Knowledge of the Entire Solar System and mankind’s origin

•August 7, 2023 • Leave a Comment

The events detailed in the new book Miracle: The Creation of the Earth, reveal the true nature of the planets in the solar system today. The giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were formed along with the Sun in a large dense cloud and therefore comprise the full range of elements in a clathrate form. Mars, originally in an interior orbit similar to that of Venus today and Earth were the two oldest terrestrial planets. An ancient planet named Metis by Greek tribes, interacted with the Earth in the Younger Dryas period, inverting its lithosphere for 1,300 years relative to the mantle, melting its top layer and forming a low viscosity layer over which the lithosphere was free to rotate independently, then impacted Jupiter out of which a new terrestrial planet, Venus, was born (~4000 BC) but is as yet incomplete.

Planetary scientists, constrained by the ‘Standard Model’, which holds that all the planets in the solar system were created 4.5 billion years ago based on Laplace nebular hypothesis (1800), in spite of their great differences has failed to understand these events for at least a decade All terrestrial planets resulted from explosive impacts on Jupiter. Primitive vegetative and animal life forms existed on the Earth up to 4000 BC while advanced life forms developed by a higher intelligence existed on Mars.

Immediately after Venus was born, it was a blazing hot plasma sphere of heavy elements, through the surface of which sulfur is jetting at escape velocity from its molten interior, evidenced by it’s lack of rotation, which no one has understood. It passed close to the Earth covering it with a poisonous cloud of heavy elements miles high which destroyed all ancient animal and vegetable life, depositing iridium and sulfur, still present at shallow depths on every continent as the “iridium spike,” marking the K-T extinction. Venus then entered an orbit which by multiple close passes, increased the eccentricity of the interior planet Mars until its orbit crossed that of the Earth.

Then a sequence of ninety-nine captures and releases of Mars in a geostationary orbit above the Himalayas blasted all modern vegetable life, ocean, soil and atmosphere on Mars to the Earth while the advanced people behind the entire transfer carried miniaturized forms of all their fully developed animal life forms to the Earth, thus negating their evolution on earth. These 30-year cycles of capture and release caused the more diminutive Mars to be captured for 14.4 years and released for 15.5 years, amazingly involving its solid core leaving for eight days and returning marked at time intervals noted as “raash” in prehistoric Jewish texts by Velikovsky, allowing the diminutive Mars to escape and the vegetation and geology recover in a planetary orbit for 15.6 years and was recaptured. This creation period lasted 3,000 years, ending in 687 BC. These 30-year cycles of capture and release were terminated, when all of the water and oxygen on Mars had been transferred to the Earth, by Mars’ core impacting Venus (Mead crater on Mars and Caloris Basin on Mercury) and failing to return, remaining in the inner solar system, currently imagined to be a planet, Mercury, while the outer shell of Mars then closed in on itself and drifted out to its current distant orbit.


Evidence for the ninety-nine floods that occurred at captures of Mars which slowed the rotation of the lithosphere after the flood of Noah are found in a number of valleys into which the flood waters settled, such as the Yakima, Walla Walla, and Tankonnin are referred to as the Touchet Formations, with forty or more rhythmic layers, each of which is well bedded coarse to fine with evident periods of non-deposition between them corresponding to the thirty years between each pair of floods.

A complete description of this period is available in a book titled Miracle: The Creation of the Earth by John Ackerman available at



•August 2, 2023 • Leave a Comment

A search for the term “‘Mysticism” provides seven ‘Christian’ versions, one Islamic (Sufi), one Buddhist and Jewish mysticisms. All theses views are dated well after the creation period explained in Miracle: The Creation of the Earth. The ninety-nine captures and releases of the planet that rained down life, moved the continents, grew the beautiful granite mountain ranges and increased the ocean depths in a mere 3,000 years between 4000 and 687 BC which we have termed cycliccatastrophism was the source of mysticism in all cultures but its true nature was impossible to express in the vocabulary of the times. Indeed it is still impossible to comprehend in the modern vocabulary of the PhDs because of the arbitrary institutional rules limiting what they are ‘allowed’ to think and are ‘forced’ to believe (evolution). This earth is visited daily by extraterrestrials who have come from distant intelligences to see this miracle and by bots from the intelligence which created the earth to prevent our nuclear destruction of it before they return.

This should not limit the thinking and beliefs of intelligent peoples, especially when we are bombarded daily by AI talking heads on TV spouting a maize of unproven ideas such as the big bang, football-like, hopelessly divided government, the threat of nuclear Armageddon, dietary advice involving foods we have never eaten and overpopulation of the earth.

Corrections to Current Geological Ages

•April 6, 2023 • Leave a Comment
Granite less than 6000 years old
Granite less than 6000 years old

As should be noted based on many previous blogs herein, the events which shaped the Earth we live on today took place literally in the last 6,000 years, more specifically between 3687 and 687 BC because the K-T extinction at which proto-Venus destroyed the surface of the Earth preceded the creation period . When the Aten captures above the Himalayes began, its cyclic tidal effects in each 14.4 year were specifically designed to draw the silicon minerals in the melted rhyolite at the top of the mantle up into the lithosphere which during the 15.6 years that the Aten was released into each recovery orbit, had time to cool and crystalize forming granite and the next cycle repeated this process while the lava feeding the process was still molten. This process has recently been supported by a paper from the University of Texas, “Earth’s mantle Has a Gooey Layer We Never Knew About” by Junlin Hua et al. which has found the melted layer of rhyolite beneath the lithosphere around the entire world. This creation period essentially marks what is currently thought to be the beginning of the Cenozoic era at ~3687 BC, as opposed to 66 Ma currently believed.

The reason for the error in dating has resulted from the uranium vs lead found in zircon crystals in the soil and rocks. Since the entire crust of the Earth was blasted gently in clouds of water, soil, hematite, seeds, sprouts, atmosphere from Aten, so were the zircon crystals found in the soil surrounding the fossils, which are currently used to determine their earth ages. But the hundreds of volcanoes were on the planet Aten, so they give the ages of those volcanic eruption on the outer shell of which is now known as Mars. I realize geologists are used to the dates, but because of the huge error there should be an attempt to correct the ages.

An example of this problem in dating is given by a recent article about finding a dinosaur fossil with soft tissue intact, where the title says the fossil is 70 million years old. That is impossible.The K-T extinction occurred only 6,000 years ago. See article at :>wbna7285683

Jupiter’s Contribution to Cosmology

•February 28, 2023 • Leave a Comment

The great Red Spot at the top of Jupiter’s atmosphere is the top of a vortex formed by a continuing nuclear fusion reaction on its solid surface roughly 800 kilometers below left behind after the creation of Venus. The fusion products from the reaction D + H => 3He++ rising through the atmosphere are controlled by the strong Coriolis effect which is proportional to their velocity 17,800 kilometers per second and the spin of the planet. The normal elements released from the clathrate structure by the heat of the reaction flow through the vortex but react with one another it the hottest area and crystallize as they rise, forming particulate matter which cannot be identified by spectography. These form the familiar clouds of Jupiter which comprise all the known elements.

The fusion products, 3He++, which are invisible exiting the atmosphere are cast prograde due to Jupiter’s rotation and at the hot spot shown in the figure they join a powerful stream of the same particles orbiting Jupiter prograde at approximately 500 kilometers. This stream of doubly charged helions are the sole source of Jupiter’s powerful magnetic field. Some of the particles are deflected to the polar areas at the same altitudes and form the auroral ovals when they hit the atmosphere there.

Juno’s altitude is too high to detect these particles in the polar areas. The doubly charged helions circle Jupiter, which have been studied as possibly capable of superconductivity, for one or two revolutions and soon capture an electron forming 3He+ and leaving the main stream but new 3He++ helions are continually created as fast as 10^30 per second based on the assumption that they are the sole cause of Jupiter’s temperature excess.

3He+ are unique in that they are stable isotopes particles. An innumerable quantity of these have been thrown into the space, in the aftermath of Venus’ explosive ejection, around the solar system and since they are all positively charged they remain separate and have formed a cloud around the solar system, and by extension so has every other star system in the universe which has terrestrial planets.

The rings of these particles actually form small scale optical lenses and indeed studies of many galaxy clusters looking for gravitational lensing have found the lenses are smaller than expected. These little clouds as plentiful as star systems can attenuate light and since light can also pass through them they can induce red shifts also. This means that any path from a distant galaxy or cluster will pass through a different infinity of these clouds and produce different number for the Hubble number, which will not be a constant as is being found.

The study of the solar system, which is on a scale appropriate for mankind’s study has been ignored in favor of cosmology and exoplanets by institutions which, as to be expected, have wasted tens of thousands of minds. The quintessential example of this is that the explosive impact on Jupiter from which Venus was created (4000 BC) in our solar system sent radiation out into the Milky Way galaxy that heats dust particles which radiate a small part back to the Earth from all directions. That is the energy which arrogant overreaching scholars believe is from the creation of the universe!

