Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Melaka Manipal Medical College

Melbourne U is really slow in processing applications. IDP told me on Saturday that if I don't get an offer in 3 days, it'll be unlikely that I'll get already. So I had to scout for other options for Medicine course.

Saturday, MaeYee passed me Manipal's Medicine prospectus on Taylors SAM Award Presentation day. It looked sorta O-K-A-Y, so we went to Star Education Fair the very next day to apply. To my surprise the lady told us that my interview will be 'tomorrow', which is Monday.

Yesterday morning, my uncle went with me to Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC) for a written test and an interview. We left my house close to 6am, and reached MMMC around 7.30am. The campus looked kinda cool, the students were all wearing that doctor's coat thing, rushing here and there, even those in the canteen ate in 5mins and ciao-ed. I fell asleep in the canteen as I only slept 1hour the previous night. (No, I was not afraid of the interview. I slept too long in the evening.)

Written test
started at 9am. They gave 1hour to write an essay about yourself. I finished in 20mins, I am me, nothing much to write. After 1 whole hour, they didn't collect the paper. A lady brought us outside the interview room and we waited there. I was 2nd on the list. The wait was really long, at least 30mins, I actually dosed off sitting there. zzZ

When it was finally my turn, the panel asked for the written test paper, and my certificates. I was like, "Har? Certs? I didn't bring wor, I only brought the recent ones" which were all craps. They asked all sorts of very general and expected questions. Then when they asked about medical attachment, I said no, and I could see their face change. GG.COM.MY/ZOMG/DIE

Upon coming out of the room, they told me to see a Ms Shella 30mins later for my results. So I waited, waited, talked to other applicants. Apparently there were some other Taylor's SAM students too. And I heard from them that a friend with TER70+ got in Manipal. I was like "WHAT?!!". Talk about quality doctors of the future. Most of the other SAM applicants yesterday had TER of 80+.

30mins later, Ms Shella appeared, and I got my offer! I was really happy, I thought I screwed up my interview. On the way back to KL, I was driving at 170km/h when IDP called to say Melbourne U has given a full offer for Bachelor of Biomedicine. Damn..

So now I'm left with 2 choices, I'm really really lazy to apply any other unis. Manipal twins to India, but its ALOT cheaper and faster than MelbU's med. If I choose Manipal, I'll save 2 years, and hellalot of money. But heck its India. (Btw, no offence to indian readers.) Manipal wouldn't be that bad, would it?

13th Jan, 4.03pm:
Due to popular misunderstanding, MMMC twins with Kasturba College in Manipal. 2.5years in India, and 2.5years in Melaka. You want all 5 years in India meh?? I don't want lo.. @.@


cute little angel said...

hi, just blog-hopping.
wow i didnt Know that mmmc gives the results for the interview immediately these days.
anyway, it's not twinning wif KMC.
MMMC is an independent college with our own lecture halls, lab and seminar rooms.
But for hostels, library, mess and sports facilities, we share them with all the other colleges under Manipal University.
Well, obviously Melb is a nicer place to study in.
Manipal is much better than many parts of India. It's developing pretty fast to.
But still, it takes time to get used to the 'developing' world scenario.

KokMun said...

so you mean mmmc and kmc shares a same campus, but they are not related acedemically?

sunz said...

Eh. Hello. Was looking for my results online and found your blog entry instead. I'm in MMMC... Have already completed my years in Manipal and god-willing, going for my final year in Melaka.

Am assuming you're already in Manipal? Good luck there- study smart and know your basics very well; especially your anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology... and Please, go on trips around India and thoroughly enjoy yourself in Manipal- you'll miss it once you get back. Here you'll be working so hard you'll regret not fully enjoying it there!
Manipal is not a super-developed place (you're lucky to be able to use the newer facilities) but it's better than Melaka (honestly) so though you'll first hate it, once you get to Melaka campus you'll be begging to return to India... all of us do... :)

All the best there in Manipal!

Anonymous said...

hey sunz...
just to clarify....
Y is the melaka campus so bad...!?
Wz the form there...

Anonymous said...

Can i know more about stdy medicine at MMMC?
i am not sure wanna go MMMC stdy medic or not~
Thx vry much ...

Anonymous said...

Honestly....if I were you I'd rather study in India for 5 years...than doing the twinning course...which i currently am doing now..

For one...The Melaka campus is crap because of the people running it...It's as simple as that...you'll know what i mean when you get back here...I'm assuming you've already left for India that is...

as Sunz rightly put it, when you come back here you only appreciate Manipal more when you're back here..not for me though..I loved every moment of it there..
Of course, studying in KMC is much more expensive as you'll be subjected to paying a foreigner's rate with all the NRIs studying there...however, I would advise you not to study in MMMC not because it lacks standard...but because your life will be a living hell once you come back to Malacca...if you can tolerate a 'living-hell'...then welcome aboard....

Anonymous said...

yo dude..
am a 4th yr student at mmmc too..
dont worry la..
india is not as bad as u think ...
and thy did whole lot of renovation the yr i left india.. =)
so guess is much much better now dy...

+ during long holis .. u get to travel all around india.. and is darn cheap if u take bus or train.. u can spent lik only 4000 ringgit for the whole month travelling.. (of coz the budget backpack type.. )

nyways, good luck n all dy best ya ...

Anonymous said...

i'm a little curious....what were the 'very general and expected questions' asked by the interviewees in MMMC?? mind to explain on it...

Anonymous said...

erm... bro i do not know if yr in MMMC now, i hope yr not... coz if u are u know what u are going through... if your not... God loves u coz this place sucks... dont believe a lot of shit they tell u in the edu fair n interview... its 90% lies... its a place where they dont teach u well and grab lots of money from u...n its nothing to do with Kasturba Medical... i feel sad that i just found out u had a blog 3 years ago asking about this

Anonymous said...

Was just browsing through the net, and I stumbled upon your blog.. I would definitely agree with the other posts that melaka campus is hell, compared to manipal.. I'm a final year student in MMMC.. There's not a day which goes by where I wish I was back in manipal.. But I might have to disagree with the post which says MMMC lacks standard.. Of course if you would compare it with international universities in places like UK, or Australia, yea maybe.. We wouldn't know.. But as far as I am concerned, after doing my electives, and meeting other medical student from local universities in malaysia, or even from other private medical universities in malaysia, I can confidently say melaka manipal graduates are doing excellent out there..

Anonymous said...

Hi was just randomly blog hoping and came across your entry. I graduated from MMMC 5 yrs ago. Reading thru the comments is like a trip down memory lane. Manipal campus was definitely the best years of MMMC - the lecturers there are very dedicated and enthuasistic when it comes to teaching. I have to disagree with the comment that MMMC lacks standard.Many of our graduates are doing very well out there. Some of our MMMC seniors have successfully graduated with Masters and many others are in different phases of Masters programmes/ doing their speciality in MRCP or MRCPCh. My advise to you is that it's your own hard work and enthuasism that determines whether you make it in the medical field and not whether you come from a prestigious public uni. There are 'bad apples' in every instition, even from the so-called prestigious public unis. Please be dilligent and have initiative during your Muar or MGH postings....bcos it is definitely too late to wait till you are a HO to start learning. Master your history taking and clinical exam well and learn to interpret lab results/ xrays competently!

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