Having a baby in Mexico – Part 3 (Finding a new doctor)

I’m now at 35 weeks pregnant and all of our previous concerns have been taken care of (read Part 2). We have found a wonderful doctor!

After our first appointment with Dr. Amador, Sr., we did go back and have two more appointments with his son, Dr. Amador, Jr. He was a little more thorough in his questioning process – actually asking about my medical history and family medical history (Dr. A. Sr. did not!). And he did another ultrasound and checked all the baby’s organs and measurements. Oddly, he did not take my blood pressure. And if you like having a doctor around that seems hyped up on caffeine, he’s your guy. I’m thinking that a doctor that is already high strung just while asking me questions and looking at a perfectly healthy picture of a baby, would make me nervous when it comes time to deliver this baby!

Dr. A. Jr. also had similar philosophies as his dad, namely: being uncomfortable with having M. in the delivery room and saying the room was too small for a spouse and a translator; was surprised I wanted a natural birth with no medication, and seemed to think it was an unwise request;  and would induce labor if I was one week “overdue”.

So, with our comfort level and confidence in our doctor completely demised, I went on the hunt again for another option. After much research, many emails, and several phone calls with traveling midwives and a U.S. birthing center, we decided Mexico was still the right place for us to have the baby. However, we knew it was important to find the right doctor. I started asking around (again), and a Mexican girlfriend told me about another OB/GYN in Guaymas that was known for helping women have natural births.

At 5 1/2 months along, we went (with our translator friend) to see Dr. Chavez Coronado. Dr. C. speaks little English, so having a translator there was a huge blessing – and a necessity! Again, I went through all my questions and talked through my birth plan and hopes for the labor/delivery experience. Dr. C. was very relaxed and made us feel comfortable. He seemed very knowledgeable, though not big-headed. And he was quite happy to help us achieve a natural, unmedicated birth (assuming the baby and I are progressing well). After nearly 90 minutes, we left his office feeling very relieved. We found our guy!

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