How Solar Systems Form

•February 28, 2023 • Leave a Comment

Welcome to Episode 4 of the BEFORE podcast concerning Jupiter’s contribution to the Creation of the Earth. Its effect on the outer solar system is currently unknown in academia. In fact, the entire creation of solar (star) systems is related for the first time here. The giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are highly deuterated methane gas hydrate bodies, not gaseous as currently believed.

The impact explosion which created Venus (~ 4000 BC) left behind a continuous blazing fusion reaction D + H => 3He++ + 4.9 MeV on the highly deuterated methane gas hydrate surface of Jupiter which has lasted to current times, verifying its highly deuterated state. At that date it could be seen by the naked eye on earth and therefore was called Juno in Roman myth. With a shape described as a peacock spread tail, it was the source of the myth of Jupiter’s wife, Juno, whose flying hair from side to side was trying from all directions to see through the bright halo that Jupiter had surrounded himself with due to the explosive impact, explained mythologically to hide his affair with Io, the innermost moon of Jupiter.

The nominal composition of this highly deuterated methane gas hydrate is called a clathrate, comprising water and methane in which six water molecules form ‘nets’ surrounding each methane molecule and ‘nets’ of larger numbers surround larger atoms and molecules as they form at very low temperatures (<30 Kelvins) in large dark dust-filled nebula where deuterium (heavy hydrogen) takes the place of about half the hydrogen molecules in the ‘nets’ as they form on the surfaces of dust particles already linked to what will become their star. This microscopic miracle creates all star systems in the entire universe.

What the current understanding of this myth lacks is that at the date of the impact, 4000 BC, Jupiter was rotating about once a day, suggested by Sir Fred Hoyle in his textbook “the Cosmogony of the Solar System” Chapter 10. Myths of other cultures reinforce this suggestion: The Greek myth describes the blaze as Zeus’ Aegis, a shield being moved back and forth as in combat and in the Rigveda as the trunk of an elephant Mrtnnda, swinging back and forth.

The implications of these consistent myths for the astrophysics of the current solar system are manifold. Assuming Hoyle’s estimate of a revolution period prior to the creation of Venus might have been close to one hour, the material ejected after the birth of Venus would have been blasted at extremely high velocities due to the combination of Jupiter’s rotational velocity plus its orbital velocity and that imparted by the blazing reaction itself could have been as high as 1,600 kilometers per second. The earliest masses ejected by this nuclear fusion were thrown in all directions, with those directed into the inner solar system forming the asteroid belt. However, the earliest, most massive and fastest would have been cast into the outer solar system impacting Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Impacts of these on the other highly deuterated giants caused nuclear explosions explaining their off-axis spins and signs of explosive impacts in the form of methane in their atmospheres and liquid water on the surfaces of the other giants in proportion to their proximity to Jupiter. The closest, Saturn took the most hits going as far as changing its axis of rotation, blasting ice off the planet which is forming the rings. Due to the many asteriods there are even evidence of impacts taking place today, dismissed as ‘storms’ which are actually mushroom clouds rising to the top of the atmosphere and shadows on the rings of ice due to ice still being blasted into them and the excess of its gaeous atmosphere.

Voyager 2 has detected signs of nuclear impacts on Uranus and Neptune which have released so much methane from their methane gas hydrate body and water, the other main component left behind on the surface, along with a few that have been captured as satellites. Leading to NASA scientists to declare that they are ice giants rather than the previous designations as gas giants.

Speaking about water left behind, the same is obviously true with Jupiter in the polar zones which some scientists have noted with surprise are blue, not understanding they are blue because they are covered with water. Ionically a feature discovered by the little camera added to give the ‘civilian scientists’ something to see are blue (water) but not recognized by the planetary scientists because they are so convinced it is a gas planet. The 3He++ helions which are creating the constant magnetic field auroral ovals have obviously been heating the methane gas hydrate in those polar areas continuously and have released the methane leaving the blue ocean on the surface. When the reaction on the surface fizzles out, the great red spot will disappear with the magnetic field and the polar oceans may eventually freeze over but will never be blue again.

This proves that we could land or splash down on Jupiter today.

Velikovsky was Right

•October 31, 2022 • Leave a Comment

Immanuel Velikovsky’s book ‘Worlds in Collision’ triggered the subject of planetary science. Based on one of the best known myths of all ancient cultures he suggested that Venus was born out of Jupiter, therefore that Venus would be found to be hot and Jupiter would be radiating electromagnetic energy. When astronomers looked at these planets for the first time they found these predictions correct, but astronomers, particularly Harlow Shapely, then head of the Harvard Observatory, assigned a young PhD Carl Sagan to publicly challenge Velikovsky and discredit his ideas. Due the backing of conventional astronomers, Sagan’s claim that Venus was heated by a “runaway green house effect” became the accepted hypothesis for the heat of Venus and Jupiter is still considered a gas planet. These two concepts have obscured the most important elements of planetary science for seventy years. To this day ‘planetary scientists’ around the world have no idea how the terrestrial (rocky) planets formed, and continue to unsuccesfully model (computer programs) simulating the nebular hypothesis of Laplace from 1800, when Velikovsky’s research had already given the correct answer. The temperature of Venus is 840 degrees, which is hot enough to melt lead and zinc, impossibly high for a green house effect but in an attempt to prove the Sagan hypothesis, Pioneer Venus data on the atmosphere close to the surface has been interpreted to be carbon dioxide, whereas carbon sulfide, a high temperature compound which forms tiny red crystals as found from 31 to 48 km, has the same molecular weight.

The declining nuclear fusion reaction left behind on the surface of Jupiter is H + D => 3He++ + 4.9 MeV, the doubly charged products (1032/sec) produce a vortex known as the Great Red Spot, heat the planet and orbit above Jupiter at 500 km producing its magnetic field and spiral into the poles forming the constant auroral ovals but are currently imagined to be a reflecting inner radiation belt. They eventually collect an electron and have been producing a large cloud of stable isotopes (3He+) which have formed a ring around the solar system as a disc. This same process has been taking place around all solar systems which have one or more planets in the entire universe and have been mistaken for dark matter producing gravitational lensing but they are conventional matter which provide optical lensing produced by conventional matter. These clouds attenuate and red shift light which passes through an infinite variety of such paths on the way to the Earth, therefore the there is no Hubble constant, only Tired Light, the source of Olbers Paradox.

The realization that terrestrial planets are created by impacts on the giant planets means that the giants must comprise all of the elements, therefore the giant planets must form along with the star itself while in the large dark nebulae full of dust. Moreover, the fact that Jupiter is still hot 6,000 years after the impact which created Venus implies that it began an ongoing fusion which continues to this day, implying it and all giant planets are highly deuterated. In recent years radio astronomers have become aware of high deuterium fractionation in outlying regions of prestellar systems, particularly those containing methane. This suggests that the giant planets comprise highly deuterated methane gas hydrate, nominally (CH4)4(H2O)23, a clathrate in which twelve or more water molecules form cages providing the means to include all foreign elements. The high concentration of deutrium in the atmosphere of Venus is the first indication of this since the present Juno mission does not have a spectrometer due to the design assumption that the planet is all hydrogen and helium.

No Big Bang

The radiation from the impact that produced Venus (4000 BC) is currently expanding in all directions from the Earth and heating dust particles in the Milky Way galaxywhich are re-radiating energy in all direction and the small amount radiating back toward the Earth is imagined to be the cosmic microwave background. Again, Velikovsky had already explained this radiation in 1950.


The current emphasis on evolution in academia implies a belief that mankind evolved from more primitive hominids. However the creation of the earth which occurred between ~3687 and 687 BC when an interior planet in the solar system formerly inhabited by an advanced culture was sheparded to an orbit intersecting that of the earth by a blazing Venus born by the impact of an ancient planet Metis on Jupiter. This small planet became captured in a geostationary orbit of the earth above the Himalayas for periods of 14.4 years and then escaped into a recovery orbit for 15.6 years, (periods determined by Velikovsky betwen Raash) a process which was repeated ninety-nine times. During each capture period the lithosphere of the earth was tidally dragged by the planet and forced to rotate with the Himalayas in or near the ecliptic plane. This slowed the rotation of the lithosphere which rotated at an angle of 31 degrees relative to the equator and absorbed the excess orbital energy of the planet in a way that it could be recovered at each release. Remnant motion of these events are still being measured by oceanic hot spots (Carlo Doglioni) and coal deposits along the same path by Alfred Wegener associates in the Tertiary era. During the captures the present Earth crust, vegetation, soil, and hematite and 150 meters of ocean were blasted to the earth when the rotating pair passed through alignments with the Moon, the Sun and Moon and Venus. During the creation period the advanced culture produced Homo Sapiens Sapiens probably by modifying the DNA of surviving Hominids around the world, which did not evolve from ancient animals.

