31,000 Scientists Reject ‘Global Warming’ Myth

The Global Warming Petition Project has collected 31,072 signatures from scientists who reject the myth of ‘global warming’. The petition states that:

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

And from Bob Unruh’s 31,000 scientists reject ‘global warming’ agenda at WorldNetDaily.com:

“The campaign to severely ration hydrocarbon energy technology has now been markedly expanded,” [Robinson, Petition Project Founder] said. “In the course of this campaign, many scientifically invalid claims about impending climate emergencies are being made. Simultaneously, proposed political actions to severely reduce hydrocarbon use now threaten the prosperity of Americans and the very existence of hundreds of millions of people in poorer countries.”

“The proposed agreement would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4 billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries,”

“He said the “global warming agreement,” written in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, and other plans “would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.”

“The inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness include the right of access to life-giving and life-enhancing technology. This is especially true of access to the most basic of all technologies: energy. These human rights have been extensively and wrongly abridged

“”The very large number of petition signers demonstrates that, if there is a consensus among American scientists, it is in opposition to the human-caused global warming hypothesis rather than in favor of it,” the organization noted.”

As we stated before, the myth of man-made ‘global warming’ is an elitist fraud used to justify global taxation and increased global government control over nations, communities, families, and individuals. The wealthy elite want your money and your freedom, and they are lying to you in order to accomplish it.

By controlling the economic and structural development of nations throughout the world, the global elite maintain a stranglehold on wealth and power. Man-made global warming is the justification, and it is a fraud.


Filed under Global Warming

5 responses to “31,000 Scientists Reject ‘Global Warming’ Myth

  1. Pingback: Global Warming - The Prophecy Forums

  2. tejaswy

    Yes its like Milhouse said in the movie “The Simpsons”

    “Global warming is a myth…further study is needed”

  3. Willie McDonald

    The Anatomy of Earth, and Global Warming.

    The real reason for global warming is the earth’s orbit around the sun is slowly decaying, and the earth is being pulled closer to the sun. People take the earth’s magnetic field for granted, because it’s invisible, and silent, but the earth’s magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the moon. The high temperatures in the earth’s core (the earth’s engine) generates earth’s magnetic field. The earth’s fuel system is referred to as crude oil, and natural gas wells. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells, and crude oil, and natural gas are the earth’s fuel. The oil company’s crude oil extraction process compromises the earth’s fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earth’s outer core, by releasing pressure out of these oil, and gas wells.

    Under normal conditions the outer core stays at a constant temperature between 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and the pressure in the outer core, lower mantle, and a oil well stays at tens of thousands of pounds per square inch. The pressure in an oil well forces the oil, and natural gas into the outer core, and is ignited long before it reaches the outer core, and enters the lower mantle, and outer core as flames, and heat.

    The earth’s core is being fuel starved, and the core is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earth’s magnetic field will weakens, and the earth will be pulled closer to the sun. The high temperature in the earth’s core is not sustained by decaying nuclear material, or by a dynamo process. The radiation would escape during volcanic eruptions. No radiation has ever been detected during, or after a volcanic episode. Only crude oil, and natural gas by-products, such as the great pressures, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide gases, etc. Reference: Kenneth A. McGee, and Terrence M. Gerlach 1995/ Volcanic Gas: USGS Open files report -95-85,2p.

    The only way to reverse global warming is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earth’s fuel systems. One way this can be accomplished is by igniting the methane gas in the fuel system. The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil, and natural gas into the outer core. Crude oil, and methane gas was not created to fuel our industries, or automobiles. It was created to fuel this planet. The green house gas theory has nothing to do with global warming, and tens of thousands of scientist believe the theory is false. Something is going wrong with the earth’s orbit. These are not separate events they are all part of earth’s orbital decay. The events below were reported by NASA, NOAA, USGS, and the American Astronomical Society, etc.

    1. The earth is moving away from the moon.

    2. The rotation of the earth is slowing down.

    3. The earth is shifting on its axis.

    1 of 2
    4. Twelve o’clock noon use to be the hot part of the day, now three o’clock is the hottest part of the day.

    5. The earth is wobbling on it axis.

    6. The earth is developing a breach in its magnetic field.

    7. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, during each polar ice cap’s summer season, and the oceans are rising.

