Birth | Sandra Birth | Fort St John Birth Photographer

This was a beautiful, AMAZING experience – I am so blessed to have been part of Sandra and Joffre’s birth of their third daughter.  Dad called me early morning to say that Sandra was ‘close’ – so off I rushed to the hospital only to find Sandra being sent home as the inducement gel had started contractions strong to wean off as time went on. So I went back home to be texted a couple of hours later that again ‘Sandra was close’. I gathered all my equipment and headed back to the hospital, expecting to see Sandra in labour. BUT as I entered the room she was pushing!

and then this absolutely perfect life arrived . . .

isn’t she beautiful?

Welcome baby Josie! Weighing 7lbs 5 oz, 20.5 inches long . . .I got to cut the cord!!

Congratulations my friends and thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be part of this miracle, xo.