Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Yaaaaaaay!" with Kermit Arms Flailing

     I used to say I had Kermit arms.  Unfortunately, many kids nowadays don't know who Kermit is, so to anyone under 18, instead I say, "Elmo arms."  But really, they're more Kermit-y.  No they're not green, but they certainly aren't red and furry. They are, however, skinny.  Get it?
     Anyway, on Tuesday I posted about this really groovy OPI nail polish collection that's coming out for the holidays (thank you Erin of Unrepeatbles, let's face it I don't know what's up and coming, I collect cool friends for that), and then my friend Dori (who thankfully doesn't have a blog so I can steal this from her) queried, "Which Muppet would you be?"
     A good question to ponder until we can paint our nails in honor of the creations of Jim Henson...
     My answer?
     If Kermit and one of the cranky guys in the balcony (Statler and Waldorf, and no I didn't have to google them, I know them by name) had a baby--impossible on so many levels--I would be it.
 skinny arms
content with life
control freak
loves to laugh
(either one of them!)

So, my question of the week inspired by both Erin and Dori is...
Which Muppet are you most like?

A postpost so to speak...while googling for photos (the above which I will not credit since they were not original to where I found them, I found these and though I don't think I'd ever wear them, they made me smile!


Dwija {House Unseen} said...

Hmmmmmm, I am probably Fozzy Bear. BUT, I can tell for with certainty that my son is Gonzo. Totally weird and obsessed with chickens. Thinks they're "beautiful" and "I love them so much". Love it.

Pam C said...

;;I am Rizzo the Rat!

Rebecca Jo said...

Sadly, I grew up known as "Miss Piggy" from my family... because she did karate - which I did as well - & she had long blond hair - which I did as well too... The other resemblance, my brother would make comparisons... not pretty! :)

Stacy said...

Totally Ernie! He's got an ornery streak a mile wide. :D

Daenel T. said...

My sisters used to refer to me alternately as "Animal" and "Taz" but I like to think I'm more like Janice from the band.

Karin said...

Too old for this - haven't got a clue, lol!

Ellen aka Ellie said...


No one is too old for The Muppets!

Beth Zimmerman said...

I'm solidly Eeyore who (I know) is not a Muppet. What can I say?

lisa :) said...

Mee mee meep mee meep meep!

(aka - I'm totally Beaker! Not quite that skinny but I got the crazy red hair and the lab coat!)

Anonymous said...

Right now I feel like Miss Piggy, but I want to be Camella the Chicken just because she's awesome!

dori said...

Well, I guess if I helped inspire your post, I should comment on it.. LOL!

I am a mix as well, a little Waldorf and Statler (usually have a wise-crack handy, and enjoy watching the 'show')
a little Gonzo, (a "Weirdo" searching for someone like him...and having a larger than average nose...ha!)
and a little Scooter, organized and helpful..."fifteen seconds to show"

I used to say a little Miss Piggy for her glamorous style and "talent'.. lol!.. but I'm afraid all that's left of her now is my rolly-polly figure...alas...

you know comparing myself to a muppet is not all that
so glad we're all so much more than puppets, even as endearing as they are :-)

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

You know, I'm going to have to think about this one, but I do love me some Kermit. The soundtrack to The Great Muppet Caper was the first record (dating myself) I ever owned. Rainbow Connection is still one of my favorite songs. I have several students that would wear those. Currently they are sporting Elmo and Cookie Monster sneakers that are very similar!

Debbie H-R said...

I never really watched the Muppets ,,, I was too old for them when they came out ,,, but I am familiar with some of them, and I think I'd be The Count, only because he had a cool foreign accent. And I really was Elmo one Halloween at Milwaukee County Zoo ,,, a big giant Elmo ,,, my head was almost as tall as my body and I was nearly toppled and trampled several times during the course of the evening by little humans I could not see because of my big head! They mostly loved me which was cool, except for one little boy ,,,about 4 years old ,,, who screamed bloody murder when he came face to face with a 7 ft tall Elmo! But I'll stick with The Count!