    As the earth moves closer to the sun, the sun’s heat, and rays will continue to spread, and warm areas of the planet that are in their winter season. Areas near the equator will be affected first during the winter season. Areas near latitudes 29 degrees North, and South will experience higher, than normal temperature, during the winter seasons. As the earth moves closer to the sun, more areas of this planet will have higher, than normal temperatures.

    Written by: Willie McDonald (July-1983)

    2 of 2

  4. The Global Warming Conspiracy
    July 3, 1983

    The real reason for global warming is the earth’s orbit around the sun is slowly decaying, and the earth elliptical orbit around the sun is shrinking. People take the earth’s magnetic field for granted, because it’s invisible, and silent, but the earth’s magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the moon. The high temperature in the earth’s core (the earth’s engine) generates earth’s magnetic, and gravitational fields. The earth’s fuel system is referred to as crude oil, and natural gas wells. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells, and crude oil, and natural gas are the earth’s fuel. The oil company’s crude oil extraction process compromises the earth’s fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earth’s outer core, by releasing pressure out of these oil, and gas wells. Under normal conditions the outer core stays at a constant temperature between 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and the pressure in the outer core, lower mantle, and in oil wells stays at tens of thousands of pounds per square inch. The pressure in an oil well forces the oil, and natural gas into the outer core, and is ignited long before it reaches the outer core, and enters the lower mantle, and outer core as flames, heat, and pressure.

    The earth’s core is being fuel starved, and the core is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earth’s magnetic field will weakens, and the earth will be pulled closer to the sun. The high temperature in the earth’s core is not sustained by decaying nuclear material, or by a dynamo process. The radiation would escape during volcanic eruptions. No radiation has ever been detected during, or after a volcanic episode. Only crude oil, and natural gas by-products, such as the great pressures, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide gases, etc. The materials, and gases ejected from volcanoes originate from the lower mantle, and outer core region of the planet. Reference: Kenneth A. McGee, and Terrence M. Gerlach 1995/ Volcanic Gas: USGS Open files report -95-85, 2p.

    The only way to reverse global warming is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earth’s fuel systems. One way this can be accomplished is by igniting the methane gas in the fuel system. The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil, and natural gas into the outer core, and it will take many decades to reheat the core to normal temperatures. Crude oil, and methane gas was not created to fuel our industries, or automobiles. It was created to fuel this planet. Crude oil is the life blood of this planet.

    Global warming has nothing to do with a hole in the ozone, Co2 gases, methane gases, the green house effect, sun flares, or the sun going nova. Tens of thousands of scientist believe the green house gas theory is false, this should be a cause for an alarm. Something is going wrong with the earth’s orbit. The events below are not separate events they are all part of earth’s orbital decay. The events below were reported by NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA, USGS, and the American Astronomical Society, etc.

    1. The earth is moving away from the moon.

    2. The rotation of the earth is slowing down.

    3. The earth is shifting on its axis.

    4. Twelve o’clock noon use to be the hot part of the day, now three o’clock is the hottest part of the day.

    5. The earth is wobbling on it axis.

    6. The earth is developing a breach in its magnetic field.

    7. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, during each polar ice cap’s summer season, and the oceans are rising.

    The sun is millions of times larger, than the earth. As the earth moves closer to the sun, its radiance will continue to spread, and began to warm areas of the planet that are in their winter season. Areas near the equator will be affected first. Areas near latitudes 29 degrees north, and south will experience higher, than normal temperatures during the winter, and it will began to get cold later in the season in these regions. These regions are where global warming should be monitored, first. The progression of the earth decaying orbit should be measured by the temperature in winter. The warmer, and/ or sunnier it gets the worse earth’s orbit is decaying, and the closer the earth is moving towards the sun. As the earth moves closer to the sun its irradiance will spread toward both hemisphere’s polar ice caps, starting from the equator, during the winter season. In the future there will be no more winters, because the sun’s irradiance will eventually spread, and covered both hemispheres simultaneously, while the hemisphere that’s in its summer season will experience extreme high temperatures. It’s December 16, 2010 the sun is over the southern hemisphere. Houston, Texas is in the northern hemisphere, and the winters days are getting sunnier, and warmer, and the cold weather is setting in later into the season. What is occurring in Houston, Texas will manifest in the rest of the world, in the future. Areas above latitude 29 degrees north, and south are now experiencing winter tornadoes, this is highly unusual. It should be too cold for the development of tornadoes, during the winter months. I have a few questions to ask of you green house gas theorists