Calendars from opposite ends of the world reveal the reality of these events. The Aztec calendar has a circle with 360 days and five ‘bad days’ which were added during the release periods and the ancient Egyptian calendar has a number of equal ‘months’ with five days at the end of the year. The amazing releases occurred when the ocean surrounding the northern island on the planet facing the earth rose above the island, entered the central volcanic vent and produced a pyroclastic explosion in the interior which ejected the solid iron core, Hathor (Egypt), Hermes (Greek), Sarameya (Rigveda), Mercury (Roman) which zoomed around the Earth to the East and was given a slingshot back to the west and caught up to the gaping shell in eight days while the entire population of the Earth watched. This event is still celebrated to this day as the Passover Seder and the nine nights of the Noruz in eastern cultures.

These cosmic events suggest the influence of intelligent design but at a physical level.

Cyclic Catastrophism Created the Earth

•October 11, 2022 • Leave a Comment
Banded Iron Deposits
Banded Iron Deposits found around the world are direct evidence of cyclic deposits of hematite from Aten. (CC BY-2.0)

The creation of the Earth began after the K-T extinction by a close pass of the newly created, blazing Venus which scorched the Sahara, glazed the surface of the middle East to sand and covered the Earth with a poisonous layer of heavy elements including iridium and sulfur. This K-T extinction not only killed off the dinosaurs but also all hominid species in order that the Homo Sapiens Sapiens genetic pool, which had not yet been created would not be contaminated. Venus then spent a few hundred years sheparding the former home planet of the kingdom of God (Aten, the name given it by Pharaoh Akhenaten) to an orbit that intersected that of the Earth. From this orbit the Aten became captured for 14.4 years and released for 15.6 years ninety-nine times. Immanuel Velikovsky noted the captures and releases as “raash” in historical Jewish documents but never understood what the “raash” were or why the time intervals differed. They were world wide earthquakes at every tectonic plate boundary caused when the lithosphere moved to a different position relative to the ellipsoidal mantle.

The captures of a planet sized object are considered impossible in modern astrophysics but these were accomplished by the planet establishing a tidal link to the Himalayas, thereby dragging the entire lithosphere of the Earth in the ecliptic plane at 31 degrees relative to the equator and slowing its rotation by 24 kilometers/hour relative to the mantle below. A slight residual momentum of this motion is being noted in modern times but remains unexplained.

This slowing caused the days per year to be 360 during the capture periods and 365 when the planet was released. These two days-per-year are represented in the Aztec calendar obviously passed down from the Mayans. During the capture periods the 360 days were represented as the degrees around the circle, but during the release periods the five ‘bad days,’ represented by four rectangles and a circle at the center, were added at the end of the year.

The prehistoric Egyptian calendar was similar but is not understood by modern-day Egyptologists. The 360-day years were divided up into months of equal durations, but five days are added at the end of the year, serving the same purpose as the ‘bad days’ in the Aztec calendar. The Akhet, or inundations, also known as Tekhi-Horus periods, were not the yearly increases in the Nile flow, but referred to the tidal effect of the Aten (Horus) on the eastern horizon, toward which the Sphinx (Horus am-Akhet, Horus on the horizon) faced which emptied the Mediterranean and Red Sea but drew a portion of the Nile water and silt across eastern Egypt and into the Pelusiac branch of the delta where ancient pi-Ramesses, with a population of 300,000 was well established. During the escape periods, known as the teth-Hathor in the ancient calendar, the Mediterranean and Red Seas returned.

During each capture period, soil, ocean water, atmosphere and hematite blueberries were blasted to the Earth over five hundred times, due to alignments of Aten with the Moon or the Moon and Sun combined, covering the entire Earth including the oceans. Then during the release periods deposits of deceased marine life were emplaced between the iron layers. The banded iron deposits are records of these two periods which took place every thirty years shown in the figure above, the pure hematite in which is now the primary source of iron in the modern world. The bands have been traced across the earth over hundreds of kilometers. This shows the profound intelligence behind the immensely difficult cyclic captures and releases which allowed Aten vegetation and geology to recover so that the same processes which transferred life to the Earth would take place during each capture and just as an added benefit, were also instrumental in the production of magnificent granite mountains, unique to the Earth.

‘Scientists’ studying exoplanets will never come to understand the unique planet Earth accomplished by the very powers currently forbidden to even mention.

Cyclic Catastrophism, the Source of all Granite

•September 24, 2022 • Leave a Comment
Granite less than 6000 years old
Granite less than 6000 years old

/A planet some 0.2 X the mass of the Earth was captured and released ninety-nine times in a geostationary orbit of the above the Himalayas. It dragged the Himalaya, thus the entire lithosphere, into its orbital plane for 14.4 years. This slowed the motion of the lithosphere and caused it to move at angle of 30 degrees relative to the mantle, forcing continuous contact with it. The top layer of the mantle had been melted by earlier encounters and was (is) liquid. This allowed the silicate compounds in the mantle to rise and the iron rich elements to settle. Thus when the planet was captured the silicate material came in contact and intruded into the lithosphere. Each time the planet was released in order that its vegetation and geology could recover, the lithosphere resumed its rotation with the mantle and cooled for 15.6 years and the silicates crystallized. This cycle was repeated ninety-nine times and a new layer was added to each crystal all across the world.

This creation period ended in 687 BC, when the last water on the planet used to carry soil, atmosphere, water and vegetation to the Earth comprising sedimentary rock was exhausted, but the last layers of granite continue to crystallize, raising the magnificent mountains we love so much causing entire continents to float higher.

The power and wisdom behind these ninety-nine 30-year events between 3685 and 687 BC leaves no doubt that a higher wisdom and power created the earth we have today, far beyond that of mankind who date the formation of granite at hundreds of millions of years, yet universities dismiss anyone who professes a belief in intelligent design.

The Spectacular Escapes

•September 9, 2022 • Leave a Comment

The Aten became captured in a geostationary orbit 36,000 kilometers above the Himalayas ninety-nine times (every thirty years) for about 14.4 years but because the many explosive events that blasted its soil, atmosphere, water and vegetation to the Earth took a great toll on the planet it had to be released into an orbit of the Sun for an approximately equal interval (~15.6 years) in order to recover. Since the Aten’s tidal bond to the lithosphere of the Earth was so strong an escape seems impossible, but the greater wisdom of the kingdom of God was described in the ancient texts of all cultures. A perfectly scheduled alignment of the Moon, Venus and the Sun with the Aten on the Spring Equinox of the 14th year caused the hollow lava column centered at the north pole of Aten on the northern island to collapse exposing the expanded north pole volcanic vent and the indirect tidal effect of the aligned bodies simultaneously raised the northern ocean above the island and it flowed down into the north-pole vent. This created a pyroclastic explosion in the interior, the pressure of which forced the solid iron core of Aten to exit the planet through a linear fault on the equator (visible in images today). This new body, called Hathor (Egyptian), Hermes (Greek) and Mercury (Roman) fell to the east and passed close to the Earth in a slingshot maneuver sending it to the west while the outer shell of Aten with a blazing open gap also drifted to the West. The blazing material from the open gap in Aten was spread to the north and south by the magnetic field of the Earth resembling wings, therefore was called “the angel of God” in Exodus 14:19, the “Winged Bull” in Assyria, and the wings were called the “Golden Fleece” in Greek myth.

During the creation period 3687 to 687 BC, the entire growing population of the world watched for eight days, or nine nights, as the sun-like solid core raced to catch up and re-enter the “winged” Aten. In remembrance of this event the entire world to this day unknowingly celebrate these same spectacular events of a ‘new year’, the Jewish as the Passover festival (Pesach) and Nowruz (Iran), Navaratri (Hindu). These cycles occurred before all (warring) religions were formed in the world and therefore they are our common heritage, if only this could be understood.

See: Miracle: The Creation of the Earth available at

Miracle: The Creation of the Earth

•July 29, 2022 • Comments Off on Miracle: The Creation of the Earth

As promised in Isaiah 29:14, this work destroys the wisdom of the ‘wise’ and the understanding of the ‘prudent.’ It reveals the prehistoric geological changes of the Earth in the last 6000 years, the ninety-nine Eons and associated floods, the composition of the planets which contributed to its recent terraforming, the preceding K-T purification by the blazing Venus, the origin of the predominant hematite crust, the entire vegetative eco system, the fully formed diverse animal life, the ‘Entirety’ or kingdom of God, faint memories of which comprise the mysticism of all religions. The prehistoric events in the solar system also reveal the origin of the cosmic microwave background radiation and ‘dark matter.’/

/To order go to and enter Miracle: The Creation of the Earth

The Exodus

•February 17, 2022 • Comments Off on The Exodus

The Passover

Fig. 1 Orbits of Earth, Mars and proto-Venus between Mars’ geostationary encounters showing capture and release points.

