Wise Men Still Seek Him

December 20, 2010 at 1:43 pm Leave a comment

We all know the part that the three wise men play in the birth of Christ. They followed the star. They found the Christ child. They presented the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They worshipped the Christ child. And then they returned to where they came from. That is pretty much all that is know about them. The significant part is that they came from far away searching for the Christ child and they found him.

Just like these wise men of old, we too can find the Christ child. There is so many distractions surrounding us that sometimes we think that we can’t find him. The wise men had some guidance. They had a star to guide them. They knew that this star would take them to the kings of kings(Matthew 2:2, 9-10). We too have a star that we can follow. We have the scriptures that teach us of Christ.

The wise men also had some challenges. For years they had prepared and searched for the sign that would signify the birth of the Messiah. When it came they followed it. Despite the long distances they traveled, they continued and found the child. We may not have to travel miles upon miles searching for Christ, but there are going to be things in our way that will try to detain us from finding Christ. But as we keep going, keep looking, we will be able to find him.

Most of all they brought him gifts of great worth(Matthew 2:11). When we find the Savior he doesn’t demand  gifts. Instead he asks for a broken heart and a contrite spirit(3 Nephi 9:20). And with that he builds us into the greatest person that we could every be.

The wise men were wise because they searched out the Christ child. Those who are wise still seek the Christ. He is the light of the world(John 9:5). He will lead us home to our Father in Heaven. We need not fear when we are following the Savior.

Read the account of the wise men found in Matthew 2.

If you are searching for Christ learn more at Mormon.org

Entry filed under: Christmas, Hope.

Christmas Lights A Night Like No Other

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