    1. What does sunny, and/ or warm winter days have to do with green house gases? There shouldn’t be enough irradiance from the sun for any green house gases to trap, during the winter months. Weather reporters in Houston are saying 61 degrees is normal. I grow up in Houston the normal temperature in Houston in winter averages in the 40’s, to low 50’s, and it was never sunny, and warm. There is a conspiracy to deceive the public by the US government, and the oil companies.

    2. Why on a hot day is the sun irradiance higher, than the ambient temperature? The green house gas effect is suppose to causes the ambient temperature (the air around us) to be higher, than the sun irradiance, but if you stand under a shade tree the ambient temperature drops, move from under the shade tree into the sun’s irradiance the temperature rises. In an actual green house, or an automobile with the windows up the ambient temperature is higher, than the sun’s irradiance shining into the green house. This proves green house gases are not the cause for global warming.

    3. Why in the early 20th century, during the industrial revolution in America, and Europe, wasn’t there a recorded dramatic spike in temperature? The north east region of America was referred to as the rust belt. This region was heavily industrialized, and heavily saturated with Co2, and methane gases. There were high numbers of respiratory cases, and stick smog, but there was no dramatic spike in temperature in America, or Europe. In the early 20th century scientists believed the earth was headed toward another ice age, due to the harsh winter weather, and below normal temperatures in summer. Global warming wasn’t an issue, until the latter part of the 20th century, in spite of all the air pollution in the early 20th century.
    Global warming should have been an issue in the early 20th century in the rust belt region, if green house gases are responsible for global warming. The industrial activity in the rust belt has ended, green house gases has been dramatically reduced, but the temperature in this area is still increasing, why?.

    4. Television, radio, or news paper weather reports never mention the temperature of the sun’s radiance? Generally the temperature of the sun’s radiance is higher, than the ambient temperature, and the temperature of the ocean. Meteorologists, and green house gas theorist blame high pressure, el-nino, the air flow off the Gulf of Mexico for hot weather, these are all, just peripheral conditions. They blame hot weather on everything, but the main cause, and that’s the increasing temperature of sun’s irradiance. Notice they don’t even try to differentiate between temperature of the sun’s irradiance, and the ambient temperature. They are also lying about the average/ normal temperature for winter. The average/ normal temperature for this region in winter is 40 to 50 degrees fahrenheit, they are saying 60 degrees fahrenheit. It’s the sun’s irradiance that heats the oceans, heat the surface of this planet, raises the ambient temperature, and it will the sun’s irradiance that will be responsible for ending all life on this planet. They still treat the sun, and its irradiance as if it doesn’t exist, and the sun irradiance plays a major roll in our weather.

    5. The E.P.A was established in December 2, 1970 to address the worsening air pollution, and the high number of respiratory cases, due to the illegal dumping of harmful chemicals in the air, underground, and in water ways. These harmful chemical were released by chemical companies, refineries, smelting plants, and steel mills. The E.P.A wasn’t established to address global warming. Global warming wasn’t an issue, until the mid 1990’s, in spite of all the air pollution, before the 1970’s, why?

    6. Why is global warming predicted to worsen? Since the establishment of the EPA, the clean air act, and all the laws, and regulation pass by congress global warming in America should never be an issue. In spite of all the international clean air initiatives, and measures being taken global warming is still predicted to worsen, why?

    7. Why are the most polluted cities, and countries of the world don’t have the highest temperature in summer. Places such as China, and Los Angelas, California, and Houston, Texas, and several countries in Europe generates the most green house gases in the world. The areas of the planet with the highest temperatures are the lease industrialized, such as the deserts of northern Africa, and the Southwest region of United States. Arizona, New Mexico, and the state of Nevada have the highest temperatures in summer, why?

    Mr. Willie McDonald

  5. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the
    US government has announced only last September, the global average
    for the period January to August 2010 is 580F (14. Although everyone thought
    that their city or world would cease to exist,
    that was not the actuality. Mining and processing the oil sands wreaks
    havoc on the environment.

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