Based on interpretations of the Rg Veda, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman myth plus the Bible, Cyclic Catastrophism claims that Aten was captured in the same geostationary orbit above Mt. Kailas, and released one hundred times. Each capture lasted ~14.4 years and each release ~15.6 years. Therefore each cycle took ~30 years.  These astronomical cycles governed all human ceremonial activities and archaeologically are noted by two calendars in every ancient culture, 360 and 365.25 days per year. The slower  rotation taking place due to the mass moment of Aten in geostationary orbit. The capture period was called the ‘inundation’ in Egypt because tidal effect of Aten drew the clear Nile waters across Eastern Egypt for the entire 14.4 years, increasing the production of crops. Modern day Egyptologists interpret the ‘inundation’ as referring to the yearly increase in the Nile flow.

The most spectacular event in each cycle was the release of the worn-out Aten from its geostationary orbit. This occurred on the vernal equinox of the fourteenth year of its capture at which date proto-Venus’ orbit attained aphelion and inferior conjunction relative to the Earth-Aten pair (Figure). At the same time the Moon and Sun were closely aligned. Based on the anticipation of this event the Egyptians scheduled the elaborate Heb Sed Festivals, or Festival of the tail, constructing elaborate structures and preparing numerous feasts, primarily to celebrate the pharaohs 30-year reign.  The ‘tail’ referred to the comet-like tail of proto-Venus which came closest to the Earth-Aten pair at this date. Originally, each pharaoh’s reign was associated with a 30-year cycle of capture and release of Aten and at the end of the festival he was sacrificed and mummified in preparation for: (a) his ritual ascent to the duat on Aten; (b) proceeding through its interior (amenta); and (c) mounting the solid iron core (Hathor) which then was blasted from Aten like a spaceship imagined to carry the pharaoh’s soul ‘to the gods’ (see post).

The solid iron core first appeared through the Valles Marineris as the ‘eye of Horus’ but then exited Aten, zoomed low around the Earth to the East, boosting its speed while the outer shell of Aten, with a huge 4,000 km wide flaming gash,  drifted to the west, passing over the Middle East. Egyptian myth tells that it took eight days for the solid core to catch up to the outer shell as it drifted away from the Earth.  This repeating ‘passing over’ the Middle East was the origin of the Jewish pesach, or passover festival which is still celebrated for eight days by Chasidic Jews. It is also celebrated in the Rg Veda as the festival of ‘nine nights’.

The Exodus

Understanding the Exodus requires a little more information. Upon each capture of Aten in its geostationary orbit above Mt. Kailas, in the TransHimalayas, its tidal effect drew waters form all across the Eastern Hemisphere toward the Himalayas to an altitude of 5,000 meters, surrounding the highest Himalayas. This caused a day of flooding across Northern Egypt and in the Levant as the Mediterranean and Red Seas  were emptied.  This 30-year flood was the reason that the Egyptians built the pyramids and the other cultures in the Levant lived on tells. Therefore 14.4 years later, at each release of Aten, there was no water in the Red Sea, thus it was referred to as the ‘wilderness’ in the Bible. This had happened some seventy-five times before the Exodus and everyone in the area knew the physical events that occurred each time. At the same time, the Egyptians were celebrating the Heb Sed festival, so it was the perfect time for the Jews to cross the ‘Red Sea’ wilderness.  The outer shell of Aten with the flaming 4,000 km gap in the side was the “pillar of cloud” in the day and the “pillar of fire” at night that guided Moses and the Jews, which was at first before them and as it continued to drift to the West moved between them and the pursuing Egyptian army.

When the solid iron core of Aten exited the planet, it looped close to the Earth moving East. Although it was not as massive as the outer shell of Aten it zoomed much closer to the Earth, therefore half of the water in the 5,000 meter high tidal bulge around the Himalayas flowed east and the other half flowed west with Aten. The Lord told Moses exactly when to cross the wilderness, and after they did the waters coming back to the emptied Mediterranean and Red Seas converged in the Red Sea drowning the pursuing Egyptian Army and preventing any pursuit for the next 15.6 years.

The Date of the Exodus

The exact date of the Exodus and the name of the Egyptian pharaoh at the time,  has never been proven, but cyclic catastrophism may help resolve the date. Simplistically, each complete cycle took 30-years, but based on the Vishnu Purana, which states that “the seven holy rishis lived 3030 years” gives 30.3-years per cycle. Given that the last (the one-hundredth) cycle ended in 687 BC, the Exodus had to have been a multiple of 30.3 years earlier than 687. Assuming this occurred 25 cycles prior to 687 produces a date of 1444.5 which is very close to the popular date 1446.

Exodus 20:2  I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

The Origin of All Asteroids

•August 26, 2021 • Comments Off on The Origin of All Asteroids

Jupiter is a solid highly deuterated methane gas hydrate planet that produces fusion reactions when impacted. This happened when comet Shoemaker Levy 9 hit it, but because the ‘standard theory’ was that it is a gas planet, the event was incorrectly explained.

Six thousand years ago a large impact on Jupiter created the planet currently called Venus. That’s why Venus is so hot. This impact ‘lit up’ Jupiter expanding its visual size tenfold and created the four Galilean moons. It left behind a blazing fusion reaction on the surface of Jupiter which extended two million kilometers into space, rotating with Jupiter very fast and could be seen by the naked eye from the Earth.

It was described physically as the feathers of a peacock but by a number of myths in each culture. It was Juno in Roman myth, imagined to be Jupiter’s wife with hair blowing moving around attempting to see through the glowing curtain with which he had surrounded himself in order to hide his trysts with Io the closest Galilean moon. In Greek myth it was Zeus’ aegis, or shield being moved side to side as in combat and in the RigVeda as mrtanda, an elephant swinging his trunk left and right. This is an example of the information conveyed in ancient myths.

The fusion plume continued for thousands of years, slowly declining. The plume material condensed as it flew out into space in all azimuthal directions propelled by Jupiter’s orbital velocity and rapid rotation. But because the impact had been at 20 degrees south latitude all the bodies into which it condensed were sent into inclined orbits. The blaze was so intense initially that huge bodies were formed by some asterois combining, like Pluto and Ceres. Some were cast into the inner solar system and became Kreutz sungrazers which are the origin of sunspots to this day, some going in the same direction collided forming ‘snowman’ shapes like Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in the inner solar system and Ultima Thule far out, which are obviously cousins from the same source.

The angular momentum of all of this mass being ejected increased Jupiter’s rotational period to about 9.9 hours, still pretty fast for a planet 318 times the mass of the Earth. Fred Hoyle estimated that Jupiter would have had a period of one hour from the acquision of mass in its vicinity, but discarded that estmate because it was so much less than the current period. What happened to the plume? In 6,000 years it has declined to the Great Red Spot, believed to be a ‘storm’ by planetary scientists.

This one impact event produced all the asteroids in the solar system and poor Saturn, so close to Jupiter suffered the brunt of the bombardment, producing its axial tilt. So many of these asteroids hit it and blasted out chunks of ice forming its rings. Tens of thousands of these Juno asteroids are orbiting in the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of Jupiter. An expensive mission is planned to sample one of these – come on, ya seen one, ya seen em all. These are completely useless, with no differentiation as seen in 67P. Thus all asteroids are in inclined orbits and all the Kreutz sungrazers enter the vicinity of the Sun from below the plane of the solar system.

Believe it or not, some scientists believe that the entire solar system formed from asteroids and the existing ones are leftovers.

Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter

•April 10, 2021 • Comments Off on Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter

The fusion on the surface of Jupiter streaming to the Great Red Spot

Juno measures 0.25% of Jupiter’s atmosphere is water, so where does all the water in each terrestrial planet come from? Based upon the nominal composition of methane gas hydrate. (CH4)4(H2O)23, Jupiter is more than 90% water by mass, what’s up? Since MGH is a clathrate, it encloses all foreign bodies, atoms, molecules in cages of twelve or more water molecules. By this mechanism the normal abundance of the known element abundances which comprise the earth and the other planets are contained, much of the heavy elements in the simple form of the dust which makes the planetary nebula dark.

As discussed in the previous post, the MGH formed in a dark dusty planetary nebula where the temperature was less than 20 K. In these regions the giant planets began to form even before the star (our Sun) lit up. In the cold outskirts of the system the deuterium fractionation D/H was very high, maybe 0.3. When a body impacts the surface of Jupiter, it triggers a fusion explosion, D + H -> 3He++ + 4.98 MeV which blasts the ingredients for a new terrestrial planet into the inner solar system, as in the case of proto-Venus 6,000 years ago.

That explosive impact left behind an ongoing fusion reaction at the impact site, named Juno in ancient texts, extending two million km from the blazing Jupiter which was watched by more than one hundred generations of humans moving back and forth every eight hours as the planet rotated. That reaction formed all of the asteroids present today in the solar system, and today produces the Great Red Spot. But that is not all. The 3He++ charged fusion products circle the planet prograde (currently imagined to be a dangerous inner radiation belt) and produce the powerful magnetic field and temperature excess of Jupiter. So what about the water??

