Phil and Hannah Hoose

Meet Phil and Hannah

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Hey Little Ant

Meet Hannah & Phillip Hoose

Phil and Hannah performing - 1996

Phil and Hannah - 2006
ant Phillip Hoose is the author of nine books, including the National Book Award Finalist "We Were There Too! Young People in US History", the Boston Globe/Horn Book Award winning "The Race To Save The Lord God Bird" and a baseball memoir for adults and young readers, "Perfect Once Removed." For nearly thirty years he has been a staff member of The Nature Conservancy, working to protect habitats of endangered species-- including ants. He is a founding member of the Children's Music Network and a performing musician.

More about Phillip Hoose:

antHannah Hoose is an actress, dancer, animal rights activist, keyboardist, radio host and graduate of Oberlin College. She has been a member of several bands and has appeared in many productions for the Children's Theater of Maine. Hannah was nine when she and her father wrote, "Hey, Little Ant." In performance, Hannah is the child who raises her foot up over her insect father. "Hey, Little Ant" is her first book.

Learn how "Hey, Little Ant became a book: