French Cheese Club


Délice de


(day-leece duh boor-GOGNEUH)

This decadent triple-cream cheese is incredibly rich, full-flavored with a smooth, melt-in-the-mouth texture. The rind is yellowish-white with a soft, chalky-like dust and a remarkable aroma. The aroma can be quite pungent but it is an interesting contrast with the buttery-sweet texture and subtle taste. Délice de Bourgogne is a sumptuous cheese. 

Serving Suggestions: This elegant cheese is a must addition to any cheese boards. Spread it on a bite-size piece of bread for an enticing Amuse-Bouche for apéritif and cocktail parties.

Wine pairing: Champagne
Bourgogne / Champagne
Milk:  (pasteurized in the US) enriched with cream
Type: ripened bloomy white rind triple cream
Pungency: Mild to medium
Maximum Maturation: 7 weeks
Shape: Fat drum
Large D
: 8" - H: 3"
Small D: 3" - H: 1-3/4"
Weight: 7 oz. or 4.4 lbs.
Fat Content: 75% at least
Didier Lincet Page Packaging: paper and cardoard
 Small Délice de Bourgogne package or wood LargeLarge Delice New Packaging
Small with Geotrichum rind New Samll Delice in Wood container
Repack sticker Repack Sticker