Some exercise tips for after Hip Replacement Surgery

As I’m wanting to rebuild stamina and strength, I did a bit more research on recommendations balancing the need for the body to recover fully and my need to feel decent again.

First of all, most sources tend to recommend very gentle progress during the full 12 weeks recovery.  This is not a time to start a major muscle building exercise. That said, these are actually good recommendations for anyone wanting to gently get into better shape, increase stamina and balance.

At a slow pace, it takes about 30 minutes to walk one mile (1.5K).   When given the OK by your surgeon or physiotherapist, walking slowly and carefully is an important part of recovery.  Start with 5-10 minutes walking –  5 minutes would mean you walked 1/6th of a mile, 10 minutes would be about one third of a mile.  Remember that this is the time for the full round trip. You want to turn around and head home at the halfway mark.

Each week, increase the walking time by about five minutes or 1/6 of a mile (300 meters).

* This is an area where I have been overdoing.  When I walk too far, then I get over tired and don’t want to move at all the next day.

* Try to walk on a flat, even terrain.  Hills and uneven footing requires extra balance and could cause problems or falls.

* Keep building over six weeks until you can walk a full 30 minutes comfortably.

* For fitness walking, after you are fully recovered, you will want to go 45 minutes four times a week.

Right now, at 5.5 weeks after surgery, I can walk about a half a kilometer round trip, or about 1/3 of a mile (500 yards).  I’ll time myself today to see how long that takes.

After the first hip surgery, I spent some time with Google Maps, measuring distances to various stores and destinations nearby, even some using public transit.  I keep the list on my refrigerator for easy access.  It is time to start using it again!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Zonda Montgomery
    Oct 28, 2011 @ 14:39:48

    Very explicit and detailed info on building up a walking regimen. It will take a bit of time to expand to 45 minutes but it is well worth it. When you add your stairs to the exercise that makes quite a workout!


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