The heat from the fusion creating the GRS, also releases the normal abundances of the elements. But while in the hot zone all of these elements react with one another and with the water being released and form high temperature compounds, primarily hydrates, thereby hiding the water being released, and other compounds, my favorite example is CS which produces tiny red crystals which color the GRS. As these compounds rise in the GRS vortex, they cool, crystallize and form particulate matter. These exit through the GRS and form the colored clouds, which produce no spectra ( currently imagined to be ammonia ice) and hide their elemental makeup. Moreover they settle to the MGH surface in the middle latitudes as fast as they are released and form dunes which slowly shift and confuse the gravity interpretation team, who imagine they are circulations in the conductive hydrogen interior, for which no equation of state has ever been found, who are still convinced that Jupiter is a gas giant.

Horus Aten

•June 13, 2010 • Leave a Comment
The period of cyclic catastrophism, or Vedic Period, was triggered 6,000 years ago by a great impact on Jupiter, out of which proto-Venus was born.  This term for Venus is used to reflect the fact that the planet currently comprises only heavy elements while the lighter elements currently constitute the zodiacal lights which cannot settle on the planet due to its high temperature  and pressure. Proto-Venus rampaged throughout the solar system, crossing the orbits of the two existing terrestrial planets, Earth and Horus (Egyptian) or Indra (Rigveda), named the Aten by Egyptian pharoah Akhenaten which was full of life.  It first passed close to the Earth around 4000 BC and covered it with layer of poisonous heavy elements, primarily iridium, which when breathed by the prehistoric animals and hominids caused the K-T extinction.
Proto-Venus then began a series of close interactions with Aten which was in Venus’ current orbit, closer to the Sun than the Earth.  The Vedas say that Varuna (proto-Venus) and Indra (Aten) had ‘innumerable’ close encounters and the myths of a number of cultures confirm this, telling of a whitish extension (some say a sword) between them during these events.  This was due to the tidal effect of the heavy element plasma composition of the newly created proto-Venus being drawn toward the Aten at each encounter, which increased the tidal effect between the two increasing the eccentricity of the Aten while decreasing that of proto-Venus.  In the Vedas, this extention was imagined to be Soma, which Indra ‘quaffed in large draughts’, causing him to grow miraculously – that is, to approach the Earth.  Soma, the same intoxicating material that fell to Earth in later millennia, also known as manna (Jewish), ambrosia (Greek), haoma (Persian), said to have brought tens of thousands of plants to the Earth, was obviously woven into the myth at a later date.
Similarly, the Egyptians imagined that Horus (Aten) was nurtured by the ‘milk’ of  Sechat-Hor, the ‘Heavenly Cow’, which was obviously a name for proto-Venus.  This deity was worshiped in the Sed Festivals, in which the pharaoh gave offerings to Sechat-Hor who had ‘fed Horus with her holy milk’.
Proof of the deity’s very ancient origins, i.e. from predynastic times, is confirmed by the fact that the Sed Festivals were performed in a courtyard constructed at Djosers step-pyramid at Saqqara, the most ancient pyramid.  Also significant is that the ceremony involved the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt.  This two-part ‘crown’, often shown in Egyptian art, has nothing to do with upper and lower Egypt.  It is actually a representation of a comet tail, which adorned the earliest form of proto-Venus – i.e. a broad dust tail and a narrower offset tail formed by ionized gases. Numerous close encounters of the two eventually brought  Aten into an orbit that crossed that of the Earth, from which multiple captures in a geostationary orbit above the Himalayas by tidal drag took place.  Each capture lasted 14.4 years. This explains why the Sphinx, called in Egyptian Horus am akhet (Horus on the horizon) remained facing to the east.
The Sed Festival texts refer to a thirty-year period associated with each cycle. Egyptologists fail to understand that this cyclic period originally determined the reign of each pharaoh.  Its physical significance was that it marked the period of the cyclic catastrophism.  Aten (Horus) would become captured in geosynchronous orbit for 14.4 years and then released into a planetary orbit for 15.6 years, the differences in these two raash were a mystery to Velikovsky.  It would then be recaptured and the entire thirty-year cycle was repeated ninety-nine times, encompassing a total of three millennia, from roughly 3687 to 687 BC. During the capture periods soil, water, atmosphere and all modern day vegetative life was blasted to the Earth in the form of ‘blueberries’ discovered by space probes (where?)
The spectacular events which occurred at each release of priori-Mars described in the new book Miracle: The Creation of the Earth, are suggested in the figure below:

The pharaoh’s soul mounted upon the solid core inside Aten awaiting launch.

The elaborate ceremony associated with the pharaoh’s demise, suggests that originally the pharaoh had to die as the end of each encounter approached and a new pharaoh inaugurated.  This would limit the reign of each pharaoh to thirty years and explain the thirty year Sed Festivals, but was revised in later dynasties.

All Life on Earth came from Mars between 4000 and 687 BC

•April 20, 2024 • Leave a Comment

Scars on the surface of Mars from the process of moving all surface material to Earth. On right the north pole of Mars faced the Earth when it orbited above the Himalayas and the dark circle marks the last ocean on Mars . On left the Valles Marineris was the “double doors” through which the solid core of Mars, Hathor in Egyptian texts, Hermes in Greek myth and Sarameya in RigVeda exited the planet at each escape from its orbit above the Himalayas. The two swirls in the northern ice cap mark the instant when the core left changing the center of revolution of the planet .

The Door of the Solid Core on Mars

•April 14, 2024 • 1 Comment

The ‘door’ used by the solid core of Mars to exit and return to Mars an amazing ninety-nine times between 3687 and 687 BC, is, as expected, the most prominent feature on the planet to this day., yet tens of thousands of PhDs in planetary science have merely identified it as a canyon, comparing its length , 4000 km, and depth,7 km, to the Grand Canyon on earth. Why is there so little lava surrounding it? Because during each eight-day release period it was so wide open that all the debris around it cascaded into the cavernous opening or was swept into it by the core each time it returned and on the final release the entire interior collapsed to form the soft core which with little or no iron is not able to create a magnetic field. Scientific evidence for a “soft core” has been noted in a paper by C F. Yoder et al. titled “Fluid Core size Size of Mars from Detection of the Solar Tide.” Obviously, the lack of an internal magnetic field is consistent with the lack of an iron core. Where could it be??

In my book ” Miracle: The Creation of the Earth” the loss of the core of Mars core took place when on its ninety-ninth exit the solid core was prevented from returning to Mars in eight days by interacting with Venus, actually bumping into it and therefore remaining in the inner solar system, appearing to be a small “planet” and named Mercury, which notably is the most spherical “planet” in the solar system. Mercury, noted to be shrinking rapidly based on scarps on the surface, is also disguised by many small impacts of material ejected from Mars during the creation period which missed the earth and have been falling toward the sun and is still smacking into poor Mercury. The gentle impact of Mercury and Venus apparently left unusual “craters” on both Mercury, Caloris basin below and Mead crater with melt from liquid mantle of Mercury below that .

The Releases of MARS memorable events

•April 12, 2024 • Leave a Comment

Although Mars was the only body which orbited the Earth above the Himalayas, each of its visits lasted 14.4 years after which a release occurred due to alignments of the pair with Venus, the Moon and sun. The indirect tidal force of these aligned bodies raised the tidal sea on Mars above the northern island facing the earth and it flowed into the north volcanic vent which was the source of a fallen tree-like feature at the north pole. When it contacted the hot interior the water became steam, the pressure of which ejected the solid iron core of Mars., called Hathor in Egyptian texts and Hermes in Greek myth. The loss of the solid core caused Mars to be released, and it drifted westward with a wide flaming gap, the glowing material of which extended both north and south like wings due to the magnetic field of the earth, imagined to be drawn by the Mars satellites Phobos and Deimos as horses. The planet with a gaping opening was described in Greek myth as the golden fleece and in Assyrian myth as a flying bull Lamassu. As the planet Mars drifted westward, the solid core with insufficient velocity fell toward the eastern edge of the earth at exactly the same time that the lithosphere, which had been slowed at capture by linking tidally to Mars, was accelerating to catch up to the mantle and its tidal effect accelerated the solid core moving close to the surface “killing men in the desert” in a slingshot maneuver around the earth back toward the west. The Egyptians, believing Hathor was so sacred that it could not kill men in the desert, applied a different name for the core at these events, Sekhmet. The acceleration of the core due to the lithosphere gave back the exact amount of angular momentum to the solid core so that it accelerated back catching up to the planet drifting westward. Egyptian hieroglyph interpreted by Zecharia Sitchen in Stairway to the Stars described the race of the gaping shell and the solid core which took eight days to catch up to and reenter Mars as every person on earth watched and when they joined Mars was given back exactly the angular momentum needed to enter the orbit from which it had first been captured so that another capture would occur in 15.6 years. One such escape which occurred at the release of Mars at the time of the Exodus of the Jews became remembered as the Exodus which is still celebrated for eight days and the same event is celebrated as Noruz in many eastern countries for nine nights., but do not specifically worship the planet. However, these events made the Hathor be a favorite body for the entire 3000 year creation period in Egypt.

