?

  • There is a $20 materials fee for James H. Groves Adult High School classes per term (every ten weeks.)
  • GED® preparation and Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes are free. There is a $144 fee for the Official GED® Test.

Are there textbooks for my courses?

New students receive login information for textbooks and supplemental materials at orientation. Physical textbooks or other necessary materials can be requested for pick up at the DCDAL office. Textbooks and other materials provided by DCDAL are loaned to the student at no additional charge and must be returned in good condition at the end of the course in order for full credit to be given. If borrowed materials are lost, damaged, or stolen, students must pay the full replacement cost. No grade will be issued until all materials have been returned and student will be prohibited from beginning new courses.

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