Monday, February 28, 2011

Shakespearean Insults Skits (9th Grade)

Use the list of Shakespearean insults below:


Then, write a short script where a major conflict occurs. However, you are NOT allowed to use a narrator. All of the character traits and setting must be presented through dialogue.

For example: "Get off of the couch and chance your clothes. You're starting to smell like stale pizza." By reading this statement, you know that the character is a slob and that it takes places in a messy living room.

Your skit should be about 2-3 scenes long.

ALSO, you need to read through the prologue and Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. If you have trouble, feel free to read No Fear Shakespeare as a resource (not as a replacement!)

1 comment:

  1. I just posted the activity I use with my HS English students that guides them through writing a Shakespearean "Insult" Sonnet which they love! Thought you might be interested in checking it out:

    I also designed a Shakespeare Soundtrack project which is a fun ongoing activity that gets students analyzing each scene. I'm happy to pass that along if you think you might use it.

    Catlin Tucker
    English Teacher


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