The Planet Mars was the only “God” in the heavens

•April 11, 2024 • Leave a Comment

The planet Mars which orbited above the Himalayas ninety-nine times between 3687 and 687 BC was called by many names in the disperse ‘cultures’ on earth, perhaps the first was Ba’al and the second was YAHWEH. (See Yahweh and Ba’al – The Same Deity online) Yahweh and Ba’al – The Same DeityOther names were Indra (Rigveda) Horus (Egyptian), Odin (Norse), Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman) plus many in ancient myths of lessor cultures. However, Mars was the only planet orbiting the Earth from 4000 to 687 BC and none after that date. Therefore, no new information can really be obtained from digging through the myths of other cultures. Some articles on Ba’al provided additional clues in the mention of “cycles of Ba’al” unfortunately never explained, which recognize the many captures and releases (a cycle) of Mars and the rain which brought soil and seeds to he earth, the global blasts of rocks every 20 to 30 days during the capture periods brought all of the atmosphere and ocean water from Mars and carried valuable minerals in rocks, normally deep in planets, to the surface of the earth where they are easily accessible, such as iron (hematite) and semiconductors.

Many other names in the myths were not names of the body but only features on its surface such as Asherah which was a tree-like column on Mars imagined to be his consort. Another was Tiamat, which was the name of the creation deity on Mars because it was the spectacular rush of all water, salt and fresh, toward the north pole at capture.

The most interesting features on Mars are at its north pole which faced the earth during each capture. The 620 mile wide north polar layered deposits are remnants of the tidal oceans formed during each capture. Each layer is distinct, and all are lying above the terrain. These layers are so exactly parallel that attempts to image them from above using radar failed due to interference. At each release of Mars from its orbit above the Himalaya they immediately froze solid. Most fascinating are vertical troughs in each layer which are boundaries between two centers of revolution which occurred exactly at the instant the core left the planet, each of which is present can be seen in a separate layer.

Cycles of Ba’al

•April 8, 2024 • Leave a Comment

Online searches for Ba’al invariably produce articles titled Cycles of Ba’al but with no explanation of the “cycles.” This loss of meaning is explained in my book Miracle: The Creation of the Earth. Indeed the term “Miracle” was included in the title in order to emphasize the seemingly impossible ninety-nine captures and releases of the life-giving planet in earth orbit above the Himalayas in 3000 years which can only lead to the idea that there was a higher intelligence (El?) behind the use of Ba’al to bring the most advanced life forms not present on any of the other planet in the solar system to the earth. These are explained in considerable detail in the book, but are difficult for the average reader to comprehend. Indeed, that is why they have never been explained in modern day terms until now. Continual control of tidal forces between planet-sized bodies seems beyond the power of any “God.” Adding to the complexity, after the fifty-fifth capture failed resulting in a destruction of all animal life on earth and disturbed states of geological sections now recognized as the flood of Noah, apparently due to the advanced peoples mating with human women, after which the process was completed successfully in the following forty-four captures, recognizable in that many countable layers in geologic sections around the world.

The current revelations of these processes may be suggested in the biblical passage Isaiah 29:13-14 “Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men. Therefore behold (Listen!), I will proceed to do a marvellous work among these people, even a miraculous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.” Can this be understood as the god of the bible momentarily abdicating his position in favor of a higher power now comprehensible to mankind?

The implication of interactions of this single planet with other bodies may have arisen in the processes by which the releases took place, i.e. the appearance of a tree-like column Asherah imagined to be his wife on Ba’al each time it decayed and ejection of the solid core required to allow. the periodic recovery of the planet every fifteen years, do not invalidate the unique value of the planet. Some myths about Ba’al also mention its lightning and thunder but these resulted in blasting valuable minerals such as hematite for making steel and rare earth minerals used in electronics which cover the earth today.

Implications of Miracle : The Creation of the Earth on The Big Bang Hypothesis

•April 1, 2024 • Leave a Comment

Chapter 8 Giant Planets & Dark Matter

The explosive birth of Venus created an expanding sphere of radiation moving outward in all directions from the Milky Way Galaxy. This heated tiny particles which reradiated in all directions, with a small amount being radiated back toward the earth.. The small amount being reradiated back toward the earth has been interpreted by ‘cosmologists’ as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation from the creation of the Universe, which has led to the “Big Bang” hypothesis. This interpretation, in turn has led to two completely undefined entities, Dark Matter and Dark Energy supposedly comprising ninety-nine percent of the energy in the universe. More than ten years of research have been devoted to finding the composition of dark matter which has produced no definition. Two major studies of the CMB have been conducted to solve the origin of Dark Energy which is believed to be causing an unexplained expansion of the universe, WMAP and Planck. The Planck survey proved that the CMB was not the same intensity in all directions, with a finding that there was a strong enhancement in the heat just below the plane of the ecliptic which proves the radiation from the impact on Jupiter out of which Venus was born at 20 south latitude which has been radiating for 6,000 years.

The redshift attributed to dark energy has not been proven with two theories reaching different values. As explained in Chapter 8 of Miracle: The Creation of the Earth, an infinite amount of invisible 3He+ surrounding every solar system in the universe with terrestrial planets is what causes redshifts, it is not due to the expansion of the universe (Dark energy). The redshifts observed by the James Webb telescope are merely due to the normal invisible 2He+ through which the light has travelled and not due to the their velocity as proposed by Fritz Zwicky (1900). This eliminates the ‘cosmologist’ notion, based on assumptions that the 3He+ clouds are dark matter which hypothetically could not produce redshifts and must be due to the absorption of energy. Therefore the redshift is due to an inestimable amount of 3He+ through which light passes. Therefore it is highly improbable that any two observations could produce identical values of the Hubble number because it is not a constant. The red shift and the dark night sky of Olbers Paradox is therefore due to light being red shifted by 3He+ producing Tired light.

Additional Details Concerning Miracle: The Creation of the Eaerth

•March 31, 2024 • 1 Comment

Ancient texts, ancient calendars, geological sections, satellite images of the earth and the existing planets corroborated by a number of bible verses lead inexorably to the conclusion that a truly advanced beneficent 'kingdom' re-created the Earth and created Homo Sapiens Sapiens to inhabit it, thereby answering the Fermi paradox. This kingdom lived on a small, beautiful planet in an interior orbit in the solar system similar to that of Venus today but were apparently forced to abandon it due to the increasing radiation of the young Sun. They are a space-fareing culture which had visited the Earth many times in the past leaving molded stone structures, such as Sacsayhuaman in Cusco, Peru, that have baffled modern science for decades, and studied the earth's geology and vast oceans. They chose to transfer the beautiful vegetable and animal ecosystems they had developed on their planet to the earth. To this end, they created Venus by causing an ancient planet, named Metis by ancient Greek tribes, to impact Jupiter and used the blazing new planet to destroy all primitive life on the earth, known as the K-T extinction, by encompassing it with a mile thick poisonous cloud of heavy elements, including Iridium and Sulfur.

Ancient texts from that time suggest the advanced culture used repeated encounters of proto-Venus to increase the eccentricity of their home planet's interior orbit so that it intersected that of the Earth, setting in motion a sequence of one hundred captures and releases of the home planet in a geostationary orbit above Mt. Kailas in the Himalayas, a place of special reverence in eastern cultures. Based on two intervals between "raash" in late Hebrew documents, each capture period lasted 14.4 years and the release periods 15.6 years by exact planetary encounters, resulting in each complete cycle lasting 30 years. More significantly these alternating periods were repeated ninety-nine times until all of the water on the home planet had been blasted to the earth and then discarded it in its two current orbits, where they are visible by telescope to this day as Mars and Mercury.

The first few captures established a new crust of hematite-rich soil on the earth into which falling seeds of plants like grass and trees needed for the first generations of fully developed animal life to become established in suitable environments. Since these repeated captures and releases were taking place prior to the creation of mankind it was considered the primary being by pre-Christian peoples due to the many blessings of rain, soil and vegetable seeds which enriched the earth' early human cultures, similar to the Moon today and no records concerning them was kept for thousands of years that might have provided archaeological evidence of the visits. However, spectacular floods associated with each capture were recorded in many 'myths' and geological features were formed, such as the grand canyon which have never been explained until now. Unique calendars provide Architectural evidence of this 3,000 year period created in every culture required to keep track of the slowing of the motion of the lithosphere caused by the tidal drag of the home planet during each 14.4 year capture, which resulted in only 360 days per year while the normal rotation of the lithosphere at 365 days per year resumed during each release period. Pervasive evidence for 360-day years is present in the calendars of all prehistoric cultures about which many researchers have written extensively in an effort to explain. As an example of this interest to this day can be found at

Proof of the repeated visits of this planet to the earth are present in ancient queries, even ones as recent as 2022 but not currently recognized because of the many names used for it in different cultures. Yahweh was the biblical term for this planet but the most commonly used in central Asia was Baal, emphasized by many queries available online concerning the "Baal Cycle," some containing laments as to why Baal was "leaving" and the related "raas" (or "raash" which describe the monumental earth-shaking, flooding and reorienting of the lithosphere discussed in Strong's Concordance which define them as severe storms and earthquakes. These can easily be found by merely searching Google for "Baal Cycles" and noting the thousands of people who have read the articles in seek of the answers now present in Miracle: The Creation of the Earth.

