Monday, February 16, 2009

Spin Offense

The Spin Offense is best described as a Double Wing offense from shotgun. It is called the Spin because the Quarterback will pivot (spin) on every play. One of the wings will go in an arc motion on almost every play. When the Quarterback catches the snap, he turns to face his own end zone and either hands off or fakes to the motion man who will hit full running speed when he reaches the quarterback. Everything else is the same as any Wing T type offense. The advantage that this offense gives is that there is a lot of crossing between the two wings in the backfield and the quarterback ends up spinning around making it difficult to decipher who had the football. Also, because the Quarterback turns his back to the defense so that they cannot see what is going on. I can see this offense being an effective weapon. It was born from a traditional offensive attack and has the capabilities of using tried and proven plays. The one thing I don't like about the offense is that because the QB turns his back to the defense, he is unable to read the coverage for a play-action pass or read a defensive end for a Quarterback option.

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