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Not only do I heart Hackney, but online fashion hub Asos is just about the only place I buy clothes.

So when devouring my monthly Asos magazine my heart just about skipped a beat to see that their everyday style feature highlights Hackney girl Debbie Shasanya, who is also a production assistant at Asos magazine. The regular “Working It” feature documents a week in somebody’s fashion life, detailing their outfit choices and influences.

It might sound mundane, but to me it’s about the best fashion fix you can get (besides actually buying something). You get to see how a real person relates to fashion and trends as well as where they shop. I love to then study the outfits and mentally go through my own wardrobe to see if I can conjure up something close to them. Call me a fashion nerd, but this is the behaviour of a girl on a budget. It’s so much more satisfying then pretending that my £50 Asos boots look remotely similar to the £500 Louboutin boots Victoria Beckham has named after her.

In the feature Debbie describes Hackney as “the hub of street style” and you can even see what I think is London Fields peeking out from behind her.

You can read the Asos magazine feature here.