The topology of Mars today, with the northern third completely depleted is due to the fact that when it orbited the earth its free lithosphere (as with the earth's) was forced to point its north pole toward the earth by the angular momentum of three massive features on its equator, the Tharsis Bulge, Olympus Mons, and the last minute extended deposit of sulfur, known as the Medusae Fossae added in their vicinity, which has now been eroded by wind, forming ninety percent of the dust on Mars, composed of chlorine from the oceans on Mars at the time and sulfur from Venus. The rotational momentum of these three features, known as the three headed dog Cerberus in French myth and currently labeled as such in Mars maps, was sufficient to continually reorient the north pole toward the earth. That this was not a perfect alignment is indicated by the term loca-aloca, meaning that features on Mars' equator could sometimes be seen on earth and sometimes not seen.

Supplement Info for Miracle: The Creation of the Earth

•March 28, 2024 • 2 Comments

Ancient texts, ancient calendars, the motion of tectonic plates, satellite images of the earth and the existing planets corroborated by a number of bible verses lead inexorably to the conclusion that a truly advanced beneficent 'kingdom' re-created the Earth and created Homo Sapiens Sapiens to inhabit it, thereby answering the Fermi paradox. This kingdom lived on a small, beautiful planet in an interior orbit in the solar system similar to that of Venus today but were apparently forced to abandon it due to the increasing radiation of the young Sun. They are a spacefareing culture which had visited the Earth many times in the past leaving molded stone structures, such as Sacsayhuaman in Cusco, Peru, that have baffled modern science for decades, and studied the earth's geology and vast oceans. Rather than leave the beautiful vegetable and animal ecosystems they had developed on their planet to just die, they chose to transfer them to the earth and created Homo Sapiens Sapiens to husband them but promised to return. To prepare the earth, they created Venus by causing an ancient planet, named Metis by ancient Greek tribes, to impact Jupiter and immediately used the blazing new planet Venus to destroy all primitive life on the earth, known as the K-T extinction, by encompassing it with a mile thick poisonous cloud of heavy elements, including Iridium and Sulfur.

Ancient texts from the earliest generations of humans in Egypt and Rigveda at that time suggest the advanced culture then used repeated encounters of a glowing plasma proto-Venus to increase the eccentricity of the home planet's interior orbit so that it intersected that of the Earth in the ecliptic plane, setting in motion a sequence of ninety-nine captures and releases of the home planet in a geostationary orbit above Mt. Kailas in the Himalayas between 3687 and 687 BC, a place of special reverance in eastern cultures known as "Indra's home on Earth". Each traumatic capture and loss of additional mass was noted by Velikovsky in ancient Jewish texts as "raash" (commotions) had two different durations between them, but he did not understand what they meant. Based on these two different intervals between "raash," each capture period lasted 14.4 years and the release periods 15.6 years resulting in each complete cycle taking 30 years. These alternating periods were repeated ninty-nine times until all of the water, atmosphere, hematite soil and vegetation on in the northern third of the home planet had completely covered the earth. The current 6,000 year period constituted the true Cenozoic Era which is currently imagined to have lasted 66 Ma because the sedimentary soil from the planet which completely covers the earth included zircon crystals from hundreds of volcanic events on the planet and therefore gives the ages on it and not earth ages. This period is consistent with soft tissue found in some dinosaur fossils to this day in Montana.

The first few captures began the establishing a new thin crust of hematite-rich soil on the earth into which falling seeds of plants like grass, trees and needed rain produced for the first generations of fully developed animal life was carried to earth and become established in suitable environments. Since these repeated captures and releases were taking place prior to the creation of mankind, the planet was considered the primary being Baal by pre-christian peoples due to the many blessings of rain, soil and vegetable seeds which enriched the earth for early human cultures. However, spectacular floods associated with each capture were recorded in many 'myths' and geological features were created, such as the grand canyon which have never been explained until now. Architecular evidence of this 3,000 year period are the calendars created in every culture required to keep track of the slowing of the motion of the lithosphere caused by the tidal drag of the home planet during each 14.4 year capture, which resulted in only 360 days per year while the normal rotation of the earth of 365 day resumed during each release period. Pervasive evidence for 360-day years is present in the calendars of all prehistoric cultures about which many researchers have written extensively in an effort to explain. An example of this interest to this day can be found at

Proof of the repeated visits of this planet to the earth are present in ancient queries, even ones as recent as 2022 but not currently recognized because of the many names used for it in different cultures. Yahweh was the biblical term for this planet but the most commonly used in central asia was Baal, chief god of the Canaanites known as the storm god, the bringer of rain/fertility with the power of thunder and lightning to the earth but was known for leaving the earth for 15.6 years in an amazing eight-day event celebrated to current times by Jews, known as Passover and nine nights of the Noruz in many Eurasian countries. These escapes involved an amazing process by which the solid core left the planet releasing it from the earth's gravity but quickly rejoined the planet due to a "slingshot" maneuver close around the earth "killing men in the desert" and took eight days to catch up to the planet and reentered it in its escape orbit for the next 15.6 years (see the amazing translation of the Egyptian hieroglyph describing this process in Chapter IV of The Stairway to Heaven (P.85) by Zecharia Sitchin who believed it was a description of how the Ka of the pharaoh was taken from his tomb, traveled to Horus (the Aten) and entered its core before it was ejected and how the escape of the core as his "ship" carrried him to Heaven). This escape process is reinforced by many queries available online concerning the "Baal Cycle," containing laments as to why Baal was "leaving" and the related "raas" (or "raash" which describes the monumental earth-shaking, flooding and reorienting of the lithosphere at each capture discussed in Strong's Concordance which defines them as severe storms and earthquakes.) These can easily be found by merely searching Google for "Baal Cycles" and noting the thousands of people who have read the articles in seek of the answers now present in Miracle: The Creation of the Earth. The Aten (planet) was the only heavenly body other than the moon, in the heavens near the earth, thus it identifies dozens of primary 'gods' in ancient texts such as Zeus, Indra, Horus, Odin and Jupiter.

Regardless of the periodic escapes of "Baal" from its geostationary orbit above the Himalayas, the total amount of time it remained above the Himalayas exerted a powerful tidal effect on the continents, gravitationally accelerating them all. Once they were accelerated, the inertia of these massive bodies have kept them moving although they are slowing down. Once geologists became aware of plate tectonics, they have used this feature as the reason for this motion, but this only defines their independence from one another. The motion of the plates today is due to the external acceleration of Baal from 4000 to 687 BC. This is more easily understood for the continents on the eastern side of the world, such as the Australian and Indian continents toward the Himalayas and the easteward splitting of the African continent, but there was also an indirect acceleration of the masses on the far side of the earth, such as the North and South American continents away from Baal, that is, to the west. This resulted in the creation of the Atlantic Ocean in only 3,000 years. Geologists mistakenly attribute this due to the mid-Atlantic rift "pushing" the continents westward but the rift is due to the motion of the North and South American continents westward stretching the ocean bottom and allowing lava from the asthenosphere to rise through the gap.

The topology of Mars today, with the northern third completely depleted is due to the fact that when it orbited the earth its free lithosphere (as with the earth's) was forced to remain oriented toward the earth by the angular momentum of three close massive features on its equator, the Tharsis Bulge, Olympus Mons, and the last minute extended deposit of sulfur, known as the Medusae Fossae in their vicinity which has now been eroded by wind currently comprising ninety percent of the dust on Mars composed of chlorine from the oceans on Mars at the time and sulfur from Venus. The momentum of these features known as the three headed dog Cerberus in French myth and is currently labeled as such in Mars maps, was sufficient to continually reorient the north pole toward the earth. That this was not a perfectly continuous realignment is indicated by the term loca-aloca, meaning that features on Mars' equator could sometimes be seen on earth and were sometimes unseen.

