Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pelangi Kasih

I love this song... meaningful lyric.. uplifting music..

Pelangi Kasih
Apa yang kau alami kini
mungkin tak dapat engkau mengerti
cobaan yang engkau alami
tak melebihi kekuatanmu

Tuhanku tak akan memberi
ular beracun pada yang minta roti
satu hal tanamkan di hati
indah semua yang Tuhan b'ri

Tangan Tuhan sedang merenda
suatu karya yang agung mulia
Saatnya 'kan tiba nanti
kau lihat pelangi kasih-Nya

Here's the loose translation in English, expanded for clarity:

Rainbow of Love
What you are experiencing right now may be beyond your comprehension.
However, one thing holds true: The trials that you face will never be beyond your strength.

My Lord will never give a snake to His beloved children who ask for bread.
This one thing, plant in your heart: Beautiful are all that God gives.

God's hands are carefully weaving a tapestry of life. A masterpiece so magnificent and glorious.
The time will come; Yes, it will, when you finally see His rainbow of love.

Don't quit, my friend. Be patient as God intricately weaves, bringing His masterpiece to completion with each thread, each moment. Watch for the rainbow. Your time will come. Time of redemption, time of love, time of refreshing and rest. Just don't quit.


D said...

thank you for the lyric!
love it!


TelePort Global said...

met pagii.....
boleh bertanya ?

lagu (flash) korea itu indah bangett...
gimana cara embebed link / code share for blogspot ?

aku sampai menanggis lho..lihat clip nya.

Tea said...

oops sori... barusan baca commentnya...
untuk lagu & flash korea, websitenya ada di

Unknown said...
