Blazer's Projects

I have quite a few "projects" (they aren't all exactly projects). You can find links/information to them here. I'm just including my biggest ones that I have spent the most time on and aren't dead. And I'm obviously not including this one.

Fire Emblem Shrine - A fansite dedicated to the Fire Emblem games. Includes various media and the largest organized Fire Emblem hacking resource there is, if you ask me. Of course, I made it. It also includes pages on other hacks (ones that are and aren't mine) and Fire Emblem Mugen, a Fire Emblem fighting game.

Fire Emblem: Sacred Contention - A recently finished hack, this hack is a one-chapter hack where you can fight as Fire Emblem 7 or 8 against the other game to see which game is the best. Has a lot of features and over 80 hours of work into it, but unfortunately only supplies about 2 hours of gameplay for most people. (Note: Website is not yet up, and thus the link is not working. Also, this hack is discontinued.)

Tactics Universe - My most ambitious and prized hack. A near completely new storyline and plot, Tactics Universe is a Fire Emblem hack that gives the player a totally new game experience and showcases the finest achievements of Fire Emblem hacking in an epic battle against the evildoers of the continent. There is a blog here.

Ultimate Tutorial - A comprehensive tutorial that covers how to hack Fire Emblem from top to bottom using all of the programs and utilities available to a person. Includes over 180+ pages of detailed instructions and images.

Youtube Channel - Not really a project, but it includes videos of many projects of mine, such as remixes, Let's Plays, videos of my many hacks, support conversations, and more.