If your filmmakersoftware question is not answered here, please email us at questions@filmmakersoftware.com


I downloaded filmmakersoftware from the web but it won't open. I have Stuffit Expander, but it won't work. What is the deal?

Please make sure you are using Aladdin Expander 5.0 (or later) to decompress your downloaded file. Also...check to see how big the filmmakr.sit file is to make sure it all downloaded fully (it should be approximately 10MB).

Do I need to register my copy of filmmakersoftware?

You do not need to register your copy of filmmakersoftware. Just purchase, download and start using. However, you must agree to our included license agreement.

When I attempt to create a "new strip" on my production board, the strip entry dialog box does not open. Instead, my computer keeps reporting a macro error. What is the matter?

If you are using a non-English version of Microsoft Excel, you may encounter this problem. Unfortunately, there is no solution for this problem (at least at this time). Some of the macros in PrdBoard.XLS do not work with the non-English versions of Excel. Apologies for this. For what it's worth...the budgeting/managing module (FilmMakr.FP3) should work okay.


When I attempt to export my data from the Production Board I get a macro error. What do I do?

Have you changed the file name of the production board? If the file is named anything other than "PrdBoard.XLS", then your exports will not work.

Once I've completed the data entry of all the records in the budget module, can I export the whole thing to excel and create an excel based budget template?

You can export practically everything from the filmmakersoftware files (from the main menu, click on the orange Exp/Imp button in the bottom left hand corner of your screen). However, it may take some effort to sort out the exported fields.

When I export data from the Production Board, the budget program does not come up as indicated in the instructions. What could be the problem?

Once your data is exported, you must open up the budget program yourself. To import the data...From the Main Menu click on one of the orange "Import" buttons at the bottom of the screen.

I've read all the instructions. My file is the correct name PrdBoard.XLS. I seem to export OK. File saves fine. But when I open the budget software and click on import prod board elements, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong ?

Try this: Open up your PrdBoard. Then, use the [`] key to delete the Xs from the entire Export Column (Column D). Then try exporting and importing your elements once again.

In some dedicated scripting word processors, like Final Draft, it is possible to put out a list of scene headings, i.e. EXT. MOBILE HOME. DAY, as a text file. It's easy to convert it into a comma, or whatever, delimited file that should go into spreadsheets fairly easily. I tried it with filmmakersoftware and it sort of worked but was fairly funky. Can it be done? It would really be a useful feature to have.

We've never tried importing data from Final Draft into our software. If you (or anyone who reads this) comes up with a solution, please let us know. If it isn't too complicated, we would love to include it in our download.


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR USERS OF NON-ENGLISH VERSIONS OF MICROSOFT EXCEL: Macros in the filmmakersoftware Production Board may not work. In some versions of Excel they seem to work fine. Others, not at all.

How can I change/select another currency?

Unfortunately, in the current version of filmmakersoftware, the currency symbol can not be changed from "$". We do hope to address this issue in a later version.

Do you have a French version of this program? It would be fantastic if you did, for the English version is fantastic.

Unfortunately, no. Not yet.

Can I budget and schedule more than one film at a time? It seems as though I have to name the file something very particular, which means it probably can't be an individual name.

You can have multiple budgets by duplicating the whole "FilmMakr" folder, and simply renaming the "FilmMakr" folder for each new project. However, we do not recommend running two different projects on your computer at the same time.

Does filmmakersoftware work with Linux?

User Submitted Answer: It works flawlessly with a properly configured WINE (Windows compatability layer, see www.winehq.org)


Can I share a budget's details with the next project. For example, if I use the same crew and cast for my next project, can I somehow get those details from Project A to Project B without getting all the other budget items in?

I would recommend using the export/import functions available in the File menu (they can be a little challenging to figure out at first, but they are pretty good)...or simply duplicate the "FilmMakr" folder that you have already entered information into, rename it, and then delete from the duplicate the records that do not apply to the new project.


Help! We have come to the 250th scene and can go no farther. Is there any way for us to add more columns in Excel? We tried inserting columns but that doesn't work.

I regret to say, it looks like Excel limits its spreadsheets to a maximum of 255 columns. Because of this limitation, it seems that would be all the scenes our program will allow you to enter. There may be workarounds, but I can't imagine any that would be that simple.

When creating the Shooting schedule, I enter all the scenes for each day on the call sheets. We are shooting many scenes on each day. When I go to print out the shooting schedule, I can only see the first 9 scenes...the rest are hidden in the scroll. What can I do to make all scenes visible?

While you're in reports, looking at the callsheet you want to print, click on the SCENE tab.

Next to each scene you have entered for that callsheet, there is a gray button. When you click on any gray button in that section, a printable list of all the scenes you need to shoot for that day will appear on your screen.

Simply print the list, and staple it to your callsheet, and write a big "see next page" over the Scene section on your callsheet.

BTW, this can also be done for all the other lists on your callsheet as well.