Pulse is a virtual-clinical training tool for nursing and medical students. The game’s purpose is to develop skills from time management to quick thinking. Pulse!! is funded by the Office of Naval Research and developed by BreakAway, a developer that has made several simulations for emergency response teams as well as for military purposes.

Students walk through the Pulse!! environment as if playing a first-person shooter, but taking the role of a medical physician in order to talk and interact with patients in order to obtain information to assess his condition. The game’s sound and movements are realistic, which is to be expected since the Breakaway developers work closely with physicians and nurses to ensure accuracy of symptoms, injuries, as well as movements of a real-life medical team during an emergency.


Perform Open Heart Surgery Online
Assume the role of a surgeon to perform a coronary bypass surgery. There are 3 levels of difficulty (intern, surgeon, specialist) and the game is based upon a real operation.


How well do you know the human body?
Images are provided to the user and he must be experienced enough to match the image to the correct body part on Jerome.


Performing Hip Surgery
Become a surgeon and perform a hip surgery.


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