Evidence for the Recent Creation of the Earth

•March 9, 2024 • Leave a Comment
Geologists have adopted ancient ages for the features on Earth based primarily on the uranium and lead in zircon crystals in the sedimentary soil but they do not realize that these zircons were blasted to the earth from volcanoes on Mars throughout the creation period, 4000 to 687 BC, and therefore give ages from Mars, not on earth. This has led to the currently incorrect dating of the Cenozoic at 66 million years, whereas the correct date for the present surface of the earth and mankind is only 4000 BC as discussed in Miracle: The Creation of the Earth. The writing of which was announced in Isaiah29:14 "Therefore behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among these people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." This promised book reveals that a beautiful new crust and vegetation were blasted gently to the earth and mankind was created to husband it. This was accomplished by bringing a planet with this new life to orbit the earth above the Himalayas for 14.4 years and then to escape into a planetary orbit of the sun for 15.6 years in order to for the two planets to recover and was repeated ninety-nine times, which required 3,000 years. The ocean, soil, seeds (as blueberries) and atmosphere were blasted gently to the earth in clouds of global extent each time the earth and the other planet rotating around each other passed through alignments with the Moon and Sun, which occurred roughly every twenty days as the moon orbited the pair. The amount of soil which fell during each 14.4-year capture can be pictured as one layer of rock now in the Grand Canyon as shownin Figure 1 (above), but since it fell in the form of muddy water it was sedimentary rock. That is why the rocks of the grand canyon are perfectly flat. That evenness was interrupted by the flood of Noah pictured as the rocks below the Great Unconformity in the diagram of the Grand Canyon above.

In contrast to the obvious layering in the Grand Canyon, there is a much finer layering evidence. One that marks sequences of individual blasts of material which occurred at each alignment of the life-giving planet with the Moon orbiting the pair and the sun as frequently as every 20 or 30 days and less frequently with Venus and the sun. Amazingly, these banded iron formations (BIF), actually deposits are found around the world because the global water blasts encompassed the entire earth including on the bottom of the oceans. The BIF pictured below comprises up to forty layers of hematite, each less than a few inch thick which are often traceable for horizontal distances of hundreds of meters as would be expected, interspersed with comparably thick layers of chert between them from the decaying of algae in the short periods between them. These rocks have many thin horizontal layers of hematite from single blasts of the planet, spaced in time by alignments of the revolving earth and planet with the Moon and sun, typically 20 days, alternating with chert due to the skeletal material of algae deposited between each layer of the hematite. These alternating layers are typically several centimeters thick but the layers deposited after the flood of Noah extend horizontally for many miles because each blast was spread over the entire earth. However, geologists date the BIFs which occurred prior to the Flood of Noah which are folded and faulted, between 1.5 to 3.8 billion years old, and believe the horizontally extended BIF are the same (incorrect) ancient age because they are difficult to follow horizontally for miles around the world. Figure 2 below is an example of a large BIF with approximately forty falls.
Another factor which influences incorrect dating of all deposits on the earth are zircon crystals in the sedimentary rocks that were blasted to the earth from Mars. These are from the volcanic explosions on Mars which contributed to the clouds blasted to he earth and therefore the ratios of uranium and lead in them give ages typical of Mars and not of the earth. The use of these dates has resulted in the notion that the Cenozoic era age is 66 million years, whereas the true age is a mere 6,000 years, consistent with the soft tissues recently found in dinosaur fossils in Montana. This has resulted in the notion that the Cenozoic era is 66 million years old, in complete conflict with soft tissues of dinosaur fossils recently found in Montana. Geologists fail to understand that the entire crust of the Earth including the layers of sedimentary rock exposed in the Grand Canyon and many similar areas on Earth were blasted to the earth by ninety-nine captures of a living planet, comprising the creation period between 4000 and 687 BC during which astronomical events described in chapter 1, Genesis of the Old Testament Bible. corresponding to the prehistorical Biblical Ol. Their horizontal layering is due to the mechanism they were blasted gently in global clouds of water from another planet in the solar system, Mars, full of life, to the earth during the last forty-four of the ninety-nine 14.4 year captures. The visible horizontal layers in the Grand Canyon were each the result of a single 14.4 year encounter of the planet with the Earth which occurred after the fifty-fifth encounter 4000 (30 years x 55 encounters) at 2350 BC, because that encounter marked the flood of Noah which caused the entire surface of the earth to be swept around the world, essentially folding and faulting the regular layering prior to that date.

The History of the Earth and Mars

•March 6, 2024 • Leave a Comment

I am an astrophysicist retired from Lockheed Martin where I worked on spy satellites. Since my retirement I have followed the thread established by Immanuel Velikovsky in Worlds in Collision (1950), which triggered the beginning of Planetary Science. Unfortunately, astronomers of the day hired a newly graduated PhD student Carl Sagan to dispute Velikovsky’s approach and as a result planatary science departments in institutes around the world became staffed by earth scientists with uniformitarian backgrounds. This approach has set back planetary science about 70 years with beliefs that all planets in the solar system are four billion years old despite their obvious differences.

Although we sometimes give lip service to the unique characteristics of the Earth such as the recent K-T extinction evidenced by live soft tissue of dinousar fossils, its huge ocean, tectonic plates which are thought to be moving of their own wills, enormous granite mountain ranges that have raised the continents, beautiful vegetation and modern animal life with no fossils, and a 'science' claiming that the Cenozoic period is sixty-six million years old. These features are actually indications of the intervention of a higher power in the creation of the earth. A summary of my knowledge of these cosmic events is summarized as follows:

Based on texts written by our Homo Sapiens Sapiens forebears that explain the events in the heavens in the biblical period, since 4000 BC; for example, "raash", connoting "disturbances" of the earth in Biblical concordances mentioned by Velikovsky in historical Hebrew documents that marked periods of only 14.4 and 15.6 years. A few relatively recent scholars have tried to recover the essence of these periods: Herakles by defining an Aeon = ((15)+(15))x300) days and Mircea Eliade who wrote "The myth of the eternal return," which involved "sacred" and "mundane" periods, corresponding to the two 15 year periods in the Aeon. The fact that a number of cosmic events are described in the Old testament bible implies that these cosmic events took place beginning at the "creation" 4000 BC for the next 3,000 years suggests that what has come down to us as a religion was the result of the people having no appropriate vocabulary to understand the influence of a highly intelligent extraterrestrial source with the power to manipulate the planets. These ideas are given in great detail in my book "Miracle: The Creation of the Earth," prophesized in Isaiah 29:13-14 and Habakuk 1:5, (back cover) as a miraculous "work among the these people" has the tone of a power which does not want to be considered as that of a god.

The prehistorical period, during which the current crust and vegetation was blasted gently to the earth in tens of thousands of global-sized water clouds from a more advanced living planet, was 4000 to 687 BC. This involved ninety-nine captures and releases of this living planet 0.2 x mass of the earth. Each capture involved the tidal drag of the planet on the Himalayas causing the slowing of the rotation and reorientation of the earth's rocky outer shell on which we live, the lithosphere, relative to the mantle beneath resulting in 360 days per year, are purposly mentioned in the bible (Isaiah38:8 below) and are obvious in all ancient calendars, such as the Egyptian and the Mayan. The sudden slowing of the lithosphere relative to the mantle at each capture caused the oceans of the earth to cascade eastward every 30 years requiring the building of all pyramids, tells and ziggurats in the world and tidally drew the Himalayas and with them the entire lithosphere, to a temporary equator following the planet's orbit, resulting in Canada being located to a temporary north pole, therefore forming the Laurentide and Corderillan ice sheets being formed for 14.4 years. Its fixed presences during all captures repositioned the continents to their current positions, its indirect tidal effect on the wetestern hemisphere creating the Atlantic ocean in 3,000 years. After 14.4 years, the planet escaped earth orbit when the ocean on it flowed into its interior and the pressure ejected its solid core causing it to escape its geostationary orbit while the core miraculously returned in eight days celebrated (unknowingly) as the Hanukkah Festival of the Jews and the seven nights of Noruz in all other cultures to this day. At each release the earth's lithosphere rotated back to correspond to the mantle (noted in Isaiah38:8 I will bring again the shadow of the degrees which is gone down in the sundial of Ahaz ten degrees backward. So the sun returned by which degrees it had gone down) and the glaciers melted causing ninety-nine Missoula floods that created the scablands researched by J. Harlen Bretz, in northwestern USA. The planet then spent 15.6 years in a planetary orbit of the Sun allowing its vegetation and geology (shape) to recover and the entire process was repeated ninety nine times (the eternal return) until there was no more water on it, at which date the solid core was deflected by Venus and became the "planet" Mercury. This 3,000 year "creation" period corresponded with what is presently called the Cenozoic period, currently imagined to have been 66 million years. All of the soil on earth today was blasted gently covering the earth with tens of thousands of global clouds of water from the living planet but deceptively contained zircon crystals from the volcanoes on the life-giving planet and therefore do not give true earth ages. The fifty-fifth of the ninety nine captures failed, causing the flood of Noah with the ocean sweeping around the earth distorting the existing sedimentary features, but the remaining forty-four captures were successful and left regularly spaced banded iron (BIF) deposits that are currently the primary commercial source of iron as hematite (including oxygen) layers around the world. These losses and recaptures of the life-giving planet's iron core left an enormous gap on its surface, known today as the Valles Marineris.