Famous Penguins I Met

Fever is famous for making a awesome website.

Oscar One is famous for his videos!

Neotan is famous for his Awesome Robot Penguin videos.

Toby is one of the most rarest penguin in CP.

Lebron Jr 23 is famous for his Website that has a awesome tracker.

Ryangr is famous for making videos about cheats, parties, exclusives stuff, and more!

Obired is famous for having tons of subscribers!

Archiyoso is famous for being the 3rd most subscribed Penguin on You Tube.

Flappdude is famous for making awesome effect videos.

Tazboi is Theflame12 and he makes funny videos plus he is the second most subscribed penguin on You Tube.

Portionator is famous for making awesome cpmv’s.

Graser 8 is famous for making parties, cheats, and more videos for you guys.

Small dude 1
Small dude 1 is famous for making videos and websites.

Eninem is famous for making a website with tons of views!

Roxy is famous for being a beta penguin.

Nachoz Rule is famous for making funny videos with Theflame12.

Zonnie is famous for being a beta tester!

Poplocket famous for helping Archiyoso.

Spudder is famous for being really rare.

Fyofriends is famous for being rare. ps i hacked him but he changed his password so can you help me try to get him off.

Fivestarfrog is famous for Having lots of fun parties.

Distrocktiv7 is famous for making videos with cool effects that seems real.

Shadow 10 is famous for having the beta hat.

Moody is famous for being a beta.

Box Person is famous for having the first box name.

Zipi23 is famous for being a beta penguin.

Ninjaneal is famous for being a beta ninja.

Link555 is famous for that party hat on his head.

Mimo777 is famous for her blog and her other site with games!

Full Of Soda is famous for his you tube videos.

Bikeboy93 is famous for having the party hat.

9 Responses to “Famous Penguins I Met”

  1. tougercp December 9, 2010 at 2:40 am #

    I met more but these are the one’s with pictures i took.

    • Tacodude893 December 12, 2010 at 6:50 pm #

      Hey Tou ger its me Tacodude! If i go on cp,can you take a picture of my penguin if you see me. And put me on your list of famous penguins i met! If you could that would be great! Ok thanks! Bye!

  2. Fuzzy Kitty4 December 11, 2010 at 7:10 pm #

    Okay…Now I wanna make a famous penguin video…Can I with YOUR aproval? It will KINDA copy you…so I just want to know…I’ll add you in it and I’ll give you credit for the video!!! 😮

  3. Monkeypoop312 December 14, 2010 at 3:20 am #

    Hey, I met you, goolid, I met you in muluk with lebron jr 23! That’s Awesome!!!!

  4. pingualex10 December 20, 2010 at 9:20 pm #

    i am a famous penguin search it on youtube type pingualex100 ok

  5. spy60694 January 8, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

    i met you before im shure of that it was on my other penguin (navraj10 or will bui i cant remember and those arent the ones you are missing your missing james9270 and another one i cant remember the name though)

    • saajster December 22, 2011 at 9:13 pm #

      Spy, stop trying to advertise yourself saying that navraj10 is so famous when your just a wanna be. and ‘shure’ Get your grammer right, I mean how old are you – 9?

  6. Mega Grox January 18, 2011 at 12:48 pm #

    You met me….

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