
Inclusive vs Exclusive

Have you ever been invited by a friend to hang out with a group of people for the night? Have you ever felt like when you got there no one really cared you were there, not even the friend who invited you? That is definitely not a fun place to be. If you have ever been there, you know how awkward that can be hearing everyone talk and laugh as you try to infiltrate their world.

Have you ever been invited to hang out with people and when you got there they acted like you were a rockstar? They wanted to know all about you, wanted to include you in everything they were doing, wanted to know your opinions and stories, seemed like they really cared about you. Its a great feeling!

Now, if you had your choice which would you choose? To be excluded or included? My money is on included. Why? Because we want to feel like we belong, like we are accepted, like we are wanted. Every one of us wants to feel that way! Do you realize that you can impact anyone and everyone you meet by simply being inclusive? By simply trying to get to know people? You can change a life forever by being a friend to someone!

I knew a guy in High School that no one wanted to be around. He was different, he acted strange, sometimes he smelled bad, he had ratty clothes, and he had huge curly hair. You know I never reached out to him or tried to include him in anything I did. To this day I regret that. I regret being that selfish. I was to concerned with fitting in myself that I never reached out.

Its sad, but we all act like that don't we. We all can be pretty self centered at times. We all think about ourselves first. So here is the challenge. Not just for your youth group, or church, but for every aspect of your life. Don't compartmentalize this. Don't apply this half-heartedly, don't blow this off. The challenge is simple. Look for ways to be inclusive! Look for ways to bring people in! Look for ways to make an impact that could last for eternity!

Its your choice. Just remember what its like to be excluded. Be a family, be a friend, be inclusive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one day at work, a large group of people were going out for lunch to a certain place. one person didnt have the same lunch break time as the rest and couldnt go because anyone who could fill his spot was giong out to eat. i was just a volunteer and couldnt have gone anyways so i said i would work in his place so he could go to lunch. i did that because i remebered reading this part of the blog. i thought of all the times my friends had left me out, planned a sleepover in front of my face when they knew i couldnt go, shared secrets when i was there and didnt tell me, and just plain left me out. i didnt want that to happen if i could stop it. i hope somebody reads this and includes someone because of it so they never have to feel like that. i didnt write this blog to have someone praise me for what i did. instead, inclulde someone, and that will be all of the praise i could ever ask for. : P